Отправлено: 11.04.2015 20:01
Я способна подтянуться, я способная подтянуться, я способна подтянуться... </quote>
Способны или подтянулись? В любом случае - молодец
Отправлено: 11.04.2015 15:46
Я думаю что-то вроде механизма - больше пищи, больше вероятность того, что все необходимые для роста организма нутриенты будут получены в достаточном количестве.
Отправлено: 11.04.2015 15:38
Если упражнение вызывает боль, то оно не подходит, все просто. Как вариант - что-то не так с техникой. Киппинг-подтягивания - издевательство над собой, как и кроссфит
Отправлено: 11.04.2015 08:25
Углы в тазобедренных, коленных и голеностопных суставах в нижней точке должны быть близки к 90 градусам.
Отправлено: 11.04.2015 07:31

There is a significant difference either you train in Winter (cold weather) or in Summer (hot weather). This difference could be divided into several key points which you would better follow if you want to stay healthy and still make gains no matter what weather is outside. Today we have prepared two simple guidelines regarding training in different weather and temperature conditions. Check them out 😉

WINTER Training

Outdoor training during cold season can bring 5 additional benefits to your body:

1) This is an excellent opportunity for hardening your body. Start training in winter and notice how you get rid of annual flu.

2) You can keep progressing (or remain the same level) so you would not have to start all over again in the spring.

3) You will get an unforgettable experience of training, when the sun just rises over the horizon, exhalation coming out of your mouth, and new-fallen snow squeaks underfoot.

4) This is a good exercise for willpower and training of firmness and purposefulness.

5) The air in winter often more fresh and invigorating, so you will feel well and have a good mood.

Well, in the end, are you worse than that guy on the picture?

It is logical that the main problem of training in cold weather is the temperature regime as it carries several dangers that are worth paying attention to. But almost all of them you can avoid with the ride equipment, so here are the main rules during winter training:

Rule №1: Do not overheat!

Most common mistake among people starting training in winter is that they exaggerate the effect of cold and put on too many clothes, they dress almost the same as an ordinary passerby. As a result, it makes them kind of difficult to train, they quickly begin to sweat profusely and feel uncomfortable. For the winter training you need to equip such a way that you will (!) feel cold while standing on the spot, but if you train hard then you feel hot, the only question is how soon.

Rule number 2: Multi-layer clothing

Typically, winter athletes wear several layers of clothing, each serving its own function. The bottom layer is thermal underwear designed to remove perspiration from the body. And my unequivocal choice is a complete overall than separate jacket + pants. During training we do a lot of movements, which can open our back toward all winds (squats, corners, climbs with handspring and so on), and this should be remembered. The second layer is used for warming, best one is made of fleece. And the third, outer layer is designed to protect from wind, rain or snow. Depending on the current weather conditions you should vary in different ways to combine elements of your sports wardrobe.

Rule №3: No cotton

On the Internet you can find hundreds of websites that promote specific branded clothing designed for training during the cold season. Typically, it costs a lot of money and has fantastic descriptions of its effectiveness. The acquisition of such high-tech equipment is useful if you have enough money, but it`s not necessary for successful winter training. The main thing is to remember that you should give preference to synthetic fabrics that don`t absorb moisture and dry quickly.

Rule №4: Care your head

Special attention should be paid to the open parts of the body: hands, ears, nose. If the weather is already under zero degrees (C), especially with a strong wind, make sure that you take care of the head and legs. In the bitter cold, no matter how warmed you get from training, your ears and your nose are still have a risk of getting a frostbite. So don`t forget the hat, and in severe frosts you`d better to have a special mask, balaclava or buff, or at least, a warm scarf. And, of course, take care of your fingers. They (fingers) work hard during workouts, and it`s not the most pleasant thing in the world to hold on a metal bar when the weather is 20 degrees under zero. So if you don`t have gloves yet, it's the right time to buy them.

Rule №5: Remember to warm-up

As for the training, a warm-up begins to play much more important role. If in the summer warm-up is useful, in the winter it`s totally required. Warming up the muscles and sprains will prepare your body to work in the cold. I advise all car owners to imagine an analogy with the car. Starting it at a temperature of +30 and -30, as they say in Odessa, is two big differences. It would be better to warm-up before (!) going outside, so that you can get out of the cold and immediately start training. If your regular training place is quite far from home, it's time to include jogging in the training program 😉

Rule №6: Winter on the street

Your body spends more energy to maintain the body temperature when you train outdoors during winter, so keep this in mind when you plan training. Perhaps it would be useful to reduce the load. Also don`t stand without moving during the rest between exercises and set, walking and arms swings will allow you to keep warm.

