Отправлено: 30.07.2015 14:39
Аааа, я осилил ЭТО.

Day 48. The History of WorkOut.

!!! Today is an easy day before the next day's maximum tests !!!

I have already told you that the BASIC block of our program has more common with general conditioning than with workout but in a few days of the ADVANCED block you will get more information on workout-specific training. That is why I want to tell you about the workout today.

<Я думаю, что для иностранцев экскурс в "далекий" 2009 год и в непопулярность здорового образа жизни в то
время будет совершенно непонятно. Это и мне то непонятно, на наших соревнованиях "молодые" возрастные
категории к тому времени были больше всех остальных>

The information is first-hand since I was one of those who were there from the very beginning in the distant
year of 2009 and saw how the history was made. Healthy way of life was not a trend, it was not even popular,
street and school facilities were vacant, very few exercised on bars and there was not even a term
"workout". No one could have imagined the conseqences of what we had started and where it might have led us.

But first things first.

What does the term "workout" mean?

WorkOut is a fitness movement born in the streets and street training spots. Its foundation consists of basic bodyweight exercises like push-us, pull-ups and squats. However it is only the beginning because imagination allows athletes to invent endless variations of exercises and combine them into sequences making every training session different.

It is quite typical that when I give this definition of WorkOut I get questions how it is different from regular calisthenics. I think that the best answer I can muster is to offer you to watch some videos and I hope that they are able to answer the question in the best way possible:

<тут натыканы видюшки>

Some time before 2008, when these videos started appearing on YouTube, nobody could even have thought of this approach to training. Well, there had always been some exercises and elements of gymnastics but there were no such ideas as incorporating game into training, creative exercises, combinations and everything else that Bar-tendaz and other teams were suggesting at the time. They were the first to inspire hundreds of thousands people around the world to get out and start using street training spots. You can see that it is not gymnastics and you will not see any traditional gymnastics in the videos. Indeed, the people who first started it were not gymnasts and were not inspired by gymnastics at all. WorkOut was born in the streets, people exchanged their knowledge and experience and then there came YouTube.

WorkOut is not just training, it is also communication. Without communication WorkOut
becomes a street gym and all the spirit is gone. I know that it is probably a bit hard to understand that is why I recommend to read the following text since, I think, it demonstates the spirit of WorkOut.

The spirit of WorkOut is to demonstrate to the rest what is possible to achieve with steet training. The
spirit of WorkOut is to make it popular among the teenagers and advocate healthy living leading by
example. The spirit of WorkOut is to spend time together with friends, share your interests, with the
benefit for body and soul.

Where did WorkOut come from?

WorkOut can be split into two equal parts: non-traditional training and socializing.

With a purpose I have showed you already the american videos, because this new approach to well-known exercises was indeed born in the USA. Although many wrongly think that these videos are made in the slums which is actually not true. There was no distinction between the rich and the poor, people just gathered together in the streets and parks and worked out together. People are equal when they train and the only thing that means is that you come and train.

Now it is hardly possible to find out who was the first but it might be worth mentioning that such famous guys like Beast and GIANT were among the first and a little later teams like Harlem S.E.A.L.S., Calisthenics Kings, Wingate Family and Bar-Barians emerged. That is the list of those who became famous through the Internet but they had learned their craft from someone else and the names of those are still in the obscurity.

I want to emphasize that every team and every team member had their own distinguished style because WorkOut was not just a way to train the body but means of self-expression. Why do you need to repeat the same thing again and again every time? The same exercises and the same sets? Why do you need to fit yourself in a program or a plan? If a street training spot makes it possible to do different exercises why
cannot you use it? That is why WorkOut is close to breakdance.

In Russia we learned this new approach in the autumn of 2008 when several guys from One More Day team stumbled upon the above-mentioned videos on YouTube and were sincerly surprised. Embarking on this idea they decided that it was really cool and that they have to train like that themselves and deliver this idea
to as many people as possible. They created a VK group called 'Ghetto Workout', the name derived from one of the videos, because nobody knew how to call this new movement. They started to provide open training sessions at weekends for anyone who was willing to join. The idea behind it was to show that it was possible
to become stronger, fitter and more physically attractive through training with your own body weight and a bit of imagination.

Unlike Bar-tendaz, who provided master classes for money, One More Day team made everything for free. They wanted to show that there were hardly any requirements to join in, just get together and start training. About that time the philosophy of WorkOut started to take shape.

