Отправлено: 05.08.2015 11:08
56 пока не сделал. Не могу подступиться.

остальное 47-60 сделано, беру следующие четыре: 61, 62, 63, 64. Т.к. 65 вроде как оформлена уже.
Отправлено: 05.08.2015 11:07
very very bad title!

I think it's worth changing to: "exercise and fluid intake"
В теме: Day 58: Water intake
Отправлено: 05.08.2015 11:05

I think that a post about alcohol and it's effects on your training should be very interesting, so that is what I'm going to discuss today.

Spirit (ethanol) – does not contain proteins, fats and carbs, but still has an energetic value of 7 ccal per gramme. By its qualities it looks more like carbs, but it cannot be converted into glycogen and stored in muscles for future use. It is toxic for our bodies and typically it is digested with the speed of 100 mgr per kilo of body weight per hour. There are several curious changes happening while it is being digested which cannot be avoided, but which could be allieviated. You can find a lot of information about the harm of alcohol yourself, but we are more interested how it affects sports performance.

Alcohol slows down anabolic process. It happens because digestive tract cannot extract nutrients with the same speed and is impeded by alcohol. Blood becomes deficient of aminoacids much needed in muscles. It all hinders endurance, strength and speed.

The cause of this is how alcohol is digested. Through digestive tract alcohol gets into the bloodstream and then the liver where it is being broken down. An enzyme dehydrogenase breaks down spirit into acetaldehyde which is highly toxic. Other enzymes break down acetaldehyde into acetic acid and then into carbon dioxide, water and energy. Thus, taking in alcohol, you depress fat oxidation. The same effect occurs when you consume large amount of fast carbs like cakes, candies and biscuits. In the end, slowed down fat oxidation results in deposition of unprocessed fat in fat stores.

More of that, alcohol causes dehydration. Dehydrated muscles lose elasticity, transfer of nutrients and electrolytes into cells is slowed down too. Exercising under these circumstances leads to harm, injuries and loss of muscle mass. Alcohol stimulates replacing testosterone (male hormone) with estrogen (female hormone). That is why beer lovers tend to suffer from gynecomastia and obesity.

We could go on and on talking about the negative effects of alcohol but, anyway, it is worth asking those who are still drinking why have not you stopped drinking yet?

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>

P.S. Occasionally you can see in the media that certain doctors and/or scientists recommend to take alcohol in small doses, advocating its benefits. Most of the times, if you read the source of their works, you will see that they recommend to reduce intake to small doses for those who are still drinking but they do not encourage you to start drinking if you are a non-drinker.
Отправлено: 05.08.2015 09:49
It is time to talk about one the most controversial topics, that caused quite a stir during the last edition of 100 Days but we cannot drop such an important topic, all the more so since we have already discussed the idea that our body is the reflection of our lifestyle.

In this post we will share our views on sports nutrition and supplements and try to explain why you do not need them if you are not a professional athele and do not have any plans to make a career out of being fit. The only room we are ready to make for you it is that if you are prescribed to a supplement by your physician or a doctor.

This post is indeed about the supplements that are often advertised on the Internet or in glossy magazines as a means to look better. The most popular are protein shakes, gainers and fat burners. We have not performed any market research but we think that with these three the industry makes the largest profit.

We will not look into how supplements can reflect on your health in the long term. This question is hardly researched at the time therefore we cannot draw any conclusions on that. As well we cannot trust the information provided by the makers of supplements since its reputation is undermined by bad science or even by clearly misleading so called 'research'. For instance, the tobacco industry in the 1950-s funded research that was poised to prove that smoking has positive effects on your health. The link between lung cancer and smoking was not yet established then. That is why we are so sceptical on supplements but we cannot stop you from using them and everyone has to decide fom themselves. What we want to tell you that the advertised supplements cannot solve your issues and to make it clearer we advise you to look again into our post on calorie balance.

Let's assume there is a hypothetical aspiring workouter who wants to gain mass but he always comes short of his goal although he is training twice a day and eats like a 150 kg bodybuilder. Honestly, that is seen quite often among young guys. We know that there is no miracle and there are not enough calories to build mass. Either he trains too much or he eats not enough. But he hardly understands and thinks that he achieved his genetic limits and starts to think that sports nutrition might help him out since it promises to solve his issue in shortest time possible.

