Отправлено: 24.04.2015 06:14
не вериться, на нашем форуме и в сообществе есть такие личности ?</quote>
да, я

синдром осуждения</quote>

и это тоже про меня
Отправлено: 23.04.2015 07:19

I think everybody will agree to a fact that the one, who has six-pack-ABS, is in great shape and a well-trained athlete. ABS are placed right in the visual center of our body, connecting upper and lower parts. So, if you have great hands and a massive torso, but the ordinary belly, you probably won’t catch jealous and admiring looks.

It is not a surprise that ABS have got so much attention. However, I think the one who has just started his way in street workout from our 100DW program is not ready to have six packs. Nevertheless, we will discuss it before the advanced block.

Core muscles

The core is traditionally assumed to originate most of the full-body functional movements, including most sports. In addition, the core determines, to a larger extent, a person's posture. Basically, the human anatomy is built to take force upon the bones and direct autonomic force, through various joints, in the desired direction. The core muscles align the spine, ribs, and pelvis of a person to resist a specific force, whether static or dynamic.
Major muscles include the pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae (sacrospinalis) especially the longissimus thoracis, and the diaphragm. Minor core muscles include thelatissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, and trapezius.We need to say that these muscles play great role while doing all 4 exercises of our program.

That’s why we recommended paying attention to the right, smooth technique.
So, the core muscles allow you to stabilize your body and keep balance. It is hard to see how they work, but easy to feel. You can do a little experiment. First, do a couple of push-ups on the floor. Then try to do push-ups with your hands on the ball. Then try to climb on some sort of the narrow bar and do push-ups there, holding your arms and legs in one line. Did you feel the difference? That’s why some training programs and different sports include exercises on unstable surfaces. This way you activate many muscles to stabilize your body.

Also remember the fact that core muscles are often the first to give up when you do exercises (for example, lowering your pelvis in push-ups). That twists your technique, and the wrong technique of exercises is the short way to a trauma. I think it is obvious that advanced, complex elements we borrowed from gymnastics won’t do without strong well-trained core muscles. So, pay proper attention to these muscles.

There are 2 simple ways to strengthen core muscles:

1) While doing our basics exercises focus on tension in these muscles (I have mentioned this before). Your torso must be straight, belly – tight. Head – looking affront.

2) Add some instability in your exercises (when you reached proper level). For example we have mentioned pushups on a fit ball or plyometric push-ups.


Speaking about ABS, I want to notice the following:

Novices: As I said before, if you just started you training and 100DW is your starting point, you don’t need to do isolating exercises to your ABS (like crunches). Because ABS do their part of the work in all our basic exercises, they will have optimum load.

Nutrition: You can see in numerous articles, magazines and the internet that: “ you should work on your ABS in the kitchen, not in the gym” and “everybody’s got six-pack, but it is hidden under fat”. All this low-fat nutrition protocols are great stuff, but if you don’t work with your ABS, you won’t have a great result.

ABS are muscles and like every muscle they have a definite size. If you eat well, but won’t do physical training, you will have a plane belly. If you want to have prominent six pack ABS, you need to train it.

Training: There are a lot of different videos how to train your ABS, but speaking friendly, a lot of them are garbage. Especially, think twice about effectiveness, if someone in the video doesn’t have his own ABS or surely takes steroids. Nevertheless, there are 5 videos that have proved their effectiveness and I know a lot of people personally, who built great ABS thanks to these routines.

#1 Sergey Spiridonov ABS workout routine

#2 Ilya Gorodnichev

#3 Valentin Novikov

#4 P4P ABS level 1

#5 Jamie Alderton 8 min ABS

These 5 videos have been proved by results of many people. I use them myself changing from time to time that’s why I recommend them.

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 23.04.2015 07:18

I think everybody will agree fact that one, who has six-pack-ABS, is in great shape and well-trained athlete. ABS is placed right in the visual center of our body, connecting upper and lower parts. So, if you have great hands and massive torso, but ordinary belly, you probably won’t catch jealous and admiring looks.
It is not surprise that ABS has got so many attention. Though, I think the one who have just started his way in street workout from our 100DW program is not ready to have six packs. Nevertheless, we will discuss it before advanced block.

Core muscles

The core is traditionally assumed to originate most full-body functional movement, including most sports. In addition, the core determines to a large part a person's posture. In all, the human anatomy is built to take force upon the bones and direct autonomic force, through various joints, in the desired direction. The core muscles align the spine, ribs, and pelvis of a person to resist a specific force, whether static or dynamic.
Major muscles included are the pelvic floor muscles, transversus abdominis, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, erector spinae (sacrospinalis) especially the longissimus thoracis, and the diaphragm. Minor core muscles include thelatissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, and trapezius..We need to say that these muscles play great role while doing all 4 exercises of our program.