After several years, thanks to simplicity, appeal and effectiveness, WorkOut gained significant popularity between pupils and students making Russia world leader and leaving other countries behind both by the amount of participants and by the speed of infrastructure development. In the beginning we trained and invited our friends to join in but gradually the amount of supporters grew and the Internet became the main source of new adherents. Nowadays there are over 200 000 workouters in Russia.

To be fair, some people in the US are starting to provide free training sessions. For example, famous Beast, after his comeback to WorkOut, pays more attention to visiting parks, training spots and training with different people.

(If you want to know more about the history of WorkOut, you can read the article:

How did I get into WorkOut?

As I have already mentioned above, I was a member of the group who first started it. I found the famous videos on YouTube at the same time with the guys from One More Day and started spreading the information about the videos in our country. After a while Danila Cherkasov contacted me, we met, and after the meeting
with him and Sergey Ivanov we decided to join our forces and move along together.

It is worth mentioning that those guys had years of parkour training in their pockets and I was starting from scratch. I was hardly able to master a few pull-ups let alone bar dips but I wanted to train and learn because I saw it with my own eyes what I could achieve.

I was impressed with the video of Hannibal For King but I understood that it had taken him years and he had spent a lot of time training. Of course, Hannibal is very motivating but I would not have started training just because of his videos. The turning point were the videos of guys from Wingate Park. They were not professionals, only mere mortals with jobs and families but they were able to find time to train and got some astounding results! They moved me most when I saw how WorkOut was able to transform regular people!

(If you are interested I was most impressed with Cruz and Cleive).

What do you need to know about WorkOut?

Concluding the today's post I would like you to remember the next major points:

* Non-traditional training was invented in the US;
* WorkOut as we know it was born in Russia;
* There is no relationship between gymnastics and WorkOut;
* Anyone can participate in WorkOut, without any gender, age and fitness level limitations;
* WorkOut is not a sport and, particularly, not an extreme sport;
* WorkOut training sessions have always been, are and will always be free.
* The main goal of WorkOut is to spread the ideas of WorkOut.

Now I want to expound a bit more on the last three points.

First, anyone can participate in WorkOut, without any gender, age and fitness level limitations. Why? Because WorkOut is based on using only your own body but also because of a huge list of exercises which never stops growing! There are exercises for every fitness level and every age. Everyone can find their own exercises!

Second, WorkOut is not a sport and, particularly, not an extreme sport. Why is it not a sport? Because any sport is a competition between athletes, it is always about getting and being better than others. WorkOut defies competitive part of sport since the major goal is health and self-fulfilment. You can read more thouroughly on this subject in my article "Street fitness or professional sport?".

Why is it not an extreme sport? Because any extreme sport is about getting adrenaline in your blood. WorkOut is totally opposite to that. Its task is human development without any risk to health. That is why WorkOut is founded on basic and natural movements with applying a sound part of imagination and creativity to them.

Unfortunately, mass media promote a slightly different image of WorkOut displaying only the most impressive elements and tricks and forming an opinion that WorkOut is just another teenage hype or fad, a street kind of gymnastics.

What is more disturbing, there are now guys who are convinced that WorkOut is just like this. They cannot see the hard side of training, self-development. All they see is that WorkOut is another way to impress (Adam Raw made a great video on that subject). Usually they train for a year or two, reach some level and drop out because they either do not have time to train for hours to advance further or they find some new exciting interest in something or because they get injured trying to learn a new complex trick without proper training. I have been training since 2009 and have seen this a lot of this in many cities. The guys I started with they still train and stay loyal to WorkOut. They might have less time due to work or family commitments but they keep getting together and they still train because WorkOut has become major part of their lives. For them it has grown to something bigger than just a passing interest.

The next point is about the growing number of so called coaches, coming from fitness industry or gymnastics or just some dubious guys who are trying to exploit a new trendy term for earning quick money without having a bit of understanding what WorkOut is. I just cannot stand such people. They and their behaviour have strong negative impact on WorkOut in the eyes of ordinary people.

Third, WorkOut training sessions have always been, are and will be free. From the very first days, both in Russia and the US, WorkOut was based on the principle that everyone teaches everyone. There are no coaches or tutors, everyone is equal but is always eager to help others with advice or share their knowledge. WorkOut turns training spots into gathering places of people who are willing to communicate, learn and share. That is how WorkOut reaches its goal of engaging more people.

