Отправлено: 02.09.2015 11:03
отказные в плане "устал делать без остановки и опускания плечей - слез". Чтобы плечи не опускать.
Отправлено: 02.09.2015 07:55
<quote name=mtbrDot post="196115">
Второй пункт тоже непрост: необходимо добиться роста силы не используя утяжелений. Т.е. воспроизвести эффект лифтерских тренировок без использования утяжелений. Возможно сверхмедленный темп может помочь тут. Тут гипертрофия должна быть больше, чем в случае развития анаэробной мощности.</quote>

Попробовал сделать 100 подтягиваний за тренировку, чтобы убить мышцы насколько возможно. Чёта эффекта убийства не ощутил. Заняло 24 минуты (12 подходов на каждую вторую минуту вместо 60 сек между - 14-10-8-8-7-...-7), делал уже на усталости от предыдущих нескольких дней, поэтому первый подход такой вялый для меня. Видимо 100 мало, мне надо больше - 150, как писал drill instructor (http://www.leatherneck.com/forums/showthread.php?28822-The-Recon-Ron-Pullup-Program-GUARANTEED-to-have-you-doing-20-pullups&s=b591e4c40864024181f78a40b4080bbe&p=331894&viewfull=1#post331894)

Для интересу сделал еще 300 отжиманий кучей. Это прилично нагружает, грудные болят на следущий день. Сделал 30-30-30-30- ... -20-20. Не считал сколько подходов, на каждую вторую минуту опять.
Отправлено: 02.09.2015 07:45
<quote name=WasD post="196810">
Если есть хоть какие-нибудь плюсы быть интравертом в определенные моменты жизни (ну не знаю, может быть у них умение сосредотачиваться лучше развито, хотя я о таком не слышал), то человеку нужно уметь включать/выключать интровертность. Потому что мы живем в таком мире, где ну оооооочень важно умение общаться с другими людьми (для всего). И оооооочень часто за этим словом "интроверт" скрывается просто боязнь чего-то. Ну например неудачи в общении, или что не примут в компании или ещё чего-то. Как в той реклами про "Невозможно - это всего лишь громкое слово", очень точно подмечено.</quote>

Это антинаучно. Дело не в каких-то страхах или зажатостях, а просто потому что вот так. Кто-то любит тишину, кто-то шум. Кто-то людей не любит по своим причинам. Преодолеть это можно, но основу это не меняет.

Я интроверт и мало того, мизантроп. Людей ненавижу: тупые эгоистичные скоты на 99%. Сколько себя помню в сознании, лет с 4, всю жизнь примерно так и считал 😉

ЗЫ WildCat насчет левшей в СССР верно подметил. Не было у нас ни левшей, ни плюрализьма мнений и много чего прочего 😉
Отправлено: 01.09.2015 14:31
<quote name=ogrudko post="196713">
Уточнение - тянуть мышцы на разминке не нужно, это приводит к ухудшению как показателей работы, так и повышению травматизации.</quote>

+100500, никаких растяжек. Тем более для такого сила-зависимого спорта.
Любая растяжка мышц снижает её максимальную силу на некоторое время!

Растяжку можно делать только ПОСЛЕ тренировки.
Отправлено: 01.09.2015 13:59
потому что выражение to work out и work-out имеют вполне определенные смыслы. Поэтому то, что вложили туда изначально три-пять человек размывается до уровня смыслов толпы.

Сайт вот про воркаут, а кто тут реально этим занимаются, каков процент умеющих делать элементы? Стодневщики и прочие примкнувшие неудачники (вкл. меня) - это ж ОФП, conditioning, calisthenics.
Отправлено: 01.09.2015 09:52
<quote name=WildCat post="196590">
Ну еще кросфитеры ну очень серьезные парни</quote>

Сдуру можно сломать всё что угодно! Ещё раз: если ты ведешься на мотивационные видео кого бы то ни было (в том числе и включая крутые воркаутерские видео), ты ищешь себе приключений на одно место. Я теорию читать начал тоже после того, как словил в первые полгода такую перетренировку, что три недели по лестнице то еле ходил и педали еле-еле крутил, такая одышка была. Но ничего, по молодости быстро отпустило. В лыжах, к примеру, такое заработать еще быстрее - там нагрузка на сердце еще больше, по гормональной системе удары сильнее. Или гребля та же.

