Отправлено: 15.04.2015 17:51
Спазмировали? Я пользовался только народными методами - вроде горячей ванны, массажа и растяжки на проблемные зоны. Может кто подскажет чего повразумительней.
Отправлено: 15.04.2015 14:21
Свисающиее пузо это не только подкожный жир, в большей степини это забитый ненужным хламом (говоря помягче) кишечник.</quote>
А что по этому поводу говорит наука о пиве? 😃
Отправлено: 15.04.2015 10:10
А после Древней Греции, была мода на упитанность и она считалась эталоном красоты

Отправлено: 15.04.2015 10:05
Там после каждого "пофиг" звездочка, а расшифровки нет</quote>
У меня есть подозрение, что это "обрезок" от интервью с Лайлом Макдональдом и это все его слова, а звездочки - действительно возможно там что-то дописывалось или были нюансы по каждому пункту
Отправлено: 15.04.2015 09:08

Today we are going to talk about a really important topic which I want all of you to know. Let's start from the main point - there is no such thing as IDEAL FORM of perfoming an exercise. Some people count one form as ideal, other people count another, some even count CrossFit kipping pull-ups being not worse than regular pull-ups (this really bothers me, but that's another topic).

The idea is that any exercise can have dozens of different variations. You can put your hands wider or narrower, you can shift your body position, you can do in different range of motion etc. And if someone does the exercise the way he does and counts as a right way, well, he may have a point!

When we talk about correct form in our 100 Days WorkOut program, we talk about quality, in the first place, and we talk about two main things:

- form should be maximum safely
- form should be maximum effective

This are the things we consider when we talk about correct form in our program and when we comment your form!

I think there is no need to describe why we are so crazy about safe. Nobody likes to get injuries, even small ones, especially beginners, because they are so desperate to train. That is why we want you to learn how to train safe in the first place. And this can be achieved only if you follow all our guidelines and peform exercise in a correct and safety manner.

But safety is only one side of a medal. The other side which influences our choice of form is connected to the effectiveness of this or that form. The form which helps us faster get to our goals (and is safe) counts as more effective one. If doing push-ups in full range of motion is safe and more effective than to do them in limited range of motive, then we will advice you the first case. And this is the same to all exercises in our program. We will never put effectiveness above safety, because in long terms there is not so much sense in a one minute result, but much more sense in your own health and steady progress.

We emphasize this two points, but we do give you total freedom in all other questions. Sometimes we will even stimulate you to try new things so you will get better understanding how your body is working. Everyone of us is different from others, so there is no silver bullet or one ideal trainbing program or exercise, which will give the same results to anyone. Everything is individual and can be learned only by trials and errors. And not to make this trial and errors leading to injuries you have to always remember to do exercise in a safe and effective manner😉

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>

P.S. For thos of you who are desperate about the numbers of repetitions. They will strat growing as soon as you get stronger. Just take your time 😉
В теме: Day 41. Proper form
Отправлено: 15.04.2015 09:00
В тему мифов очень понравился <url="http://znatok-ne.livejournal.com/39728.html">стебный пост одного человечка</url>, дюже хорошо познающего премудрости питания (кстати рекомендую его ЖЖ. кого тема питания интересует.)
Отправлено: 15.04.2015 08:31
Имхо, кубики пресса - это такая модная истерия. И кто хочет эти самые кубики, в отрыве от остального гармоничного развития (не только физического) у того проблемы с головой. А что б никто не обижался - я тоже с вами, в категории больных 😃
Отправлено: 15.04.2015 08:28
Я читал, что для того, чтобы начать сжигать жир, нужно предварительно создать дефицит энергии в организме путем силовой тренировки (в нашем случае это круги), а затем, чтобы организм начал жечь жир и извлекать оттуда энергию, нужна аэробная нагрузка в виде кардио. Причем для эффективного сжигания нужно, чтобы пульс был в определенных границах, зависящих от возраста.
Правда ли это?</quote>
Правда только про дефицит.
ну да, а то что у людей физического труда могут быть рельефные ноги/руки но при этом свисающее пузо это тоже миф, никто в мире такое не наблюдал кроме меня 😁</quote>

Простите, но "рельефные руки" и "свисающее пузо" это также абстрактно, как "красивые ноги" и "упругий зад".
Отправлено: 15.04.2015 07:15
Селуянов - пока единственный человек в мире, который доказывает этот миф. Никому кроме него подтверждения получить не удалось.
Отправлено: 14.04.2015 19:56
Да передо мной то зачем извиняться.
Отправлено: 14.04.2015 17:47
Для его равномерного развития и рельефа.</quote>
Простите, но это не ответ
Отправлено: 14.04.2015 16:45
Тест для проверки силы прямой мышцы живота:

