Пользователь пока не создал дневник тренировок, либо предпочел скрыть его настройками приватности
Участник не присоединился к какой-либо команде
12.08.2015 21:27
бронирую на эту неделю 67-70. </quote>
Что делать с 72-73? Легонько пнуть взявшего на перевод?
И еще ... Я смотрю что пост про увеличение кол-ва подтягиваний стоит в текущей весенней стодневке под номером 72. А в первом посте это пост 65.
А за номерами 65 и 66 посты о мышцах, волокнах и связках. Тогда беру их на перевод. Что там записано за Gunner86 - будем выяснять.
В теме: Инфо-посты на переводе
12.08.2015 21:27
The last day of week as always is dedicated to flexibility and stretching. If you think this is boring and unnecessary, believe us, only those who have not stretched and lost their flexibility can truly measure its importance.
When we were creating workout one the cornerstones was the idea that everyone is equal on the training spot. It does not matter how long you have been training, if you are worse or better, what you know and are able to, everything that is important that you have come to train. The only one you are competing again is you and you are getting better than a month or a year ago than you have chosen the right way. Those were the days, where we came for training and we trained, when workout was workout and not gymnastics mixed with breakdance, when there was an air of friendliness and mutual support.
But somewhere in the way this was lost since thousands of people started joining workout throughout the whole country. They saw it differently, they were bringing their own ideas and started changing workout. Unavoidably it leads to total change of ideas behind workout. To tell you the truth, I am sick of being asked “how long have you trained?”, “what elements do you do?”, “show me this or that”. When they find out that I mostly do basic exercises and do not care of gymnastics, they are surprised: “you’ve trained so long and you know nothing!” and most of the time these questions come from either total beginners or those who do not train at all. The higher your level the more you understand that you do it for yourself and not for street circus.
It happens mostly because the modern base of workout consists of teenagers, they are striving to impress right now on the spot and hardly care about working for the future. This did not exist when we first started it but now this is common place. I see guys who think that they are cooler than others because they know tricks that others do not and they are not willing to share their knowledge with these others. I think it is nonsense.
I will not be talking about that lifestyle of local “leaders” is not that healthy and they are hardly role models. I think it is the price for workout of being popular and this trend attracts all the kinds of people including those who prefer to play dirty.
Well, let’s leave current state of workout alone with the hope that it will mature some time in the future and get rid of all the dirt. Actually all street sports have the same common issues. The first is that they are popular among schoolers and that they discuss sports over the Internet. The Internet is not the ideal place in terms of mutual respect and decency of language since your opponent in most cases is too far from you and it provokes to lower your standards of communication. It is a psychological problem. It looks like everyone is bullying everyone and everyone is being bullied by bodybuilders. It is kind of useless to wage flame wars with people on the Interne just stop doing it and go to sleep.
The whole point of today’s post is: respect others and then they will respect you.
1. Когда переводил пост - хихикал в душе. Как всё знакомо и какие напрасные надежды
2. Кое где поменял тональности и акценты
3. Попытался поднять уровень изложения с совсем низкого (для тех самых "школьников") на повыше, особенно в последнем толстом абзаце.
The last day of week as always is dedicated to flexibility and stretching. If you think this is boring and unnecessary, believe us, only those who have not stretched and lost their flexibility can truly measure its importance.
When we were creating workout one the cornerstones was the idea that everyone is equal on the training spot. It does not matter how long you have been training, if you are worse or better, what you know and are able to, everything that is important that you have come to train. The only one you are competing again is you and you are getting better than a month or a year ago than you have chosen the right way. Those were the days, where we came for training and we trained, when workout was workout and not gymnastics mixed with breakdance, when there was an air of friendliness and mutual support.
But somewhere in the way this was lost since thousands of people started joining workout throughout the whole country. They saw it differently, they were bringing their own ideas and started changing workout. Unavoidably it leads to total change of ideas behind workout. To tell you the truth, I am sick of being asked “how long have you trained?”, “what elements do you do?”, “show me this or that”. When they find out that I mostly do basic exercises and do not care of gymnastics, they are surprised: “you’ve trained so long and you know nothing!” and most of the time these questions come from either total beginners or those who do not train at all. The higher your level the more you understand that you do it for yourself and not for street circus.
It happens mostly because the modern base of workout consists of teenagers, they are striving to impress right now on the spot and hardly care about working for the future. This did not exist when we first started it but now this is common place. I see guys who think that they are cooler than others because they know tricks that others do not and they are not willing to share their knowledge with these others. I think it is nonsense.
I will not be talking about that lifestyle of local “leaders” is not that healthy and they are hardly role models. I think it is the price for workout of being popular and this trend attracts all the kinds of people including those who prefer to play dirty.
Well, let’s leave current state of workout alone with the hope that it will mature some time in the future and get rid of all the dirt. Actually all street sports have the same common issues. The first is that they are popular among schoolers and that they discuss sports over the Internet. The Internet is not the ideal place in terms of mutual respect and decency of language since your opponent in most cases is too far from you and it provokes to lower your standards of communication. It is a psychological problem. It looks like everyone is bullying everyone and everyone is being bullied by bodybuilders. It is kind of useless to wage flame wars with people on the Interne just stop doing it and go to sleep.
The whole point of today’s post is: respect others and then they will respect you.
1. Когда переводил пост - хихикал в душе. Как всё знакомо и какие напрасные надежды
2. Кое где поменял тональности и акценты
3. Попытался поднять уровень изложения с совсем низкого (для тех самых "школьников") на повыше, особенно в последнем толстом абзаце.