Eventually he gives up and buys protein or, what is even worse, gainer. What does he profit from that? His energy balance finally shifts into calorie proficit and he starts gaining mass. That is a success but it is not as clear as it seems.

The results he has gained will stay as long as he takes in the sports nutrition!

[Что на самом деле является некоторым обманом населения. Положительный баланс нужен для того чтобы получить положительную динамику, а чтобы поддерживать достигнутое, такого большого профицита уже не нужно. К примеру (из личного опыта): для ощутимого роста мне было надо ~1.5 гр белка на кило массы, а для поддержания набранной массы достаточно ~1 гр, give or take, на кило. Это мои личные цифры, у кого-то может быть иначе]

Если вы относитесь к тем, кто сомневается, стоит ли принимать спортивное питание или нет, то рекомендую еще раз внимательно прочитать выделенное предложение.
If you are doubtful about taking in sports nutrition then I recommend to read the phrase about once again.

While the positive balance is sustained only with taking in additional supplements then after he drops it he will return to the results prior to the moment when he started on the supplements. That is inevitable as the sun going up in the east. If you know stories when this is not true then look into the other factors.

Our hypothetical workouter has little choice, either he gets hooked on sports proteins while he wants to look better or he falls back to where he started after he stops taking in additional supplements. The industry will be happy if he makes the first choice!

Do you remember a great post from @yerofea, which says that our looks is reflection of our lifestyle? That is indeed true! (НЕТ ССЫЛКИ НА ПОСТ!)

Our hypothetical workouter does not have a clue about proper nutrition, what constitutes different types of food, how many calories are in there and so on.

It does not matter how hard you train, without proper nutrition you are hardly, or probably never, able to achieve any reasonable results. That is why our hypothetical workouter after weeks, months or years of training can come to a conclusion that it is all pointless and leaves his attempt to reach his goal. That is often seen in fitness club visitors who may train for months without any visible return. They have not done any effort to understand how their bodies work and being frustrated with the lack of results they drop off from training and clubs.

We can understand why professional athletes take in supplements since their results are directly linked with their income.

This is the peculiarity of their trade, a rule of the game they have to play to if they want to do what they love and get paid for this. But even they cannot achieve what you see on photoes and on the internet. To make a really successful shot hunderds of shots are made and the best one is later brushed up on the computer. That is the nature of fitness industry to sell you a picture that does not even exist. These are the words of Gregg Plitt, fitness model #1 in the world, 125 front pages for the last 4 years and he knows what he is talking about.

[все это так, но какое это имеет отношение, к (нелюбимому) примеру, к соревнующимся кроссфиттерам, которых можно наблюдать безо всякой ретуши, а в совершенно неприглядном потном виде, прямо в процессе соревнований? Да и полно таких фитнесс-тренеров и атлетов на youtube на которых можно ориентироваться, тоже безо всякой ретуши. Зачем вообще ориентироваться на МОДЕЛЕЙ, вместо живых людей которые могут сделать что-то кроме позы? Тем более на такого идиота как Плитт, который погиб как полный м....к во время съемки очередной рекламы. ]

Кстати, вот все фотографии с одной из фотосессий с ним, вроде как для обложки журнала - http://lianasaadi.zenfolio.com/plitt/h1B0D4594#h1b0d4594 (линк уже битый, к сожалению но суть в том, что там было около 700 почти одинаковых фотографий, из которых затем выбирается всего пара тройка лучших). Как вы понимаете, кадр, который попадает на обложку, всего лишь один из нескольких сотен!!!

[ нет смысла показывать фото, которое уже удалено 😉 => нет смысла переводить ]

If you want to dedicate your effort to improve youself then I am asking you to think it over if you really need any supplements. Are you trying to solve a quick solution to a long-standing problem? I do not want to disappoint you but there are no quick solutions and that means if you want results then you have to change your lifestyle. That gets us back to @yerofea's post. (ЭТОТ ТЕКСТ ЛИШЕН СМЫСЛА БЕЗ ССЫЛКИ НА ПОСТ, повторно)

Can you achieve great results without any supplements, only with training and proper diet?
Indeed you can. I know a great number of real life guys who succeeded in that. Was it hard? It was! If you want to look better, if you want to be stronger then you have to spend more time training and take care of your diet. At least workout allows to make it versatile and not boring.