I`d like to pay special attention on glaze ice. It is really a serious risk in the winter, because a bad fall on the ice can cause some serious injury. Therefore, jump down from bars carefully, watch your steps during the lunges and during the warm-up run.

You can inhale cold air exclusively through the nose, it helps to avoid colds and infectious diseases associated with prolonged inhalation of cold air.

Rule №7: End of training session

After a workout you are not allowed to stay sweaty without physical activity. Therefore, try to finish the workout and immediately enter into a warm room. If the home is far - congratulations, you can also add jogging as an exercise for the endind your training. When you come home, take a warm shower, rub dry with towel and drink hot tea. It will be a great end of the workout.


Although winter training is not an extreme thing, it still differs from your ordinary workout. Listen to your feelings, don`t set impossible goals, don`t hesitate to cancel training in heavy thunderstorms or if you feel sick. Be reasonable. Sometimes it is better to hold a light training session at home or even miss it than have pneumonia for a month.

Two more tips before we go futher:

№1: It will be more pleasant if before going to the gym you throw your clothes at the battery then go out
№2: If you run in the winter, then complete running in the direction of the wind, this way you won`t choke off the cold flow;)

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 10.04.2015 14:03
Как человек с биологическим образованием, могу сказать, что упитанность, особенно до полового созревания, скорее плюс, чем минус. Потому что так все системы организма с большей вероятностью разовьются согласно заложенного природного потенциала. Но это на рыбах прослеживается, там никто долгожителей не собирается выращивать 😃
Отправлено: 09.04.2015 12:43
Главное, что стопы должны стоять параллельно друг другу, а не одна за другой, это важно. Ширина шага может варьироваться, опять же подберите комфортный для вас. При узком шаге, для того, чтобы колено передней ноги не слишком уходило вперед при приседании, слегка наклоняйте корпус вперед (сгибаемся в тазобедренных суставах, спину при этом держим с сохранением поясничного прогиба)
Отправлено: 09.04.2015 09:09
Пока осваиваете технику, а на это может уйти и несколько недель, лучше не форсировать количество повторений. Последнее повторенее в последнем круге должно быть выполнено также технически верно, как и первое птворение в первом круге. Т.к. упражнение предъявляет определенные требования к координации, возможно на начальном этапе понадобится снижение темпа длу улучшения контроля над движением, а это может создать доп. нагрузку.
Отправлено: 09.04.2015 09:02
Zml верно говорит. Важно соблюдение общей энергетической ценности вашего суточного рациона питания и потребление достаточного количества макронутриентов (БЖУ), разнообразие питания. Если вы на тренировке чувствуете себя нормально - то перед ней вы питаетесь ок! Если есть слабость - тогда добавьте быстрых углеводов. Если ужин после тренировки не мешает спать - тогда тоже все ок.
Отправлено: 09.04.2015 07:26

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
- Lao Tzu

Another 7 days are behind and it's time to sum up what we have learned. By the way, how did YOU spend them? What do you remember? What did you achieve? Write it in comments, but for now let's see what new we have learned during this time:

Day 29. The new exercise
Day 30: Sport and age<
Day 31. Why are you not losing weight?
Day 32. Why are you not gaining muscle mass?
Day 33. Why your muscles hurt after training?
Day 34. Why do people give up exercise?
Day 35. Formation of motivation

A very wise and very true saying that I have read in one of the ancient Chinese book. And the info post you will see today is not about fitness but about a philosophy of life.

Frankly saying, when I started to workout, I was like most of you. I have looked through many sites and magazines in search of information about training, exercises, techniques and all sorts of other things. My primary goal was to build the body because getting numbers in repetitions is much easier than building an aesthetic physique. And even though I already knew that there is no magic secret training formula which is suitable to everyone and which immediately gives results, but, subconsciously, I still believed that somewhere among the tons of photos and videos with the exercises, including descriptions of methods and schemes, I'd find exactly what would help me to achieve the desired result.

You can easily guess the result. I didn't find anything useful. And the reason for that is basically what I was looking for something that does not exist. There is no single correct answer to the question of which set of exercises to do to develop a particular muscle. We are all different, some exercises will be good for one person, other exercises are good for another one, so when I see things online like "5 explosive training exercises for the chest muscles," I could not help a smile on my face. But these themes are popular because people enjoy getting given answers, which are much more comfortable than finding out answers by themselves. Even if these “answers” don`t work. Unfortunately, not so many people think about the effectiveness of this approach, and even fewer people tend to blame newfangled technique for the lack of results (often people blame themselves).