В теме: Day 70: The concept of respect
12.08.2015 19:22
Several days ago in the post of muscle fibres we told you that muscles consist of myofibrils (contractive units) and mitochondria (energy units) and that strength depends on the former and endurance on the latter. There is a question: how to train these myofibrils and mitochondria? That is a rightful question and today’s post is exactly about this. There will be less theory and more practice. If you want to achieve as much as possible you have to learn both the theory and the practice
Training myofibrils
In the previous day’s post we have already told you about four major factors of muscle growth. The second, thirtd and forth factors are tied to training and its structure.
Training myofibrils in glycolitic (Type II, white, fast) muscle fibres
We do hope that you remember this type of fibres. Who does not there is a link to thr post: [link]
First, intensity of contraction (intensity in a repetion). Intensity should be more than 80% of maximum. At this level, as human physiology suggests, all muscle fibres are being involved in contraction, that is the whole muscle works.
Second, intensity of the exercise. Exercises have different intensities depending on its type and pace of the exercise.
Third, length of the exercise. Exercises should be done to failure, until muscles cannot make one more contraction beause all of its creatine is spent. It is impossible to give any examples of repetitions and time to failure since it is all individual and depends greatly on your perception.
Fourth, rest between sets. Rest should be between 5 to 10 minutes. Very important! Rest has to be active, you need to flush H+ ions from muscles, so they would not hurt muscles. Active rest allows to shorten rest period in comparison to passive rest (which can last up to 60 minutes).
Fifth, number of sets. Depending on number of sets and number of training days a week (amount of sets and days for a certain muscle only). If you do 3 sets of less then you can train a muscle practically every day. This would be a toning training. It might add something to your results. If you do from 4 to 9 sets then there should be only one session per week. It is a developing training aimed at getting results. Why should you not do more than one developing session per week? Because a myofibril takes (90% of it, the muscular part) takes up to 15 days to build and takes up to 90 days (10% of it, tendons)!
Training myofibrils in oxydative (Type I, red, slow) muscles
Oxidative muscles are a bit different from glycolic muscles. The major factors work here too but training will be different because of the large number of mitochondria, which prevent accumulation of H+ ions.
These muscles are trained in statodynamic mode, to put it simply, without relaxation. During regular exercise you start a movement from a point where muscles are relaxed and return to this point. With oxydative muscles you need to keep muscled tense and to do that you have not to return to the starting point and limit your movement thus shortening the range of movement.
Now down to the training specifics:
First, intensity of muscle contraction: ~60% of maximum
Second, intensity of exercise: ~50% of maximum
Third, duration of exercise: 30-45 seconds. This time is required to pile up enough H+ ions to cause burning sensation. Pain is an indicator of correct execution. Pain indicates that there is stimulus to release hormons.
Fourth, rest: active rest for 5-10 minutes
Fifth, number of sets: the same as for glycolitic muscles. With 3 or less it is toning training and can be done on a daily basis. If it is from 4 to 9 then it is developing training and number of days per muscle group is limited to 1-2, since oxydative muscles are “stronger” and can sustain up to 2 developing sessions per week.
Training mitochondria
Unlike myofibrils, mitochondria need three factors for growth:
amino acids in the cell
oxygen in the cell, the more the better
absense of H+ ions, the fewer the better
Training specifics:
First, intensity of exercise: at anaerobic threshold
Second, duration of exercise: 2-30 minutes
Third, rest interval: about 2 minutes
Fifth, number of sets: the more the better. It is possible to do up to 40 sets in one session. The only limit here is the amount of glycogen stored in the body. It is possible to train in that way every day.
Заголовок для статьи совершенно не подходит! Второй вариант в заголовке.
Вообще в эту селуяновщину я как-то не особо верю: мясо отлично растет без отказных тренировок, только успевай, корми. На личном опыте это прошел, при этом похоже на то, что развивают очень сильно негативные повторения с посторонней помощью на проход самых тяжелых точек.
Training myofibrils
In the previous day’s post we have already told you about four major factors of muscle growth. The second, thirtd and forth factors are tied to training and its structure.
Training myofibrils in glycolitic (Type II, white, fast) muscle fibres
We do hope that you remember this type of fibres. Who does not there is a link to thr post: [link]
First, intensity of contraction (intensity in a repetion). Intensity should be more than 80% of maximum. At this level, as human physiology suggests, all muscle fibres are being involved in contraction, that is the whole muscle works.
Second, intensity of the exercise. Exercises have different intensities depending on its type and pace of the exercise.
Third, length of the exercise. Exercises should be done to failure, until muscles cannot make one more contraction beause all of its creatine is spent. It is impossible to give any examples of repetitions and time to failure since it is all individual and depends greatly on your perception.
Fourth, rest between sets. Rest should be between 5 to 10 minutes. Very important! Rest has to be active, you need to flush H+ ions from muscles, so they would not hurt muscles. Active rest allows to shorten rest period in comparison to passive rest (which can last up to 60 minutes).
Fifth, number of sets. Depending on number of sets and number of training days a week (amount of sets and days for a certain muscle only). If you do 3 sets of less then you can train a muscle practically every day. This would be a toning training. It might add something to your results. If you do from 4 to 9 sets then there should be only one session per week. It is a developing training aimed at getting results. Why should you not do more than one developing session per week? Because a myofibril takes (90% of it, the muscular part) takes up to 15 days to build and takes up to 90 days (10% of it, tendons)!
Training myofibrils in oxydative (Type I, red, slow) muscles
Oxidative muscles are a bit different from glycolic muscles. The major factors work here too but training will be different because of the large number of mitochondria, which prevent accumulation of H+ ions.
These muscles are trained in statodynamic mode, to put it simply, without relaxation. During regular exercise you start a movement from a point where muscles are relaxed and return to this point. With oxydative muscles you need to keep muscled tense and to do that you have not to return to the starting point and limit your movement thus shortening the range of movement.