An worthwhile interjection from ogrudko:

I want to emphasise that in the former Soviet Union countries controls over sports nutrition and supplements are quite laxed and there is no guarantee that the inside concur with the outside.

[Линк удален, т.к. он на русском. Смысл постить его в английский текст?]

Отправлено: 04.08.2015 22:42
Этим летом немного "заэкспериментировался". Подтягивания с 17-18 упали до 15-16, т.е. от цели я отдалился вместо того, чтобы приблизиться. Поэтому решил поиграть в готовую программу.
Выбор был:
1) программа Армстронга. Используется в реальности в USMC, по многочисленным отзывам работает
2) программа 50 подтягиваний. По отзывам - говно, не работает
3) Recon Ron - что-то среднее между армстронгом и 50 подтягиваниями. По отзывам от USMC - работает
4) программа от drill instructor. нашел после того как начал своё. По отзывам из USMC - работает.

Выбор выпал на Армстронга. Было любопытно, смогу ли тренироваться каждый день, т.к. привычка была к трем дням в неделю. Количество подтягиваний за тренировку доходило до ~90, отжиманий обычно ~180

Отличия от канона: отжимания не делаются отдельно по утрам. Отжимания делаю после подтягиваний и одного подхода на пресс до отказа. Отжимания сначала были 2 подхода, сейчас делаю 2 подхода алмазных по 30 и 2 подхода обычных по 30. Темп 1 сек на отжимание, подходы каждую вторую минуту.
Пятый день всегда повторение тренировки первого дня до отказа, это самое сложное всегда. Ну и еще некоторый разброд в тренировочных сетах, там попытка выжать максимум игрой с количеством в сете.

В конце третьей недели добавил еще один сет, шестой, в пятый день, т.к. ощущалось, что могу еще добить. Тоже самое, в начале четвертой недели добавил разминочный подход и шестой подход в подходах до отказа.

Ну там еще случается бег до, блок на ноги после... и т.п. Если вычесть нерегулярный бег, то вся тренировка с разминкой и ногами ~30 минут, 5 раз в неделю. После тренировки обязательно полноценная порция белка-изолята (25-30 гр белка за заход). Вполне вероятно, что это один из факторов хорошего самочувствия.

на данный момент самоощущение прекрасное, лучше чем если бы я продолжал убиваться 3 раза в неделю. Общий объем выполенной работы даже выше чем с тремя разами в неделю - это удивительно. Правда сегодня, в третий день четвертой недели мышцы уже начинают сдавать, после рекордной лесенки вчера сделал заданное с трудом. Посмотрим, что будет завтра и послезавтра.

Очень нравится общее состояние без сильного утомления на следующий день после тренировки. Какой-то непривычный контраст для меня, после привычки убиваться длительными тренировками на велике и в зале.

Результаты работы ниже:

Неделя 1
День 1: 12-10-10 12-10-9 (63) - тут был другой "протокол".
День 2: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 +6-9 (60)
День 3: 5-5-5 + 5-5-5 + 5-6-6 (47)
День 4: 5-5-6 + 6-6-6 + 6-6-7 (53)
День 5: 15-9-7-7-7 (45) = День 1
Итого 268

Неделя 2
День 1: 15-9-8-7-8 (47)
День 2: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 +8-8 (61)
День 3: 6-6-6 + 6-6-6 + 6-6-7 (55)
День 4: 6-6-6 + 6-6-6 + 6-6-6-6-6-6 (72)
День 5: 16-10-8-7-8 (49) = День 1
Итого 284

Неделя 3
День 1: 17-10-9-8-7 (50)
День 2: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 +8-8 (61)
День 3: 7-7-7 + 7-7-7 + 7-7-7 (63)
День 4: 7-6-6 + 7-6-6-7 + 7-6-6-6-7-7 (84)
День 5: 17-9-8-8-8 +7 (57) = День 1
Итого 315

Неделя 4
День 1: (3-) 17-11-9-8-7-6 (60)
День 2: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 +7-7 (69)
День 3: 7-7-7 + 7-7-7 + 7-7-7 (63)
День 4:
День 5:

Отправлено: 04.08.2015 16:29

Drinking water during exercise is a very controversial topic. There are many opinions and many strong supporters of the opinions. Personally I do ocassionally I drink water during training and ocassionally I do not. It depends on the duration, intensity, general feelings and temperature outside, in the end it depends on whether I want to drink or not. Two-three years ago I drank more water while intensity and volume were lower. Now I want to take a sip only after a very intensive set, for instance, after a maximum pull-up set (goal – 30, I can do easily 20-25). Thus I think there is a connection between training volume, intensity and fitness level and thirst. That seems quite logical: the easier the load the less energy you spend.