That is it for today. Too many letters for one day but I thought that it might be of interest for you to know how it all started and where it is heading now while you are learning the basics with your 100 days.
Отправлено: 30.07.2015 12:31
Беру на перевод
День 48. Что такое воркаут</quote>

ой-ой. Я уже заканчиваю это. Забыл написать.
Отправлено: 30.07.2015 09:56
епт,если ты здоров ты будешь здоров,если болен будешь болен.Зож это на 90% спекуляции.Если тебе подфортило и ты родился здоровым,то будь алкашом проживешь 80 лет,если родился с хроническими болезнями,здохнешь в 50,бегай ни бегай.Ты посмотри что говорят-все вредно.Сидеть вредно суставы болят,стоять вредно варикоз будет,тяжести поднимать вредно грыжа будет.Лежать вредно мышцы атрофируются.Любая работа вредна.Водитель геморрой будет,за компом зрение,бизнесмен нервы и риск что кокнут.Все вредно абсолютно.Я даже представить не могу,где не спекулируют на зож.Кто то водку жрет всю жизнь и подыхает в 90 лет,а ктото ведет зож и подыхает в 24 года от рака.Это такая херня несправедливая.Так что парится не вижу смысла</quote>

Всё это конечно немного так, но был такой Кеннет Купер, который людей с инфарктами восстанавливал бегом. Т.е. брал изначально бракованный материал и приводил в рабочее состояние.

Похожее делал у нас в советские времена Е. Мильнер, известный популяризатор бега из Смоленска. В его книжках ("Формула бега", "Выбираю бег" и другие) есть даже немного общей статистики и разбор конкретных случаев.

Читай, думай и тебе откроется.

Конечно, всегда есть процент выбраковки, человеки не бинарные существа.
Отправлено: 30.07.2015 08:17
день 47: Кардио. Перевод в работе и уже готов (исправления внесены 2015-07-31):

Day 47: Cardio. Busting myths.

Cardio. Not many love it but everyone heard it that you need cardio to get into shape. If you run or spin a lot you will surely lose those kilograms and get slimmer. That is what they keep writing about cardio on fitness dedicated sites and in those posh magazines, probably the main source of information for most people. Now you will learn that it is not like that and the information above is one of the typical myths about cardio!

There are quite a lot of myths about aerobic training doing rounds among gym-goers but we will concentrate on the seven most popular.

Myth #1: Aerobic training is all you need to lose weight.

To lose weight you need to create deficit of energy, that is you have to spend more than you consume. If you do not have a diet and you chaotically consume food from the fridge, you will not lose any weight no matter how long and intensive you training is.

Myth #2: Low intensity aerobic training helps lose more fat than high intensity training.

Low intensity training involves less muscle that high intensity and it primarily recruits only slow muscle fibres, not fast ones (those fast ones create pretty bulging profiles).

Although low intensity training indeed uses fat as a primary source of energy, the body also tries to conserve more fat for future use thus creating a vicious circle.

Myth #3: Cardio is a waste of time

If you think that aerobic training is useless, then you are wrong again. It is important because it trains your cardiovascular system, respiratory system and muscular endurance! Not the useless qualities, are they?

Myth #4: The more cardio the better for losing weight

Cardio is getting less and less effective because the body adapts to it and works more efficiently.

If your primary goal is endurance than it is Ok to train more. If you want to be fit and lose weight there are more efficient ways.

Myth #5: Aerobic training takes too much time

Since many think that the more cardio the better then aerobic training might take too much time. Actually it is just not like this. On avergage cardio takes practically the same amount of time as strength training.

Правда, ogrudko напоминает о том, чтобы добиться чистого расхода энергии скажем в 100ккал, бегать нужно 20 минут (условно), а подтянуться 20 раз (тоже условно). То есть сжигание одного и того же количества калорий в случае кардио займет больше времени, чем в случае силовых тренировок.

Не стал переводить, т.к. сомнительная аналогия, которую некоторые могут понять буквально. Скорее всего чтобы потратить столько же энергии сколько займет 20 минут бега (для 70 кг чел бегущего 6 мин/км это будет условно 233 ккал, то надо будет подтянуться ~233 раза).

Myth #6: The best aerobic training is running.

Running is one of the most popular kind of aerobic training and it makes people think that it is the most efficient. It is not. The best way for you is the way you really like and the way which is safe for your health. Indeed, not everyone can or should run <отсебятина: and it might be even dangerous for really overweight people >. It is better to choose from aerobic activities the best one you can do and want to do regularly.