Now down to the training specifics:
First, intensity of muscle contraction: ~60% of maximum
Second, intensity of exercise: ~50% of maximum
Third, duration of exercise: 30-45 seconds. This time is required to pile up enough H+ ions to cause burning sensation. Pain is an indicator of correct execution. Pain indicates that there is stimulus to release hormons.
Fourth, rest: active rest for 5-10 minutes
Fifth, number of sets: the same as for glycolitic muscles. With 3 or less it is toning training and can be done on a daily basis. If it is from 4 to 9 then it is developing training and number of days per muscle group is limited to 1-2, since oxydative muscles are “stronger” and can sustain up to 2 developing sessions per week.
Training mitochondria
Unlike myofibrils, mitochondria need three factors for growth:
amino acids in the cell
oxygen in the cell, the more the better
absense of H+ ions, the fewer the better
Training specifics:
First, intensity of exercise: at anaerobic threshold
Second, duration of exercise: 2-30 minutes
Third, rest interval: about 2 minutes
Fifth, number of sets: the more the better. It is possible to do up to 40 sets in one session. The only limit here is the amount of glycogen stored in the body. It is possible to train in that way every day.
Заголовок для статьи совершенно не подходит! Второй вариант в заголовке.
Вообще в эту селуяновщину я как-то не особо верю: мясо отлично растет без отказных тренировок, только успевай, корми. На личном опыте это прошел, при этом похоже на то, что развивают очень сильно негативные повторения с посторонней помощью на проход самых тяжелых точек.
12.08.2015 18:20
Так всетаки отдыхать или просто уменьшить кол-во подтягиваний?</quote>
сначала первое, потом второе.
В теме: Помогите с подтягиваниями
12.08.2015 14:20
Вчера на Штукатуре установил личник на 1000: 3:58.
Раньше никогда не выбегал из 4.
Бегаю 1000 очень редко и бегать её не умею, раскладки нормальной не выходит
так что
Раньше никогда не выбегал из 4.
Бегаю 1000 очень редко и бегать её не умею, раскладки нормальной не выходит
так что
В теме: 10.000 км пробежка
12.08.2015 09:06
We keep moving forward and digging deeper into ADVANCED block topics. We do hope that our posts are not too complex. If you cannot understand something try reading it again and then ask a question. Today’s topic is one the most exciting for our participants.
It is worth mentioning that it is not yet discovered exactly how muscles grow, there is no an established opinion among scientists if it is because of new fibres or just thickening of the existing ones or splitting and thickening and how much of it is hard-wired by genes.
Nonetheless, there are four factors which are prerequisite for muscle growth. We use the word ‘factors’ since exact relationship between factors and growth is not yet established in its fullness. That is they work, it is been tested and proved, but why exactly they work it still remains unclear.
1 Cellular amino acids stores
Every protein structure, which includes muscle tissue, uses amino acids as building blocks. The amount of amino acids in the cell is accumulated gradually. The whole pool of free amino acids on the body is called amino acid pool. Hence there is no need to increase level of amino acids in blood stream during exercise. Since most intensive protein synthesis happens in the first 24 hours after the exercise you need to provide fuel for this. Protein synthesis returns to base level in 36-72 hours after exercise, according to various research.
2 This factor is most important since it triggers the process of protein synthesis in miofibrils. Anabolic hormone level is, in its turn, triggered through physiological stress from exercise to failure (?). During the exercise hormones get into the cell gradually accumulating there. The more sets is done the higher the level of hormones in the cell.
Hormones set off process of transcribing DNA information into messanger-RNA (mRNA). Then mRNA with the help of transport RNA (tRNA) and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is translated into complete protein. Anabolic hormones do not leave the cell and are metabolised within the cell within days.
3 Increase in free creatine level within muscle fibres
Accumulation of free creatine (Cr) in sarcoplasm of the cell (non contracting part of the fibre) is the criterium of intensified metabolism in the cell. Creatine phosphate (CP) transfers energy from mitochondria to myofibrils in Type I (oxidative, red, slow) fibres and from sarcoplasmic Adenosine TriPhosphate (ATP) to myofibrillic ATP in Type II (glycolitic, white, fast) fibres. It also supply energy into the nucleus of the cell. If a fibre is activated then the cell spends ATP as well as the nucleus and the cell needs CP to recombine Adenosine DiPhsphate (ADP) back into ATP. Besides, ATP is the only energy source in the cell. The nucleus needs energy in the form of ATP to create mRNA and ribosomes. Spent CP is released back into sarcoplasm in form of free creatine (Cr) and phosphate. However, the most important role of Cr if to provide energy for RNA synthesis triggered my hormones. The more free Cr is around the more intensive the process is. While the cell is not active it contains almost 100% of Cr in the form of CrP, metabolism and synthesis are slow. Although all organelles (subunits of the cell) are being incessantly renewed, physical stress that activates the fibre, more creatine is released into sarcoplasm in the form of free Cr. It triggers matabolic prosses and synthesis. CrP releases its energy within the nucleus and then in the form of free Cr moves to mitochondria where it is being recombined back into CrP. (обрезал последнее предложение - какое-то оно прямо скажем мутноватое)
4 Increase in level of hydrogen ions within myofibrils
Energy expenditure during intensive exercise causes increase in concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the cell. Moderate concentration of H+ ions makes cell membranes more transparent to hormones and activates cell enzymes, thus creating grounds for protein synthesis. This process does not happen in Type I (slow, red, oxydadative) fibres since the high number of mitochondria continue to consume oxygen and the cell works aerobically effectively preventing increase in concentration of free H+ ions and eliminating the fourth factor of muscle growth from establishing itself within the cell.
часть Селуянова не стал переводить про импульсы и т.п. Не во всём Селуянове я уверен![:wink: 😉](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/32/1f609.png)
New myofibrils are grown within 7-15 days but the most active synthesis happends during the training session and in the first hours right after it. H+ do most of the work while training and for an hour after. Hormones help to create new RNAs and proteins for 2-3 days more but this process is much less intensive than during training, when this process is also helped by higher concentration of free creatine (Cr).
