27.08.2015 14:54
Ох, тяжеленько пошло. Долго вымучивал. Надо вписать правильные названия упражнений, т.к. я их не знаю.

Althoug workout is one of the most injury-free physical activities, there is still a possibility to have an injury. Lack of warm-up, overestimating own capabilities, loss of concentration - all this can lead to an injury. Today we will talk about most common workout injuries.

You should probably remember the previous post about injuries which was too common. Generally, when talking about injuries we should talk about what causes injuries as well. That is we have to describe the most important factors that might lead to injuries. These factors are divided into inner and outer categories. The first are pertinent to the workouter, they are his or her particular qualities

Inner factors

Physical factors. Height, weight, age, excess weight, level of fitness- all these factors play their role in probability of getting an injury. Workout is close to gymnastics and bodybuilding and this favours a certain somatotype in terms of being injury free.

Taller people will be hampered by length of their limbs in comparison to shorter people. Age makes it harder too. Overweight people need to take a slower approach to training and do not rush chasing experienced workouters. In the end it does not mean that someone cannot train he just needs add more factors into the equation.

Mental state. These group of factors is made of stresses you experience through life. They have negative impact on your mental state and may be catalysts to an injury. When you come to train you should think of training and put everything else aside.

Outer factor

Competitions and preparations. We know a lot of people who train for their own goals but there are people who compete regularly, even if it is just basic exercises.

We have only one piece of advice for them. Use competitions to test your progress and not vise versa, not to show off or boost your ego. Results in competitions should not be your goal but should reflect your training. It works the same way as with your marks in school. They reflect your knowledge, you do not learn just for marks. Training this way makes you less prone to injuries.

Exercise complexity level. The more complex exercises you do the more likely you have an injury. Workout does not include complex exercises but sports close to workout, parkour and gymnastics, influence workout and supply workouters with complex exercises and jumps on bars which are dangerous without proper training. Actually all tricks and jumps are more dangerous since you have to lose contact with bars while doing them.

Concentration and fatigue. Loss of concentration is one the major causes of injuries. Most often this factor arises during simple and most used exercises.

Rehabilitation after injuries.Getting back to training prior to complete recovery also leads to repeated injuries.

It is impossible to get back to your level right after full recovery. You should let yourself a grace period to return to your training volumes gradually. While you were injured your fitness level went down and it takes time to get back to the same level.

There is a list of body parts which are injured most often in workout:

1. Wrist
2. Elbow
3. Schoulder
4. Back
5. Overtraining

Wrist injuries

If you look at all upper body exercises in workout then you will see that all of them use wrists. Pull-ups? the wrist! Push-ups? The wrist! Dips? the wrist! Handstand? The wrist! The wrist is everywhere and it is no wonder it is the hottest on our list. Your wrists may undergo very heavy loads and they are not ready then you will have to pay for that.

All injuries with wrists as well as other body parts can be didived into light and grave or temporary and chronic. The former are typical when the wrist is not yet ready for training load. For example, many compain that their wrists start jurting when they learn the handstand. The body alarms you this way that it is not fully prepared for this kind of stress. Do not enforce your training, give wrists a rest day, then the next day of day after the pain will go. Your body will get used to the stress and you will stop feel discomfort. That is the theory.

In practice your zeal to learn everything as fast as possible may lead to constant overload and you will pass the point of no return (the level of stress where you still might recover). In addition to that, if you are “lucky” you can get a muscle sprained or anything like that. That will take some days or a week to recover. You need not load your wrist at all during the rest period and use retentive bandage which reduces the range of joint motion and use anti-inflammatory ointments. (про мазь добавил, остальное убрал)

If the pain does not go after a week or two or if you think that the injury is more serious than you have thought before (for example, you experience the pain even in your everyday life) you should really take it to the sports doctor.

Elbow injuries

The second place goes to the elbow. They are used in all upper body exercises as well. When we talk about elbows we have to talk about a very common issue - epicondylitis or tennis elbow. This is a painful condition of the elbow caused by overuse. Epicondylitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the tendons that join the forearm muscles. The forearm muscles and tendons become damaged from overuse — repeating the same strenuous motions again and again.

What might cause this in workout? The most common causes are muscle-ups and one-handed pull-ups. In the case of muscle-ups it happens most often with rookies since their elbows are not used to the stress. If you ever tried muscle-ups then you might have already experienced this unpleasant feeling. One-handed pull-ups are the same story but typically those who try them have enough experience but in any case, the elbow is undegone serious stress of lifting the whole body. Do not forget to warm up thoughroughly and do not try to push your limits too fast. Learn to listen to your body and understand when it is worth to give another go and when you are done for the day.

The same issues with the elbow are possible if you start learning complex gymnastics tricks like <передний вис>,<задний вис>,<крест на кольцах> too early. They overload your elbows and overextend them.

Shoulder injuries

The shoulder is one the most injury-prone joints in our bodies because of its complicated structure. Although workout does not include many exercises that can hurt shoulders we have decided to put the shoulder in the third place. Luckily enough, most common injuries are sprains and inflammations of the shoulder ligaments and muscles. If injuries are not serious sufficient rest is most often enough to recover and get back to training.

The shoulder joint is one of the most mobile. That is why you always need to remember not to use the whole range of motion when you start learning a new exercise such as wide pull-ups and muscle-ups, typewriter pull-ups and others. You need to increase range gradually to make shoulders get used to workload.

Back injuries

Most often back injuries happen to workouters who start learning such exercises as handstands, <передний/задний вис>, flag and horizon. That is the problem with workout: unlike gymnastists, aspiring workouters try to cut off corners and often avoid following old proven ways. They skip preparatory exercises and just try to repeat what they see in videos. As a result, such approach leads to injuries in 90% of cases, sometimes so grave that they need to forget about doing such exercises forever. Back and lower back are very prone to injuries since modern lifestyle does not benefit back strength. We move too little and sit too much and our sitting posture is often wrong. In the end our backs are so weak that even a try to repeat a single exercise may lead to an injury. Probably we will talk about this some time later in another educational post.

It is also worth to mention that when you hang from the bar, your back is relaxed and stretched because of force of gravity. When you release the bar and jump down you put your spine under stress forcing it to compress from a relaxed state. To put it simply, that is not that healthy that is why you better find a bar that does not make you jump but walk off. Otherwise you need to practise getting off the bar as smoothly as possible to compensate the impact.

Serious back injuries are really serious and may stay with you for your whole life. Always think twice before you try anything possibly detrimental to your back.


Again, to put it simply, overtraining is a state caused by excessive fatigue from training. Overtraining leads to some very unpleasant results such as decline of performance, lack of interest, decline in overall health, weakened immune system, lowered self-esteem, irritability and so on. Overtraining often happens as a result of inability to plan your workload and training this is why newbies are often get hit with overtraining. Newbies are always eager to achieve as much as possible in the shortest time and they think they need to train as much as possible. They do not know that they need to train as smart as possible instead of as much as possible. They need to learn how their bodies work and they need to provide sufficient rest to recover from training.


As we have already mentioned workout is one the safest of physical activities but it still retains a risk to get injured. However, if you are willing to control inner and outer risk factors and learn about most common injuries and their causes then you can lower this risk even more. You have been warned, train safely!

P.S. We did not tell you about lower extremities injuries since they are not common among wokouters although they do happen occasionally.