While my own thoughts on this issue is not enough. So here is an opinion of a scientist, Svetlana Runenko (docent of the department of physical therapy and sports medicine of First Moscow Medical University I.M.Sechenova):

Svetlana Runenko:>
You have to drink at least 1.5-2 l of liquid daily. If you train then you have to drink even more than that, especially in summer or during hot weather. During exercising your body loses not only water, but also electolites what can lead to internal organ malfunctions.

There is an ancient belief among old-school coaches who forbid to drink water during training. There may be very special exceptions (if we are talking about elite athletes and competitive sports) to the rule when you really should not drink a lot of liquid, but you still should drink while you train, taking 100-150 ml every 15-20 minutes.

The taboo on drinking is often associated with losing weight. There is a belief, based on the fact that body fat contains 90% of water, that losing water helps with slimming down. This is an illusion. The same rule applies to excessive sweating in sauna: it does not make you slimmer, it only causes temporary dehydration. The amount of fat cells remains the same. Torturing yourself like this does not help, quite otherwise, it might lead to ruining normal function of the body: to drops in blood pressure, heart rhythm issues, blood viscosity changes.

To replinish your liquid loses you do not need special drinks, just plain moderately mineralised water.</quote>

I think this is a quite good answer, although leaving some white spaces. There are might be different approaches to drinking while training but there is a very common piece of advice: do not drink much in one take! First of all, you might want to drink more than you think because of the dry mouth. Secondly, too much water in your stomach might make your stomach feel heavy and uncomfortable and this might impede your training. Thirdly, it might overload your heart. That is you'd rather follow the advice given above and drink in small gulps.

Thus, I would recommend to drink 1-2 small gulps during your 30-60 second rest between sets, just to refresh yourself.

A piece of advice from Sergey Ilyukov, a sport doctor, who works with many elite athletes. He recommends to take notice of the colour of your urine. The urine should be clear and of light straw colour. The darker the urine the higher the load on kidneys and higher the dehydration.

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
В теме: Day 58: Water intake
Отправлено: 04.08.2015 15:18
56 пока пропускаю - там вдумчиво переводить надо 😉

не слышу отзывов от читателей!
Отправлено: 04.08.2015 14:57

The first week of the ADVANCED block is over and now it is time to sum up what we have learn this week:

Day 50: ADVANCED block training scheme
Day 51: Pull-ups revisited
Day 52: Squats revisited
Day 53: Push-ups revisited
Day 54: Lunges revisited
Day 55: Listen to yourself
Day 56: Fighting bad science

We keep getting the BASIC block results and calculating participant statistics. If you have not reported your results, please, share them with us. Since there is a new week about to start it is time to introduce another advanced technique.

Advanced techiniques are the ways to bring complexity and variety into our programme. If the standard technique is enough for you at the moment just keep it that way for a time being.

(1) The ADVANCED block circuits remain the same: pull-ups, push-ups, squats and lunges. But you do the exercises applying new techniques. You can do them as you wish, with the old or new technique. Then you rest for 30-60 seconds and do another round.

(2) We cannot advise you on the number of repetitions. You have to be able to assess your strength on your own but we will tell you how hard the new technique is in comparison to the traditional one.

(3) If you fail to perform the necessary repetitions during any exercise then your circuits are done for a day. After that perform the following static holds at the point of maximum tension:

- for pull-ups do a flexed hang (at the top);
- for push-ups hold position in the middle of the movement;
- for squats hold your thighs parallel to the ground.

This rules are introduced to let you recover in 24 hours, to let you go on with training every day. If you miscalculated your reps this capping will protect you from overtraining. At least we hope so.