It is worth mentioning that it is not yet discovered exactly how muscles grow, there is no an established opinion among scientists if it is because of new fibres or just thickening of the existing ones or splitting and thickening and how much of it is hard-wired by genes.
Nonetheless, there are four factors which are prerequisite for muscle growth. We use the word ‘factors’ since exact relationship between factors and growth is not yet established in its fullness. That is they work, it is been tested and proved, but why exactly they work it still remains unclear.
1 Cellular amino acids stores
Every protein structure, which includes muscle tissue, uses amino acids as building blocks. The amount of amino acids in the cell is accumulated gradually. The whole pool of free amino acids on the body is called amino acid pool. Hence there is no need to increase level of amino acids in blood stream during exercise. Since most intensive protein synthesis happens in the first 24 hours after the exercise you need to provide fuel for this. Protein synthesis returns to base level in 36-72 hours after exercise, according to various research.
2 This factor is most important since it triggers the process of protein synthesis in miofibrils. Anabolic hormone level is, in its turn, triggered through physiological stress from exercise to failure (?). During the exercise hormones get into the cell gradually accumulating there. The more sets is done the higher the level of hormones in the cell.
Hormones set off process of transcribing DNA information into messanger-RNA (mRNA). Then mRNA with the help of transport RNA (tRNA) and ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is translated into complete protein. Anabolic hormones do not leave the cell and are metabolised within the cell within days.
3 Increase in free creatine level within muscle fibres
Accumulation of free creatine (Cr) in sarcoplasm of the cell (non contracting part of the fibre) is the criterium of intensified metabolism in the cell. Creatine phosphate (CP) transfers energy from mitochondria to myofibrils in Type I (oxidative, red, slow) fibres and from sarcoplasmic Adenosine TriPhosphate (ATP) to myofibrillic ATP in Type II (glycolitic, white, fast) fibres. It also supply energy into the nucleus of the cell. If a fibre is activated then the cell spends ATP as well as the nucleus and the cell needs CP to recombine Adenosine DiPhsphate (ADP) back into ATP. Besides, ATP is the only energy source in the cell. The nucleus needs energy in the form of ATP to create mRNA and ribosomes. Spent CP is released back into sarcoplasm in form of free creatine (Cr) and phosphate. However, the most important role of Cr if to provide energy for RNA synthesis triggered my hormones. The more free Cr is around the more intensive the process is. While the cell is not active it contains almost 100% of Cr in the form of CrP, metabolism and synthesis are slow. Although all organelles (subunits of the cell) are being incessantly renewed, physical stress that activates the fibre, more creatine is released into sarcoplasm in the form of free Cr. It triggers matabolic prosses and synthesis. CrP releases its energy within the nucleus and then in the form of free Cr moves to mitochondria where it is being recombined back into CrP. (обрезал последнее предложение - какое-то оно прямо скажем мутноватое)
4 Increase in level of hydrogen ions within myofibrils
Energy expenditure during intensive exercise causes increase in concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the cell. Moderate concentration of H+ ions makes cell membranes more transparent to hormones and activates cell enzymes, thus creating grounds for protein synthesis. This process does not happen in Type I (slow, red, oxydadative) fibres since the high number of mitochondria continue to consume oxygen and the cell works aerobically effectively preventing increase in concentration of free H+ ions and eliminating the fourth factor of muscle growth from establishing itself within the cell.
часть Селуянова не стал переводить про импульсы и т.п. Не во всём Селуянове я уверен
![:wink: 😉](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/32/1f609.png)
New myofibrils are grown within 7-15 days but the most active synthesis happends during the training session and in the first hours right after it. H+ do most of the work while training and for an hour after. Hormones help to create new RNAs and proteins for 2-3 days more but this process is much less intensive than during training, when this process is also helped by higher concentration of free creatine (Cr).
В теме: Day 68: Muscle growth factors
11.08.2015 16:28
Собираюсь почитать изгнанного из сибирских библиотек Бивора ![:stuck_out_tongue: 😛](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/32/1f61b.png)
![:stuck_out_tongue: 😛](https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/emojione/assets/3.1/png/32/1f61b.png)
В теме: Что Вы читаете в данный момент?
11.08.2015 13:10
Ходил гулять по окрестностям на обед, позаглядывал в скверы и дворы: нашел две новых площадки, все в радиусе 500 м от офиса.
11.08.2015 11:56
Не верю.
Я работаю на Долгоруковской, и знаю минимум три точки турник/брусья с резиновым или асфальтовым покрытием в радиусе 500 метров. Я уверен, что в нехоженных мной дворах есть еще.
Одна из точек на территории какого-то учебного заведения на Миусской площади.
Попробуйте глянуть Средний Тишинский д 8, там во дворе есть спортплощадка огороженная, может и инструментарий тоже есть, по панорамам не видно, я через это место, огородами, в Медси от работы хожу.
Я работаю на Долгоруковской, и знаю минимум три точки турник/брусья с резиновым или асфальтовым покрытием в радиусе 500 метров. Я уверен, что в нехоженных мной дворах есть еще.
Одна из точек на территории какого-то учебного заведения на Миусской площади.
Попробуйте глянуть Средний Тишинский д 8, там во дворе есть спортплощадка огороженная, может и инструментарий тоже есть, по панорамам не видно, я через это место, огородами, в Медси от работы хожу.
10.08.2015 22:15
Хочу купить турник в квартиру(до нормальных турников на улице ~30 минут хода).</quote>
в Москве сейчас такого быть не может! Сейчас они понатыканы абсолютно везде. На территории любой школы есть, а до школы точно не 30 минут.