1) Ложимся на спину
2) Руки разводим в стороны
3) Поднимаем прямые ноги (у кого не хватает гибкости, можно чуть-чуть согнуть в коленях) до угла 90 градусов.
4) Прижимаем поясницу к полу.
5) Медленно опускаем ноги на пол. Особое внимание уделять последним 20 градусам перед касанием пола. Этот последний промежуток нужно пройти за 3-4 секунды
Повторить 2-3 раза:

Если вы выполнили тест и поясница не отрывалась от пола при опускании ног - то прямая мышца живота развита достаточно для ваших бытовых жизненных потребностей. Если нет - укрепляйте пресс.

Остальные случаи не связаны со здоровьем, а подчинены конкретным профессиональным или спортивным целям и имеют свои методики тренировок.
Отправлено: 14.04.2015 16:39
Подскажите, достаточно ли качать пресс только гимнастическим роликом?</quote>
Достаточно для чего?
Отправлено: 14.04.2015 12:22

Nowadays there are too many speculations about genetics, too many people justify themselves by saying that what they have is just a not very good set of genes. At the same time, we are told that one can't get good muscles and aesthetics from training on the bars and so on. Usually, such things are said by people, who are out of shape tehmselves. But if you tell them so, I guess they will blame their genes.

Of course there is a number of characteristics which depend on the genetics and which we do inherit (for example, the ratio between fast and slow fibers in the body, or the efficiency of the nervous system, or the length of the muscles and tendons, etc.). And that's true that some of them we can`t change, no matter how hard we try, but some of the others we can, if we work hard enough.

But you know what? It's all garbage, and it doesn`t play any role in whether you achieve success or not. Treat your genetics as starting conditions. Someone have better conditions, someone worse, but in the end of the day always wins the one, who works harder!

I understand when elite (or just professional) athletes talk about genetics. In their game even such little difference, like a second, can distinguish the winner from a loser. And a difference of a second can be explained by a genetic predisposition. Some people were just born for a particular sport, Michael Phelps for swimming is a good example. But it should be understood that these people compete with each other on the limits of human capabilities. When all conventional means have been used, when all the advanced steroid technology has been used too, when people perform at the peak of their mental capabilities - then they REALLY have got to the limit, the game will be won by the one who can go beyond.

But are you going to become an Olympic champions? Or you are just working out to get a better shape, to become healthier and stronger? Well, good for you because anyone can become better, just if he/she will starts to exercise and follows the diet. Anyone can become even much better if they train smarter and harder and follow the diet more seriously. Ofcause, it will take more time for some people and less for other people, but in the end the result will come to everyone.

Now I'll tell you a little story. This story is from the book of Dale Carnegie "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living". And it is instructive.

Dale Carnegie:>
Once I visited a home of a happy farmer in Florida. But when he purchased his farm in the first place, he was nearly driven to despair.

Earth was unsuitable to grow any kind of crops. It was impossible to grow vegetables or raise pigs. On the site grew only holm oaks and rattlesnakes were carried out. But eventually it dawned upon him. What if we make minuses into pluses? Why not to take advantage of rattlesnakes?

To everyone's surprise, he started canning rattlesnakes’ meat. Several years ago, I stopped at a farm and learned that the crowds of tourists wanted to see the rattlesnakes` farm. It was annually visited by twenty thousand people. His company flourished. Poison extracted from the teeth of snakes, was sent to the laboratory and was used for the manufacture of antitoxic immune serum. The skin of snakes was sold for a fabulous price. Women's shoes and handbags were made from it. I saw the canned rattlesnakes` meat dispatched to customers worldwide. I bought a postcard of the farm and sent it to the village post office, which was renamed and called "Rattlesnake", in honor of the man who turned poisonous lemon into sweet lemonade.</quote>

If someone doesn`t understand the last sentence, then there is a saying: "If life throws you a lemon, make lemonade!". This applies to genetics. Too many people started calling their laziness genetics, rather than just to go out and start changing their life.

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
В теме: Day 40. Genetics
Отправлено: 14.04.2015 12:21
100-дневный воркаут - это и образовательная программа и программа тренировок. Расценивайте это как учебу в школе/институте. Есть программа, есть график. Вне зависимости от того, сколько пар вы прогуляете, курс закончится к определенной дате по прошествии определенного количества учебных часов.