Я же вижу пацанов которые придут на площадку (в т.ч. и с девками), сделают пяток элементов и сваливают. Вот и вся тренировка. Это я уже наученный опытом (в том числе как раз был пару раз серьезный перетрен), со своим списком травм (включая идиотские), уже никуда не рвусь.

вот табличка, совершенно стандартная, от "гуру" Joe Friel, обращаем внимание на зону 5с:

весь вопрос как долго и как часто (поэтому ВНИМАТЕЛЬНО читаем/слушаем Селуянова).

Отправлено: 30.08.2015 20:04
<quote name=WildCat post="196558">
mtbrDot т.е. регулярно загонять пульс в "красную" зону и писать что Селуянов ошибается это как понимать? Скромный такой намек что я настолько тренирован что самого Селуянова посрамлю или после 41 года смерти уже не ранние а вполне себе средне/поздние? 😁</quote>

Я описываю реальность соревнований. Людей которые этим занимаются - тыщщи и тыщщи, но мрут они в среднем хуже чем незанимающееся население. Для того, чтобы добиться эффектов описываемых Селуяновым надо быть полным идиотом, чтобы не слышать собственного организма. Он обычно подает сигналы сильно заранее. Тут как в анекдоте про еврея и Бога.

Это я конечно о взрослом населении. Про описываемые эффекты в растущем организме ничего не скажу.

Опять же, из личного опыта, здесь важен скорее накопительный эффект, когда гоняешь на тренировках и еще и соревнования. Организм уже вялый, работать не хочет, а ты его на морально-болевых заставляешь работать. Анаэробные интервалы на высоком пульсе не вредны - организм самонастраиваемая система и просто отказывается работать в таком режиме долго, если его не заставлять стимуляторами. Опасно делать это часто и еще сверху полировать регулярными стартами. По молодости еще получалось так издеваться над организмом, а сейчас у меня в качестве предохранителя срабатывает иммунитет.
Отправлено: 30.08.2015 08:58
Это всегда возможно, т.к. мелкие пороки сердца трудно уловимы, но они являются причиной ранних смертей. На самом деле все лишь умеренно печально 😉

Вот хроническая перетренировка сердце может угробить - мышца недовосстанавливется. Делай "кардио"! Должна быть аэробная база в любом спорте
Отправлено: 29.08.2015 21:47
Еще одно отступление к теме. В чём прав Бородач: чтобы сломать сердце надо очень постараться. В чем неправ Селуянов, ответ из практики:

В возрасте 20+ у меня в гонках длиной 40-60минут средний пульс был 180+, а максимальный, на подъемах в 30-90 секунд длиной, около 200. Максимальный зарегистрированный был 204. Сейчас выше 191 не видел уже лет пять. Максимальный средний за гонку - 184, в возрасте 30.

На марафонах по 3-4 часа средний пульс всегда был выше 170. Экг, эхокг делал многократно, т.к. жаловался на покалывания в груди (в третий поход к врачам наконец поставили межреберную невралгию и после курса у мануальщика проблема ушла) - никаких изменений в сердце нет.

Сейчас максимально высокий пульс наблюдаю на подтягиваниях на максимум, видел 181, но текущий пульсометр лажает сильно. Бёрпи давали максимум 178. 400 метровые отрезки бега 184. Но вообще на круговых тренировках когда пульс уходит за 170 секунд так на 60 уже бошка отключается. Занимаюсь с пульсометром почти всегда - привычка. Я из любителей в свое время одним из первых начал его использовать. К сожалению текущая модель порядочное говно, на подтягиваниях датчик плохо работает. На 1000м что недавно бегал датчик одевал, там было скучно: не смотря на жару 168 средний и 179 максимум. Схалявил.