That’s why we recommended to pay attention to right, smooth technique.
So, core muscles allow you to stabilize your body and keep balance. It is hard to see how they work, but easy to feel. You can do a little experiment. First, do couple of push-ups on the floor. Then try to do push-ups with your hands on the ball. Then try to climb on some sort of the narrow bar and do push-ups there holding your arms and legs on one line. Did you feel the difference? That’s why some training programs and different sports include exercises on unstable surfaces. This way you activate many muscles to stabilize your body.

Also remind that fact that core muscles often are the first one to give up when you do exercises (for example lowering your pelvis in push-ups). That twists your technique, and wrong technique of exercises is the short way to trauma. I think it is obvious that advanced, complex elements we borrowed from gymnastics wont do without strong well-trained core muscles. So, pay proper attention to these muscles.

There are 2 simple ways to strengthen core muscles:

1) While doing our basics exercises focus on tension in these muscles (I have mentioned this before). Your torso must be straight, belly – tight. Head – looking affront.

2) Add some instability in your (of you reached proper level). For example we have mentioned pushups on the fit ball or plyometric push-ups.

3) For those, who desperately want to build effective core muscles, we recommend to see next routine from Dmitriy Yashankin.


Telling about ABS, I want to notice next things:

Novices: As I said before, if you just started you training and 100DW is your starting point, you don’t need to do isolating exercises to your ABS (like crunches). Because ABS do its part of the work in all our basic exercises, it will have optimum load.

Nutrition: You can see in numerous articles, magazines and internet that: “ you should work on your ABS in the kitchen, not in the gym” and “everybody got six-pack but it is hidden under fat”. All this low-fat nutrition protocols are great stuff, but if you won’t work with your ABS you won’t have great result.
ABS is a muscle and like every other muscle it has definite size. If you feed well, but won’t do physical training you will have plane belly. If you want to have prominent six pack ABS you need to train it.

Training: There are a lot of different videos how to train your ABS, but speaking friendly, a lot of them are garbage. Especially, think twice about effectiveness, if one in video don’t have his own ABS or surely taking steroids. Nevertheless, there are 5 videos that have proved their effectiveness and I know a lot of people personally, who built great ABS thanks to these routines.

#1 Sergey Spiridonov ABS workout routine

#2 Ilya Gorodnichev

#3 Valentin Novikov

#4 P4P ABS level 1
also got 2 <url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44mgUselcDU">level 2</url> and <url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fN4IP30bnk">level 3</url> – Very intensive routine with minimum time to rest

#5 Jamie Alderton 8 min ABS

These 5 videos are proved by results of many people. I use them myself changing from time to time that’s why I recommend them.
Отправлено: 23.04.2015 04:57
По тому поводу вопрос, как правильнее поступить:
1. Оставить 5 кругов
2. Уменьшить количество повторений в круге, чтоб вернуть прежние 8 кругов
Уменьшите количество кругов до рекомендуемых 6. При необходимости уменьшите количество повторений в круге и выполняйте продвинутые техники.
Отправлено: 22.04.2015 19:47
Дык курсы ж йоги все платные
Отправлено: 22.04.2015 15:28
Через пару дней огласим статистику
Отправлено: 22.04.2015 15:27
Речь не о вреде, а о возможных рисках. Мы предостерегаем отнестись ответственно даже к выбору такой "повседневной" активности как бег. Можно конечно и с грыжами бегать, но уж точно не всем и каждому.
Отправлено: 22.04.2015 07:14
в рамках 100-дневки - не обязательно. Для решения других специфических задач - возможно.
Отправлено: 22.04.2015 07:12

When people start telling me that bodyweight exercises aint enough to get yourself a strong and aesthetics body because there are too few calisthenics exercise outthere, I hardly keep myself from laughthing.

While in reality you can find or created hundreds of thousands different exercises and their combinations, there is also a whole bunch of other factors you can vary to make your training sessions more or less intense and adapt the training load to your goals. Today we are going to talk about one of those factors - tempo.


The definition of tempo regarding bodyweight exercises relates to the speed of perfoming an exercise. In that case each exercise is divided into 3 or 4 phases (either including starting point or not):

* starting point
* positive phase (muscle flexing)
* end point
* negative phase (muscle relaxing)

For example 0-1-0-3 tempo means the following: you flex your muscles for 1 second, then you make 0 seconds pause in the end point, then you release muscle for 3 second (slowly) and give yourself 0 second of rest before the next repetition in a set.

The very same exercise can vary it difficulty greatly depending in which tempo you are performing it. But how to choose the right tempo?