Myth #7: Cardio is bad for joints

We have already mentioned it before that there are many ways to do cardio. Some of them are easier for joints than, for instance, running. Cycling, rowing, walking upstairs, <отсебятина: rope jumping, skating and roller blading>. Cycling, rowing and using step or elliptical machines produce very little impact on joints.

Those who believe that they have to do a lot of aerobic training are worried for their joints too because of overuse but have already debunked that myth before.
Отправлено: 29.07.2015 13:21

Дочитала "Парфюмер.История одного убийцы" П. Зюскинд.
Слог повествования невероятен</quote>

Любителям изысканного слога искренне рекомендую Иэна МакЮэна. Для дам конечно в первую очередь Atonement ("Искупление" кажется по русски, есть фильм с Найтли), Enduring Love (есть неудачное кино с Дэниэлом Крейгом, не знаю русского названия), The Innocent, Амстердам.
Отправлено: 28.07.2015 22:00
я балдю какие дети,в машинку играют))))</quote>

Тебе завидно потому, что у тебя такой нету, только в чугунные кубики играть приходится. И мне завидно, потому что у меня тоже нету.
Отправлено: 28.07.2015 19:09
Я люблю вникать в то, что интересно до тех пор, пока не буду свободно разбираться в предмете.
Отправлено: 28.07.2015 13:34
Непривычно приседать в быстром темпе</quote>

А надо в быстром?
Пойду перечитаю инструкцию стодневки. (сам приседаю глубоко и неторопливо)
В теме: 100 - hot_winter
Отправлено: 27.07.2015 21:50
Беспроводные наушники себе хочу, если пробегаю хотя бы месяц регулярно)</quote>

слушайте природу, а не ритмичный шум.

Если серьезно, то наушники отвлекают. Я когда английский учил, ходил с ушами и слушал радиопередачи и заметил по себе, что реакции становятся заторможенными.
Можно спорить до рези в глазах, но любой концентрированный шум в ушах ухудшает концентрацию и время реакции. Потом, бывает такое, собачки могут вами заинтересоваться из задней полусферы, а вы не слышите.

Есть разница между прослушиванием радио и привычной, хорошо знакомой музыки. Знакомая музыка отвлекает меньше чем радио или новая музыка или, как в моем случае, устная речь.

А все шмотки надо мерить! Я вот подлец, хожу в живой ритейл, там примеряю размеры, а потом покупаю тоже самое онлайн.
Отправлено: 27.07.2015 19:52
Своего опыта мало и результаты экспериментов над собой неоднозначные.

К примеру в лабиринте разнообразных беговых тренировок и их комбинациях я путаюсь и не пытаюсь разбираться, хотя, казалось бы, велосипедисты как самые прогрессивные, с их измерителями мощности, находятся на острие спортивной физиологии.
Отправлено: 27.07.2015 17:03
любые стимуляторы плохи тем, что после них выкладываешься больше и отдых требуется соразмерно больше. Это так сказать "жизнь" взаймы.</quote>

Так тебе процесс нужен или результат?</quote>

Так когда на соревнованиях - святое дело 😉 А на тренировках не надо. Хотя когда я тренировался в тренажерке всего раз в неделю, то "здоровая" доза "жиросжигателя" позволяла неплохо приподнимать потолок возможностей.
Отправлено: 27.07.2015 16:35
тем не менее люди тренируются и получают результат.Так что помех нет.Со временем у тебя останутся те принципы,которые именно тебе дают результат.</quote>

Этим сильно увлекаться надо, а когда на грани физкультуры, то фигня какая-то.
Отправлено: 27.07.2015 15:31
Диаметрально противоположные мнения есть</quote>

Вот-вот! Не хватает теории тут, а только конфликт многочисленных практик. В выносливости с этим как-то получше, всё давно устаканилось.
Отправлено: 27.07.2015 15:07
что конкретно не понятно?</quote>

С физиологией мне понятно, а вот практика силовой тренировки у меня в голове вообще не уложена никак.
Отправлено: 27.07.2015 15:04
Запрос был вообще без цели, 100 дневка дает комплексное понимание как тренировочного процесса, так и питания, так и десятка двух других важных и полезных тем. И, ещё раз, ЭТО ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНАЯ ПРОГРАММА, а не тренировочная. Любая тренировочная программа из газет/журналов/интернета - это байда, если ты надеешься просто ей следовать и получать результат. Мы хотим, чтобы у людей было ПОНИМАНИЕ того, что они делают.</quote>

Я столько всего прочитал, включая стодневку, а понимания все равно нет! Понимания в такой степени в какой я хочу.