Даже не в Москве, а в маленьком неспортивном городе Дубна от текущего места жительства до ближайшего минута бегом, далее 4 мин бегом, 7 мин бегом, 10 мин бегом.
PS: Кроме того 30 пешком это всего 15 минут бега.
10.08.2015 17:26
If you ask any athlete what he/she wants to train besides his/her muscles the majority would say that they want to train one of the most important organs, defining and shaping our lives ...
The heart
The heart is a large muscular organ, to be precise, it is actually one big muscle and this muscle hangs on in the mediastinum between other organs. That is, the heart has one point of attachment.
The heart muscle differs in many aspects from regular muscles but we are interested in its major function: blood pumping. While regular muscles are permeated with blood vessels and capillars, the heart cannot be supplied in such manner. For instance, there are no blood vessels in the heart since it may impede its contractions, hence myocytes (the heart muscle cells) that lie close to the internal walls are fed from the blood than goes through the heart.
The whole heart muscle contains less blood vessels than a typical skeletal muscle since the heart has to be as effective as possible and works non-stop the whole life. Luckily this is not an issue since the heart muscle is encased with the network of blood vessels and capillars and is thus well-fed.
Two type of workload
1. Volume workload. Blood that flows though the heart stretches inside cavities of the heart called ventricles and atriums. Blood flow under regular conditions is mild but with increase in intensity of exercise the demand for oxygen grows significantly and it causes the blood flow to go up accordingly. Also, skeletal muscles contract and work as peripheral pumps that pump blood back to the heart. If the flow is greatly exceeds normal level and the workload continues for tens of minutes or for hours then the heart is subjected to the increase in size with very moderate increase in the thickness of the heart muscle, that is the heart is stretching. Its ventricles and atriums are getting bigger, especially the left ventricle and it the same time stronger, that enables them to push out more blood in one contraction. This phenomenon is called dilatation.
If this type of workload is being applied regularly for a prolonged period of time, for months and years, then the heart is getting bigger, stronger and more effective. Resting heart rate drops down since the heart pumps more blood wtih one contraction. This is the major cause of low resting heart rates among endurance athletes.
One of the best ways to train the heart in that way is to spend hours in the zone between 110-150 BPM (beats per minutes) or, which is more correct between 55 and 80% of MHR (maximum heart rate), since MHR in general population varies a lot and depends on gender and age and there is no formula that may establish your MHR.
2. Resistance workload. This type of workload happens when the heart has to pump blood into the system overcoming resistance. It happens because of the following reasons:
1) Pumping through resistance of skeletal muscles. If muscles are tense because of effort or static workload, then blood vessels are constricted in diameter. The heart has to overcome this constriction and thus the blood pressure increases.
2) Working on a very high heart rate (180 BPM of higher, 90% of MHR or higher). In this case the heart cannot relax completely and cannot fill ventricles to the maximum volume.
3) Excessive bodyweight. The heart has to deliver blood throughout the whole overweight body thus overstraining itself since this type of workload cannot be stopped or avoided.
It does not matter what creates a hinderance. The heart does not know if it a constricted blood vessel or fat. The only thing that differs between them is that in the case of muscles the heart is also loaded with volume workload and its benefits.
Likewise skeletal muscles the heart under load may go into anaerobic regime with the subsequent acidocis which stimulates its hypertrophy, increase in crosssection of muscle fibres. The volume of its atriums and ventricles remains the same and the minute blood volume does not change. The volume even can go down since growth of the heart walls takes space not only outside but also inside.
Roughly speaking for each beat of the enlarged heart, the hypertrophied heart has to do 2 beats. And it means that it has to do more work during the whole life. That can kind of shorten your life span.
The second issue with the hypertrophied heart is that the blood permeates the thicker walls with difficulty and the heart may experience lack of oxygen and nutrients. The early stages of oxygen deficit provoke more hypertrophy. If nothing changes, the terminal result is dystrophy of the heart muscle due to oxygen deficit, ischemia, which lead to the death of cardiomyocytes and hence to heart attack.
At the same time, mild hypertrophy combined with dilatation can be worth-while, the heart has to have some strength after all. This strength can be trained at heart rates close to 180 BPM (or 90% of MHR). However it is important to understand that the heart cannot work for a long time at this rate. Local ischemia can cause micro heart attacks, which you cannot feel, and deaf fibre muscles are replaced with connective tissue. This type of tissue does not stretch well, thus preventing surrounding area of the hear muscle from effective work.
The heart and physical training
Wrong use of interval training, with spending too much time at very high heart rates can be more harmful than beneficial. Thanks to the general lack of fitness, most people do not have enough endurance to work at such rates for a long time. Nonetheless, it is worth to remember that this type of training should be approached with care.
Strength training is a special case of high intensity interval training combined with resistance created by tense muscles. That is why cardiologists advise their patients against strength training since it can “be harmful for the heart”. With proper approach, strength training is not harmful for the heart (we do not discuss professional athletes, they live in another world by different rules).
(персональный комментарий: в отличие от тяжелой атлетики/бодибилдинга, где напряжение при взятии весов сопровождается сильным натуживанием и сильным повышением давления с сопутствующей гипертрофией, в циклических упражнениях со своим весом натуживания нет и давление не растёт. Это видно еще по тому, что во время упражнений пульс заметно, а иногда очень заметно поднимается. При работе же с весами близкими к 1ПМ и с малым количеством повторений, пульс, из-за высокого давления и отсутствии обратной связи в виде поступающего из мышц CO2, не растёт).
Despite the fact that moderate intensity is the best for the heart, it is not enough to train the heart in this mode only.
During strength training avoid overstraining and do not hold heavy weights for long, fighting for another rep. Give some air both to muscles and the heart.