(4) If, at any moment, you start to think that a new technique is too tiring, you can always get back to the BASIC block style. You can also switch between new and basic techniques throughout the week. There is always a room for improvisation, since we do not have enough statistics for the ADVANCED block to set our recommendations in stone.</quote>
Reminder: (a piece from Day 50)

Now let's get back to our main topic:


Today we will learn a new technique which adds more movements to your traditional exercises. The idea is simple - you make a rep then make a step to the left/right (you can also try stepping forward/back) and then do another rep.

This is how it works for pull-ups: when you do a rep you move left or right on the bar and then you do another rep. There is a video to make it clearer:

The same principle applies to push-ups and squats and lunges:

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 04.08.2015 13:12

One of the most important qualities we want to develop in our participants during the programme is the ability to listen and understand their bodies. You have successfully completed the first half of the programme, but there is a lot more for you to come. The more intense the exercise are the more you need to pay attention to what your body tells you. Believe us, you do need to pay attention because it both makes your training more effective and safer and helps you to avoid unnecessary injuries and breaks in training.

I bet that you have already experienced the feeling, when training does not feel right and you'd better stop than go on or, otherwise, you felt elated and wanted to move mountains. Such things happen and they are so personal and irregular that you cannot count on them in your training programme with given numers of reps and sets.

Suggest you started your training session and feel that something is going wrong. Probably it is a knee ache or your breath is harder than usually, anything like that. You can ignore the signs and keep doing your sets and reps but ignoring the signs might lead you to injuries like sprain or dislocation or anything similiar. Your body alarms you, telling you that it does not want to train today as much as you want. You have to listen and change your plans accordingly. If you insist, then it has to yield and dig deep and god knows where it might lead you.

However you also have to learn to distinguish these ocassions from cases of plain laziness. That is what it means to listen to your body. Here are some of the signals you have to pay attention to:

Pain, during or after exercising

We have already mentioned that you must not workout through pain or if pain accurs right after you finish the training. One of the main features of WorkOut is natural movements which we have been doing everyday through out our lives from the moment we were born, that is why you should not have pain with proper technique. If there is pain then something has gone wrong.

There are multiple reasons of pain accurance, but we will not be discussing them right now. We can only tell you, once again, that you must not try cheating pain with pills or anything like that but you must find the source of the pain and fix it.

Unpleasant feelings in joints and muscles (pulls, clicks and so on)

If you have not warmed up well enough before the main session your joints can click or crackle during your training, but it should go away after the first several reps. Also these feelings should not be discomforting or unpleasant. Otherwise you might probably have a more serious issue than you think and every next rep only exacerbating it.

The solution is simple. If you feel that something has gone wrong or you just do not like the way you feel then you had better stop. If a click is caused by inflammation then rest is the best option for you right now and if you do not want to then stop and get back in a couple of days. If you keep training through pain then you only make your condition worse lengthening the time you will needed to recover. If you really ignore the issue and keep working out you might get into much bigger trouble instead of a small one.

When you are planning to do WorkOut all your life (to keep yourself fit and healthy and strong and so on), a couple of days of rest will not hurt you, so stay flexible. Bruce Lee's famous saying goes like this: “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water.”

General tiredness (tiredness, irritability, insomnia or sleepiness)

We do not always feel ourselves 100% ready to challenges. There are times when you have a training session scheduled, but you feel tired and/or sleepy from accumulated fatigue and so on. Is it worth training in a condition like this?

There is no clear answer to that. You may skip the session as well as make it just easier. When you are tired you cannot concentrate well on technique and loss of concentration increases risk of injury.

Natural causes such as low or high atmospheric pressure and its rapid changes, magnetic storms can cause feeling of fatigue too. Do you have to try to squeeze 100% out of your body? We would rather say no than yes since your body is already under stress and putting more pressure on it will not help.

Our programme was developed the way to make you able to exercise every day using adaptive number of reps in each set of the circuit, but to make this scheme work you need to determine these numbers on your own. If you come up with lower numbers then the programme will not be as effective as planned, and if you go for higher numbers, then you will not be able to recover in time for the next session. You have to find out the right numbers for you by trials and error.

The same principle applies to technique. We present the most common version based on human biomechanics. Theoretically it should fit most of you, but we are all different and the common version might not work for you. Here you have to define what exactly the basic movement is and make changes to it according to your abilities and limitations.