По Селуянову я уже давно должен был ласты склеить.
Отправлено: 29.08.2015 19:33

Day 86: How to build a training programme

The programme will be soon over and you will be on your own way in workout but we want you to be prepared for this moment and have enough knowledge and skills. One of our college teachers said that the most important task of higher education to give knowledge on learning. We think this is a correct idea since it is not possible to give students all possible knowledhe and answer all possible questions but if a student knows how to find answers for his or her questions their they will fare well afterwards. After the programme ends the question arises how to train further, which schemes to use, which programmes to follow and how to build your own programmes and so on. This is what our today’s post about!

If you read a typical interview with a typical workouter then you might get an impression that they do not follow any programme and gain significant results. It is actually true but it works when you get to a very high level. There is an analogy: imagine a newbie and a kung-fu master. The master achieved all possible knowledge and now can train as he wants but the newbie is only at the beginning of the road and he has to follow simple and coherent schemes not not miss or forget anything to gain results. These are the laws of kung-fu. Workout is the same. Until you reach the highest level (and you will know when you arrive there) you need a programme to follow.

There are some basic rules to build a programme you need to follow to make your programmes work. Here they are:

your programme should reflect your goals. Decide what you want first, then decide on the means. To gain mass or to lose fat - these are different goals and their means are different.
your programme should take into account your fitness level and your individual characteristics. We have already warned you against ready-made programmes from the Internet. You need to learn different exercises, schemes, find out your weak and strong spots. After that you are able to build a programme yourselves.
heavy impact or complex exercises always come first. You have enough strength and concentration to perform them (after a warm-up, essentially). The harder the exercise the close to the beginning it should be. You can always do your abs in the end.
your programme should comprise exercises for all major muscle groups. Even if you do not like to do a particular exercise, you should do it. We do like to do exercises we success in and do not like to do those we are bad at. That is the wrong way, the way to imbalance and probable injury. That is why a programme should be built with logic and analysis not with emotion. For instance, if you do not like to train legs, then put them on Monday. You do away with legs on Monday and the rest of the week is for your liking.
you have to build your programme into your daily routine. It is useless to build programmes that you cannot implement. Build your programme based on your abilities, available time and equipment. Use your imagination and invent your own exercises. That is a good warm-up for brains too.
your programme should use progressive workload. The only thing that changes your body is stress. Stress is there when your body is not ready for it. If you keep doing the same programme over and over again then your body will adapt to it and your progress will stop. You need to keep increasing your workload and there are many ways to do it: choice of exercises, rest period, exercises sequences.

Remember, that no programme works forever. Our bodies have an amazing ability to adapt to stress (and this is great for everyday life and bad for workout). That is why you should change your programme from time to time or create a new one. Stress is one of the keys to progress. That is why it is worth to change an element of the programme once a month (for example). You can change exercises, re-order them, change rest periods, change tempo, number of reps or sets. What is important that you need to try to increase workload progressively. It is not only about sets and reps (total time under stress), it is possible to introduce heavier exercises, change technique. Programmes are not set in stone, they are a means to progress, they are subject to constant change because they have to bring you closer to your goal. If there is an element that does not work or stops providing any positive effectit has to be changed.

100 дневный воркаут - Содержание

Number of exercises, number of sets and repetitions, rest periods they all are individual. There are lots of parameters here, starting from goals and fitness level and finishing with intensity, tempo and time limitations. Follow the rules written above and define your numbers according to them.
Отправлено: 28.08.2015 19:21
Day 85: Freestyle workout

Another week of the advanced block is gone and we are seven days closer to the new year and the end of the programme but it is too early to celebrate. We have another two weeks of killer training ahead of us. First, as usual, the results of the last week:

Day 78: Advanced technique #5
Day 79: heavy duty training
Day 80: workload and exertion assessment. part I
Day 81: workload and exertion assessment. part II
Day 82: injuries
Day 83: vector of force
Day 84: consumption vs creation

The day has come: the first day of the final advanced block week! It is time to summarise what we have learned so far. Time to sow and time to reap the rewards. Let’s go!