Alternate heavy exercises with light ones or use exercises for antagonists to offload blood from stiff tired muscles.
Avoid prolonged strength training sessions, two hours of work on a high heart rate are not beneficial for your heart, let alone the hormone system is overstrained too. Spend 40-60 minutes, do sessions intensive and versatile.
Another good thing for the heart: shed your excessive weight at the expense of fat. If your probably exessive weight is muscles, take care of feeding them well.
[Дополнительно: Лекция Селуянова В.Н. про тренировку сердца
англичанам не нужно]
How to find out if your cardiovascular system is adequately developed? First of all, you have to be able to complete a prolonged endurance exercise, such as a run for 3-5 km, or fast paced ride on a bike for 30-40 min. All physical requirements are defined for different age and gender groups, not for your size. You have to be developed harmoniously, although it is very hard to be a bodybuilder and a marathoner at the same time.
The second test is your resting heart rate, which is usually measured in the morning right after waking up. If it is 60-70 BPM or lower that is normal. If it is higher than that then you had rather start worrying.
It is worth to visit a cardiologist once a year. It will not take much time but, at least, there will be no hidden issues.
The heart
The heart is a large muscular organ, to be precise, it is actually one big muscle and this muscle hangs on in the mediastinum between other organs. That is, the heart has one point of attachment.
The heart muscle differs in many aspects from regular muscles but we are interested in its major function: blood pumping. While regular muscles are permeated with blood vessels and capillars, the heart cannot be supplied in such manner. For instance, there are no blood vessels in the heart since it may impede its contractions, hence myocytes (the heart muscle cells) that lie close to the internal walls are fed from the blood than goes through the heart.
The whole heart muscle contains less blood vessels than a typical skeletal muscle since the heart has to be as effective as possible and works non-stop the whole life. Luckily this is not an issue since the heart muscle is encased with the network of blood vessels and capillars and is thus well-fed.
Two type of workload
1. Volume workload. Blood that flows though the heart stretches inside cavities of the heart called ventricles and atriums. Blood flow under regular conditions is mild but with increase in intensity of exercise the demand for oxygen grows significantly and it causes the blood flow to go up accordingly. Also, skeletal muscles contract and work as peripheral pumps that pump blood back to the heart. If the flow is greatly exceeds normal level and the workload continues for tens of minutes or for hours then the heart is subjected to the increase in size with very moderate increase in the thickness of the heart muscle, that is the heart is stretching. Its ventricles and atriums are getting bigger, especially the left ventricle and it the same time stronger, that enables them to push out more blood in one contraction. This phenomenon is called dilatation.
If this type of workload is being applied regularly for a prolonged period of time, for months and years, then the heart is getting bigger, stronger and more effective. Resting heart rate drops down since the heart pumps more blood wtih one contraction. This is the major cause of low resting heart rates among endurance athletes.
One of the best ways to train the heart in that way is to spend hours in the zone between 110-150 BPM (beats per minutes) or, which is more correct between 55 and 80% of MHR (maximum heart rate), since MHR in general population varies a lot and depends on gender and age and there is no formula that may establish your MHR.
2. Resistance workload. This type of workload happens when the heart has to pump blood into the system overcoming resistance. It happens because of the following reasons:
1) Pumping through resistance of skeletal muscles. If muscles are tense because of effort or static workload, then blood vessels are constricted in diameter. The heart has to overcome this constriction and thus the blood pressure increases.
2) Working on a very high heart rate (180 BPM of higher, 90% of MHR or higher). In this case the heart cannot relax completely and cannot fill ventricles to the maximum volume.
3) Excessive bodyweight. The heart has to deliver blood throughout the whole overweight body thus overstraining itself since this type of workload cannot be stopped or avoided.
It does not matter what creates a hinderance. The heart does not know if it a constricted blood vessel or fat. The only thing that differs between them is that in the case of muscles the heart is also loaded with volume workload and its benefits.
Likewise skeletal muscles the heart under load may go into anaerobic regime with the subsequent acidocis which stimulates its hypertrophy, increase in crosssection of muscle fibres. The volume of its atriums and ventricles remains the same and the minute blood volume does not change. The volume even can go down since growth of the heart walls takes space not only outside but also inside.
Roughly speaking for each beat of the enlarged heart, the hypertrophied heart has to do 2 beats. And it means that it has to do more work during the whole life. That can kind of shorten your life span.
The second issue with the hypertrophied heart is that the blood permeates the thicker walls with difficulty and the heart may experience lack of oxygen and nutrients. The early stages of oxygen deficit provoke more hypertrophy. If nothing changes, the terminal result is dystrophy of the heart muscle due to oxygen deficit, ischemia, which lead to the death of cardiomyocytes and hence to heart attack.
At the same time, mild hypertrophy combined with dilatation can be worth-while, the heart has to have some strength after all. This strength can be trained at heart rates close to 180 BPM (or 90% of MHR). However it is important to understand that the heart cannot work for a long time at this rate. Local ischemia can cause micro heart attacks, which you cannot feel, and deaf fibre muscles are replaced with connective tissue. This type of tissue does not stretch well, thus preventing surrounding area of the hear muscle from effective work.
The heart and physical training
Wrong use of interval training, with spending too much time at very high heart rates can be more harmful than beneficial. Thanks to the general lack of fitness, most people do not have enough endurance to work at such rates for a long time. Nonetheless, it is worth to remember that this type of training should be approached with care.
Strength training is a special case of high intensity interval training combined with resistance created by tense muscles. That is why cardiologists advise their patients against strength training since it can “be harmful for the heart”. With proper approach, strength training is not harmful for the heart (we do not discuss professional athletes, they live in another world by different rules).