Tempo choice

Firstly, eveyrthing is related to your goals. If your goal is to perform as many reps as possible, then you should choose faster tempo. The faster the tempo the more explosive strenght you are training. Also it is quite popular to train in explosive style not basic exercise, but their plyometric variants (ones where you do claps or hops or etc, so you don't contact the surface all the time). If your goal is to grow muscles, then your tempo should be different, especially during the negative phase (which should be longer than positive). The longer your muscles stay under tension, the more effective the exercise becomes!

Secondly, the speed of perfoming an exercise is closely connected to your overall physical level and skills of this very exercise. There is no sense at all to do an exercise fast and askew (using momentum and kipping), because that way would not bring you results you want, but could lead to injuries. So at first you have to learn the proper technique and become confident in every move, and after that you may increase the tempo.

Thirdly, you have to take in mind what tempo you are training now. I've already mentioned it several times (and I will keep reminding you this) that as the time passes your body get used to the traingin load you give it and tries to perform it with as little power as possible. This is good for the body (because it do it's best to adapt), but this is directly the opposite from your goals, because this prevents you from getting future gains! This is why you have to make changes in your training routines once in a while. If you accustomed to train in a slow tempo, try doing the same routines faster and otherwise. Or try to add pauses during end or starting points and so on. Experiment and don't let your body to adapt!

Fast and Slow Tempo

Right from the start we should warn you that fast (or even explosive) tempo could be very difficult regarding keeping the right and clean technique. And this could happen not only due to the muscle limits, but also due to the limits of CNS (central neuro system), a bright example of such limitation is music playing or different sport drills or dancing moves which could be easily divided into single simple moves, but rather difficult to repeat fast and accurate. A slower tempo also leads to a better endurance training, including endurance of CNS, which has to send neuro impulse to muscles for a long period of time. Summing up, for a balance development of your body it is good to change tempo from time to time.

Extremely slow tempo has a lot of advantages when it comes to muscle mass gaining stimulation. This method excludes the momentum from the move to maximize the strength needed to peform an exercise. This may help you to make a muscle-mind connection and concentrate on muscle flexing. This way you also decrease the load on your joints!

Ego problem

Sometimes people (especially beginners) refuse to use slow tempo because they worry too much about what other people would think of them.

For example they can do 5 pull-ups in 30 seconds pefroming them in slowly and controlled manner, and they can do 20 pull-ups in the same time pefroming them as fast as they can (even using kipping and etc.) Undoubtedly the second variant will be more impressive those who look at them. But when they come to a street playground, they come there to train and not to impress others, right? They come there to become stronger, healthier and sexier! This is why we must focus only on our goals during our training and not think about others at all! This way every training session will bring us closer to our end goals while other will just keep watching 😉

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
В теме: Day 44. Tempo
Отправлено: 22.04.2015 05:27
Вы начинайте свои 100 дней тренировок, информационные посты можете читать естественно в любом объеме и количестве, но лучше по одному в день, чтобы в голове не было каши и успевать осмысливать информацию. Догонять никого не нужно, просто закончите на 50 дней позже. Ведущие после окончания плановой 100-дневки никуда не денутся, так что можете задавать вопросы в соответствующих темах.
Отправлено: 22.04.2015 05:25
Не нужно больше 20, тем более с добавлением круга. Вы подходите к продвинутому блоку, а там можно будет выполнять усложненные техники.
Отправлено: 22.04.2015 05:19
Делайте обычные выпады, или на время уберите их совсем из программы, заменив приседаниями. Во время заминки проводите более тщательную растяжку на мышцы ног, которые у вас в гипертонусе.

Для всех: продвинутые техники - это способ усложнить и разнообразить программу. Кому хватает нагрузок от стандартной, может ничего в схеме тренировок не менять

Отправлено: 21.04.2015 16:32
Насколько долго? У меня за 5 минут не получилось, что я делаю не так?
Отправлено: 21.04.2015 15:28
Заметьте, подлецами тут никто никого не называл. И навскидку сможете сказать, сколько раз за 100-дневку рекламировался магазин workoutshop.ru , который вроде бы как помогает деньгами ресурсу 😃 ? Думаю, Антон имеет полное моральное право разбрасываться словами "идея", "движение", "личный пример".
Отправлено: 21.04.2015 15:23
При том, что сами вспомните, как летом спите меньше чем зимой, легче просыпаетесь с утра, потому что солнце в глаз светит и т.д. Я бы больше копал в сторону циркадных ритмов и освещенности. чем в поисках "волшебного" часа. А почему вспомнил по родолжительность светового дня? Потому что летом в 22.00 только стемнело, и вы где-то только зашли домой, только толком освободились, а зимой скорее всего уже пару часов сонным ходите, потому что все переделали, телик посмотрели, в интернете отметились.
В теме: 22:00 - 24:00