We understand that many have issues with bringing freestyle elements into their training because we have been doing in the same rounds for the whole programme. Now we propose the following:

This week start your session with a warm-up the try something freestyle, then do your rounds (if you cannot do without them or you cannot do freestyle training to provide enough workload). You can also use freestyle training while doing your rounds if you feel like it.

Finally, freestyle. Freestyle is the soul of workout. Without freestyle workout is just a bunch of elements and advanced calisthenics exercises. Freestyle makes workout something bigger than that, something different. To understand workout you need to learn how to do freestyle. When you get it you will understand what is the real difference between basic conditioning and calisthenics and workout. Believe us! This is fun!

A brief piece of freestyle from Beast with movement in space

There is another one from our former site guru, Niko81:

We think you are already getting it. There is a couple of classics:

Freestyle is not show-off, not tricks. This is a new way to train. A new approach to old well-knwon exercises that makes them interesting and more efficient.

If you have been able to perform all advanced techniques than you have enough strength and knowledge to try a bits of freestyle. It can be a little combination, we all started from something small. Stop doubting and go ahead! The most curageous can post your videos in replies.
Отправлено: 28.08.2015 18:48
Завершил 78-84. Беру следующий блок 85-91.
Отправлено: 28.08.2015 18:47
Day 84: Consumption vs creation

(пример с учёбой может быть не понят - т.к. на западах система отличается от нашей, больше самостоятельной работы в виде эссе и исследований. Да и вообще он не очень релевантен, кроме как для автора - я бы выкусил его нафиг)

Since the next week is dedicated entirely to training this is the post about how we spend our free time.

I had been able to successfully graduate from high school and got into college, there was no workout, I had little free time and did not fare well in college. When I was in my second year in college, I got into some trouble with studying. Although I could do well as an average student, it was getting more and more clear that I needed to fill gaps in fundumental knowledge and other areas that we were taught in.

Let’s digress a little. I think that studying in college is quite simple. All you need to learn all the answers to all the questions you are asked during exams. That is it. If an exam is in form of questions (in 90% of cases it is true) all you need is the answers and this task is not that hard. I would say that publishing exam questions long ahead of the exam is a carte blanche for students. I do not understand why so many ignore it.

Now getting back from the digression. I got dumbbells as a present and used them for a little while until I injured my elbow and read a book by John Adair ????? (точное название книги из его библиографии?). About the same time I read that IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad likes to split his whole day into small periods of time to increase his efficiency. Literally it sounds like this:

Time is your most important resource. You can do so much in ten minutes. Ten minutes, once gone, are gone for good. Ten minutes are not just one-sixth of your hourly pay. Ten minutes are a piece of yourself. Divide your life into ten-minute units and sacrifice as few of them as possible in meaningless activity. Most things still remain to be done.

I got hooked on that idea. I thought that 10 minutes is too small a piece and decided to break my day into 1-hour periods and even bought a timer that looked like a chicken (probably in IKEA). Thus I was aable to control my activities and change them every hour. My major goal was to catch up with my fellow students and I was switching between different subjects I had to study. It looked like this:

1 hour: a book on psycology
1 hour: training
1 hour: rest
1 hour: a book on econometrics

Those days I did not spend much time on entertainment and other diversions, did not mingle with people. I was able to concentrate on my major task.

The whole text above is only an introduction to today’s infopost. After spending some time I got to the idea that I was only consuming that had been done before and not creating anything for other people. I was thunderstruck. I understood that I have not only to consume but to create. When I am talking about creation I am not talking about global things, I am talking about small things we are able to do ourselves. It is easier to them in the areas you really like and the only issue is to find out what you really like. The most simple way is to create information, to create a blog, for example. If you are interested in electronics and can build a boombox make a post about it. You can be quite surprised to learn how many people on the Internet share the same interests and look for this kind of information. If you like to play all the new games at Google play or AppStore you can start writing reviews which might help others to make their choice.