(персональный комментарий: в отличие от тяжелой атлетики/бодибилдинга, где напряжение при взятии весов сопровождается сильным натуживанием и сильным повышением давления с сопутствующей гипертрофией, в циклических упражнениях со своим весом натуживания нет и давление не растёт. Это видно еще по тому, что во время упражнений пульс заметно, а иногда очень заметно поднимается. При работе же с весами близкими к 1ПМ и с малым количеством повторений, пульс, из-за высокого давления и отсутствии обратной связи в виде поступающего из мышц CO2, не растёт).
Despite the fact that moderate intensity is the best for the heart, it is not enough to train the heart in this mode only.
During strength training avoid overstraining and do not hold heavy weights for long, fighting for another rep. Give some air both to muscles and the heart.
Alternate heavy exercises with light ones or use exercises for antagonists to offload blood from stiff tired muscles.
Avoid prolonged strength training sessions, two hours of work on a high heart rate are not beneficial for your heart, let alone the hormone system is overstrained too. Spend 40-60 minutes, do sessions intensive and versatile.
Another good thing for the heart: shed your excessive weight at the expense of fat. If your probably exessive weight is muscles, take care of feeding them well.
[Дополнительно: Лекция Селуянова В.Н. про тренировку сердца
англичанам не нужно]
How to find out if your cardiovascular system is adequately developed? First of all, you have to be able to complete a prolonged endurance exercise, such as a run for 3-5 km, or fast paced ride on a bike for 30-40 min. All physical requirements are defined for different age and gender groups, not for your size. You have to be developed harmoniously, although it is very hard to be a bodybuilder and a marathoner at the same time.
The second test is your resting heart rate, which is usually measured in the morning right after waking up. If it is 60-70 BPM or lower that is normal. If it is higher than that then you had rather start worrying.
It is worth to visit a cardiologist once a year. It will not take much time but, at least, there will be no hidden issues.
В теме: Day 67: Cardiovascular system
10.08.2015 15:07
Да, это очень любопытно, что заточенная на цикличность машина проиграла машине заточенной на 1ПМ во всех цикличных упражнениях.
по пятому пункту не проходят?
Это даже комментить бессмысленно</quote>
по пятому пункту не проходят?
10.08.2015 12:44
We are at the end of the second ADVANCED block week. Again, we sum up what we have learned during the last week:
Day 57: Advanced technique #2
Day 58: Exercise and fuild intake
Day 59: Sports nutrition and supplements. Do you need them?
Day 60: The immune system
Day 61: Alcohol and its harm
Day 62: Muscle cramps
Day 63: Competition as a reason to keep going
A new week means a new techinque but before that:
Advanced techniques: a way to make exercises harder and bring diversity into the programme. Those who feel that standard technique is enough may go on as usual.
We have come to a conclusion that the ADVANCED block should be more diverse and it has to be diverse with a purpose to alleviate your mental tiredness and monotony of our circuits and, at the same time, to improve the final results for all participants.
To achieve this we will expand our new much-lauded feature of introducing new techniques from one day (as in the previous edition) to seven.
Before we start and get down the fourth week technique we want to share some valuable knowledge again:
(1) the ADVANCED block circuits remain the same: pull-ups, push-ups, squats and lunges. But you do the exercises applying new techniques except for lunges. You can do them as you wish, with the old or new technique. Then you rest for 30-60 seconds and do another round.
(2) We cannot advise you on the number of repetitions. You have to be able to assess your strength on your own but we will tell you how hard the new technique is in comparison to the traditional one.
(3) If you fail to perform the necessary repetitions during any exercise then your circuits are done for a day. After that perform the following static holds at the point of maximum tension:
- for pull-ups do a flexed hang (at the top);
- for push-ups hold position in the middle of the movement;
- for squats hold your thighs parallel to the ground;
- for lunges hold at the lowest point but do not touch the ground.
This capping is introduced to let you recover in 24 hours, to let you go on with training every day. If you miscalculated your reps this capping will protect you from overtraining. At least we hope so.
(4) If, at any moment, you start thinking that a new technique is too tiring, you can always fall back to the old style. You can also switch old and new techniques throughout the week. There is room for improvisation, since we do not have enough statistics for the ADVANCED block to set our recommendations in stone.
For this week we suggest: unstable repetitions.
The idea behind this technique is to involve more minor stabilising muscles into work and create more load for core and abs at the moments where you need to keep your balance. It is easier to show on the video than in words. There is a video for push-ups:
The same principle applies to pull-ups, squats and lunges:
Day 57: Advanced technique #2
Day 58: Exercise and fuild intake
Day 59: Sports nutrition and supplements. Do you need them?
Day 60: The immune system
Day 61: Alcohol and its harm
Day 62: Muscle cramps
Day 63: Competition as a reason to keep going
A new week means a new techinque but before that:
Advanced techniques: a way to make exercises harder and bring diversity into the programme. Those who feel that standard technique is enough may go on as usual.
We have come to a conclusion that the ADVANCED block should be more diverse and it has to be diverse with a purpose to alleviate your mental tiredness and monotony of our circuits and, at the same time, to improve the final results for all participants.
To achieve this we will expand our new much-lauded feature of introducing new techniques from one day (as in the previous edition) to seven.
Before we start and get down the fourth week technique we want to share some valuable knowledge again:
(1) the ADVANCED block circuits remain the same: pull-ups, push-ups, squats and lunges. But you do the exercises applying new techniques except for lunges. You can do them as you wish, with the old or new technique. Then you rest for 30-60 seconds and do another round.
(2) We cannot advise you on the number of repetitions. You have to be able to assess your strength on your own but we will tell you how hard the new technique is in comparison to the traditional one.
(3) If you fail to perform the necessary repetitions during any exercise then your circuits are done for a day. After that perform the following static holds at the point of maximum tension:
- for pull-ups do a flexed hang (at the top);
- for push-ups hold position in the middle of the movement;
- for squats hold your thighs parallel to the ground;
- for lunges hold at the lowest point but do not touch the ground.