Just 2 examples to clarify my point:

1) We all have seen those glossy magazines about fitness, on the cover of which you can often read headlines like "Super ABS in 28 days" or "How to get big arms ready for summer". Sounds pretty tempting, doesn't it? And then you buy the magazine, look at photos of fitness trainer* that illustrate the techniques and think, well, if it worked for him, it should work for me too. Then you start to train according to this method. And you know what happens? Time flies by, but you dont get any results (or almost any)! You think, "What the hell? I do everything right. I'm doing everything the way it is written, so why nothing is happening?" You think, "Maybe I'm doing something wrong, if he had success, why I don`t!". After that you again go to the Internet and local shop searching for more articles and magazines and given answers! A vicious circle, in fact, because that way you're not trying to find a reason to understand the situation and see what happens. Instead, you try to use suggested answers (more often you pay for them) in search of a suitable solution. You're trying to repeat after someone, instead of trying to understand and move independently.

Let's leave aside that the man on the picture makes his living by working out and posing to fitness magazines, as well as the photographer earns his money for good (!) images, and retoucher who edits pictures (!), earns money for a good retouch and etc.

2) To understand the difference between understanding and simple repetition I offer you to play the following game. Below I will write a 15-digit number and I will give you 15 seconds, so you remember it. 1 second for each sign, it`s not difficult. Then turn away from the computer and try to write it from memory on paper. Are you ready?


Well, tell me honestly, did you get it? Surely the issue is not the most trivial, right? Not really. Of course, to remember up to 15 characters in 15 seconds and then repeat them is not a simple matter, but the question is - do you really need to remember them?

In fact, you did not have to, because this 15-digit number is a variation of the number of the Fibonacci sequence (google it 😉), so you only have to remember the rule by which it is build and to remember the first two digits and the quantity of digits in the number. It's musch easier:

5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144

But also you must see sequence in this number. And that is what I want so say…

One of the key ideas of “<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut</url>” is to give you an understanding of how your body works and how to make it work better. I try to provide you with the minimum of ready answers and with the maximum information for your consideration. I want you to be able to create your own training routines and proper nutrition by yourself at the end of these 100 days!

Today it is the 36th day of our BASIC block, which means that very soon it will end 😃 At the beginning of the ADVANCED block I will try to explain all the exercises we use as simple as possible in terms of biomechanics and the load on the muscles and explain to you how and what you need to do to use various muscles. Based on that knowledge, after the program you will be able to make training schemes and choose exercises that will be meet your objectives pretty easily!

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>

P.S. I remember my fresh year at my university (Higher School of Economics) and that it was difficult for me to understand Microeconomics. Then I was just trying to remember and repeat all the things and formulas that we were taught. It was not the best strategy, I can tell you, because our memory doesn`t always work the way you want, and if you forget something, you immediately begin to lose ground. Now it seems very funny, because at the end of my education, I've had an excellent understanding of the essence of Microeconomics and therefore all those formulas which previously seemed to be so complicated, now became simple and obvious. And if I forgot something, I could deduced it from some prerequisites (another priveledge of sciences with mathematical tools!). So once again my advice to you is to try to understand what you are doing, not simply repeat after someone!

P.P.S. Excellent video on the subject of how to make the "before" and "after" pictures in magazines and on the Internet:

Отправлено: 08.04.2015 19:00
Ну вы интуитивно правильно все делали. Можете еще выпить сладкого чаю (или брать с собой на тренировку вместо обычной воды). После тренировки, обычный хорошие прием пищи, сбалансированный по БЖУ. Если тренируетесь в рамках 100-дневки, то там не обязательно заморачиваться по поводу гликогена, быстрых углеводов и т.д.
Отправлено: 08.04.2015 18:57
Ну вот, в этом мы не расходимся. А теперь если к ИМТ наложить определенные требования к силовой компоненте (способность поднимать, тянуть приседать с определенным весом), то выйдет, что для того чтобы приседать скажем со 150% своего веса, и при этом вкладываться в показатели ИМТ, рекомендованные ВОЗ, процент жира в организме будет 15 и ниже. Если конечно не учитывать силовые качества, то тогда, да процент жира можно держать повыше. Тут уж каждому свое.
И опять же ни вы ни я не сказали четкой цифры, а лишь обозначили границы, так что простор для маневра у конкретного человека будет приличный в зависимости от генетических особенностей, образа жизни, региона проживания и т.д.
Отправлено: 08.04.2015 18:12
Какой ИМТ рекомендует ВОЗ? Мне припоминается информация в районе 22-24.
Отправлено: 08.04.2015 16:33
Норма - в медицинской стороне вопроса, продолжительности и качестве жизни, а не то, что думает ожиревший европеец, недоедающий африканец или представитель субкультуры (спортсмен)
Отправлено: 08.04.2015 15:42
После того как приходите с работы - не ужинате, а сразу на тренировку?