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 04.08.2015 10:09
Клёвый костюмный сериал Turn ("Шпион" по русски кажется).
Есть два сезона.
Отправлено: 04.08.2015 10:07
Хотелось для чистоты эксперимента позаниматься как написано.</quote>

Проходи уровень не минимум за месяц а за 1-2 недели, пока не упрешься в реально сложные упражнения.</quote>

КМК да. Но вот с какой-то разумной программой там косяк. Я так и не понял сколько и чего надо делать. Только к чему стремиться.
Отправлено: 04.08.2015 09:28
One cannot stop time and although it is hard to believe but we have happily crossed the equator of our educational programme. It seems like we have just started, haven't we? Well, we have another half to go but let's first sum up the last week:

Day 43: The last week of the BASIC block
Day 44: Tempo
Day 45: Core muscles and ABS
Day 46: 3 popular myths of strength training
Day 47: Cardio: busting myths
Day 48: What is Workout?
Day 49: The end of the BASIC block

50 days that is quite a lot of time and since we spent the previous day testing for our maximums then it is well-earned rest day for you today. But do not relax too much, we have in stores something completely new for you in our ADVANCED block. Watch the video for the details:


We have decided that the ADVANCED block should be more diverse and it has to be diverse with a purpose to alleviate your mental tiredness and monotony of our circuits and, at the same time, to improve the final results for all participants.

To achieve this we will expand our new much-lauded feature of introducing new techniques from one day (as in the previous edition) to seven.

Before we start and get down to the first week technique we want to share some valuable knowledge:

(1) the ADVANCED block circuits remain the same: pull-ups, push-ups, squats and lunges. But you do the exercises applying new techniques except for lunges. You can do them as you wish, with the old or new technique. Then you rest for 30-60 seconds and do another round.

(2) We cannot advise you on the number of repetitions. You have to be able to assess your strength on your own but we will tell you how hard the new technique is in comparison to the traditional one.

(3) If you fail to perform the necessary repetitions during any exercise then your circuits are done for a day. After that perform the following static holds at the point of maximum tension:

- for pull-ups do a flexed hang (at the top);
- for push-ups hold position in the middle of the movement;
- for squats hold your thighs parallel to the ground.

This capping is introduced to let you recover in 24 hours, to let you go on with training every day. If you miscalculated your reps this capping will protect you from overtraining. At least we hope so.

(4) If, at any moment, you start thinking that a new technique is too tiring, you can always fall back to the old style. You can also switch old and new techniques throughout the week. There is room for improvisation, since we do not have enough statistics for the ADVANCED block to set our recommendations in stone.

That is practically everything we wanted to tell you and now we get down to our first variation ....
Technique: pauses

Today we start with the technique that adds intensity to your regular exercises combining both static and dynamic strengths into one. You have to make a pause for a second or two at the bottom/top of the movement. If you can do a lot of reps, like 20, then pause for five seconds every five reps.

Let's apply pauses to pull-ups. From the initial dead hang position you pull yourself to the bar and hold there for 1-2 seconds, after that you get down to the initial position. This is one repetition.

The same principle applies to push-ups, squats and lunges:


With these two exercises you can pause in both top and bottom positions. In the top position legs should not be locked to keep tension in the muscles during the whole repetition.

This technique is the simplest among those that are waiting for you in the ADVANCED block. The number of reps can be the same as with the traditional BASIC block technique.

Break a leg!
Отправлено: 03.08.2015 19:43
this thread is worthless without pics!
В теме: 100 - hot_winter
Отправлено: 03.08.2015 19:40
Я читал это, но понятно же, если начинать так, то будет детренировка.
Отправлено: 03.08.2015 19:34
Pardon my being blunt, я не знаю как там мой перевод, но вот День 50, это ж надо все переписывать по новой. Я это читать не могу.

Заодно вычитал немного свои мифы о кардио и некоторые другие тексты. правки внутри постов.</quote>

Пиши свой вариант перевода в комментарии к тому посту, будем править!</quote>

нет проблем.

Россия Москва
Отправлено: 03.08.2015 18:00
ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, создавайте новые темы постов с переводами, чтобы у каждого перевода была своя тема на форуме, чтобы всё в одну кашу не превращать</quote>

Ок. Завтра так и буду делать