This capping is introduced to let you recover in 24 hours, to let you go on with training every day. If you miscalculated your reps this capping will protect you from overtraining. At least we hope so.
(4) If, at any moment, you start thinking that a new technique is too tiring, you can always fall back to the old style. You can also switch old and new techniques throughout the week. There is room for improvisation, since we do not have enough statistics for the ADVANCED block to set our recommendations in stone.
For this week we suggest: unstable repetitions.
The idea behind this technique is to involve more minor stabilising muscles into work and create more load for core and abs at the moments where you need to keep your balance. It is easier to show on the video than in words. There is a video for push-ups:
The same principle applies to pull-ups, squats and lunges:
В теме: Day 64: Advanced technique #3
10.08.2015 12:24
Хорош ли заголовок?
Если текст идет от "я", то теперь пытаюсь менять на "мы". Из-за этого отпал самый последний абзац, как очень личный.
As usual, the last day of the training week we dedicate to flexibility and stretching. If you think this is boring and unnecessary, believe us, only those who have not stretched and lost their flexibility can truly measure its importance.
Today's post is about competitions and our attitude to them. It is not about workout competitions (which are the main engine of driving up the popularity of workout despite their inconsistencies thus we remain in favour of them as long as they work for the cause) but more about competition in general and motivation that we draw from competition and rivalry.
First of all, we would like to point out that there is distinction between competitive motivation and inner motivation and competitive goals are different from inner goals. We are not talking about the abstract goals of being faster, higher, stronger since these principles can also be ipplied internally to ourselves. We are talking about real competition where there is always a winner and a loser.
With correct approach such competitions can motivate much more than gradual progress. Competitions are like revolutions against evolution. If you ever took part in a competition, you know what we mean. Adrenaline, excitement, striving to show your best to beat your rivals make you to demonstrate your true maximum potential, even exceed it. While regularly I was able to do 20-25 pull-ups, during competitions I could manage 30. A desire to win is one of the most potent stimuli.
Every medal has its back side, therefore talking about this desire to win a competition do not forget about negative effects it might bring. More reasons to progress is great but winning should not be on the top of it. Unlike proffessional athletes, workouters are eager about health, then beauty, strength, self-development and so on. It applies to every sport you take part in and compete. Your health is most important and you need to prioritise it over other goals even if it hurts your pride. Do not compete if you do feel well or have an injury, it is not worth it. Time will come and eventually you will reach your goal. First of all, you need to compete with yourself and work on it every day.
Well, We are not telling you that you should not compete with others and try to be the first but this goal does not have to turn into an obsession. Use competitions wisely, to motivate yourself further but do not forget about the major goal.
Personally, we like the excitement of spirit of competitions although for us the most exciting thing is not the number of pull-ups reached but the number of people we were able to bring into workout, the number of people completed another edition of 100 Days programme, how many people have learned about workout. We know how workout can change lives and for us it is the best reason to go on and we hope that we are not alone.
100 Days - Content
In this post we have discussed formal competitions but the idea fits well in friendly contests while training with friends, like “who does most pull-ups”. Excitement is one the reason why training with a team or a partner is more effective than training alone. It does not let you to slack off for a bit.
[пропустил перевод того, как мотивирует это видео – слишком личное КМК].
Если текст идет от "я", то теперь пытаюсь менять на "мы". Из-за этого отпал самый последний абзац, как очень личный.
As usual, the last day of the training week we dedicate to flexibility and stretching. If you think this is boring and unnecessary, believe us, only those who have not stretched and lost their flexibility can truly measure its importance.
Today's post is about competitions and our attitude to them. It is not about workout competitions (which are the main engine of driving up the popularity of workout despite their inconsistencies thus we remain in favour of them as long as they work for the cause) but more about competition in general and motivation that we draw from competition and rivalry.
First of all, we would like to point out that there is distinction between competitive motivation and inner motivation and competitive goals are different from inner goals. We are not talking about the abstract goals of being faster, higher, stronger since these principles can also be ipplied internally to ourselves. We are talking about real competition where there is always a winner and a loser.
With correct approach such competitions can motivate much more than gradual progress. Competitions are like revolutions against evolution. If you ever took part in a competition, you know what we mean. Adrenaline, excitement, striving to show your best to beat your rivals make you to demonstrate your true maximum potential, even exceed it. While regularly I was able to do 20-25 pull-ups, during competitions I could manage 30. A desire to win is one of the most potent stimuli.
Every medal has its back side, therefore talking about this desire to win a competition do not forget about negative effects it might bring. More reasons to progress is great but winning should not be on the top of it. Unlike proffessional athletes, workouters are eager about health, then beauty, strength, self-development and so on. It applies to every sport you take part in and compete. Your health is most important and you need to prioritise it over other goals even if it hurts your pride. Do not compete if you do feel well or have an injury, it is not worth it. Time will come and eventually you will reach your goal. First of all, you need to compete with yourself and work on it every day.
Well, We are not telling you that you should not compete with others and try to be the first but this goal does not have to turn into an obsession. Use competitions wisely, to motivate yourself further but do not forget about the major goal.
Personally, we like the excitement of spirit of competitions although for us the most exciting thing is not the number of pull-ups reached but the number of people we were able to bring into workout, the number of people completed another edition of 100 Days programme, how many people have learned about workout. We know how workout can change lives and for us it is the best reason to go on and we hope that we are not alone.
100 Days - Content
In this post we have discussed formal competitions but the idea fits well in friendly contests while training with friends, like “who does most pull-ups”. Excitement is one the reason why training with a team or a partner is more effective than training alone. It does not let you to slack off for a bit.
[пропустил перевод того, как мотивирует это видео – слишком личное КМК].