I want to tell you that we live in times when you can drown in information wave and, on the other hand, it is hard to find really useful and relevant information. Just look at the number of fitness sites and gurus with their advice and programmes. How many of them are really useful?

Грамматика тут: “более того” - ни к чему не прикреплено из ранее сказаного!

Более того, сложившаяся ситуация уже предоставляет ….

However, this situation provides great opportunities for creating content, not just for consumtion of it. In the early days of the Internet the only way for to create a site and wait until first users stamble upon it. Social networking turns everything upside down. People learn about interesting things in a blink of an eye. Another example: Istagram + love of cooking = cooking blog with recipes. What if you are a chef deep down inside?

The nature of man is to create. Creative effort made thhuman being and we live in the world with everything in it created by efforts of other people. The world is not perfect and has innumerable issues but it is better than it has been and its issues are just challenges and probably they are challenges for you.

P.S. It is said that the best to understand something is to try to explain it to others. Believe me this is true.
Отправлено: 28.08.2015 17:12
"Vector of force" возможно лучше как заголовок.
В теме: Day 83: Force vector
Отправлено: 28.08.2015 15:25
Тяжелая для меня тема: я не специалист в этой терминологии, поэтому надо внимательно меня вычитывать. Может быть много косяков по терминам

Day 83: Force vector

We do not know how good you are at physics but we hope that after today’s post you will change your attitude. If you look into any exercise you will see that they all are based on Newton’s mechanics! Only mechanics defines efficiency of exercises for different muscle groups not an opinion of a certain internet coach or an article in a glossy magazine.

This infopost uses information taken from the article of Dmitry Kalashnikov “Legends and myths of bodybuilding” since we do not have our own material on this topic yet.

First of all, we need to look into the words “muscle is loaded (stressed? worked?)”. It means that some homeostatic changes occured while it was doing mechanical work (because the muscle has to spend energy to do any work and this process produces free creatine, lactate, H+ ions). Workload tires the muscle and fatigue results in changes in adaptation. We are not interested to know if the muscle did any work. It is not enough to rely on our own feelings like “I feel how tense my muscle is, then I know it is working”. The muscle can be tense but it does not mean that it works against load. The muscle can be tense from other causes but we will talk about this later.

There is a question how do we know if the muscle is working against load? It is pretty simple. We know that work is being done against outer load. If we find the load and it is significant enough then we know that the muscle works against it. If we cannot find the source of the load then the muscle is not loaded, it has nothing to work against.

Taking into account that all movements of our joints are circular, the force that makes them rotate under liad is called torque and equals force multiplied by lever. The Lever is the shortest distance between centre of rotation to the point where the force is applied.

Let's look at the picture showing the bench press exercise with hands at shoulder width (narrow grip). The barbell is lowered below chest with elbows at the sides. We will see the following picture from behind and the side:

You see that the force that pushed the barbell goes through the elbow hence the lever equals zero and torque is zero as well. This force does not flex elbow therefore the tricep does no work. Tricep is shoulder extensor but there is no external force to flex the shoulder hence the tricep does not work. The elbow flexes as the shoulder extends and vice versa.

Naturally, there is some tension in the tricep to provide balance and correct trajectory for the barbell. This process is often mistakenly called stabilisation. Besides, muscles get tense involuntarily because the body tries to include as many muscles as possible to spread load between them. However this type of workload is negligble compared to working against considerable exterior force.

Can we change the technique to put more stress onto the tricep? Of course we can. We need to create torque that flexes the elbow then the tricep will work counteracting this force. We need to provide a lever. This is possible to achieve by lowering the barbell closer to the upper chest (making a hybrid with french press, fig. 4) or pointing elbows outwards (fig. 5).

It seems like the exercise practically did not change, we only changed slightly the position of hands but with this little change we were able to redistribute load and put more emphasis on triceps. There is huge amount of such subtle changes in workout and fitness in general. If you want to make you traaining efficient then you always have to think what you do and why you do it squeezing maximum from every set.
В теме: Day 83: Force vector