Отправлено: 17.04.2015 07:24
Как вариант - вы абсолютно далеки от физических нагрузок и поэтому они оказывают на вас такой чрезмерный стресс, что не можете долго прийти в норму. В таком случае - уменьшить нагрузку, сделать тренировки чаще. Если такая тактика поможет, то ок, потом плавно увеличивайте объемы и интенсивность нагрузки и получайте профит. Если нет - то нужно опять же разбираться с врачами, думать над питанием. А такая реакция только на физ.нагрузку или бытовые стрессы/проблемы тоже дают бессонницу?
Отправлено: 17.04.2015 07:20
Ну хватит уже на эмоциях писать в духе: "не, ну я уже вон сколько лет бегу/плыву/прыгаю/тяну/пью/курю, и ничего - огурцом/молодцом/бодрячком, почему это другим нельзя. Бег/плаванье/воркаут/штанга/скакалка/лыжи - это вообще мегарульная штука. Как это вы тупые качки/дрищи/жиробасы/турникмены/бегуны/язвенники/трезвенники/алкоголики не понимаете таких простых вещей". 100-дневка - программа для абсолютных новичков в фитнесе, это целевая аудитория. Поэтому если вы специалист в любой из сфер и материал вам кажется дилетантским - ну так помогите сделать его лучше, качественней и профессиональней, но чтобы при этом он не терял своей доступности и простоты для целевой аудитории - абсолютных новичков.
Отправлено: 17.04.2015 07:14
Очередной запуск, очередной флейм на тему "а был ли мальчик"? 😃
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 21:20
Что будем делать с англоязычной версией? Я так понимаю желание / свободное время у переводчиков закончилось?
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 21:16
Выложил сразу и в основной форум 100-дневки, по тому что день этого инфо-поста. А здесь нужно причесать текст и заменить картинки на англоязычные (ролик с Нео и Пифией я поменял на англоязычный)
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 21:15

I wont beat about the bush because today we have awesome topic to discuss!
As Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

Believe me or not, but every time you think or say that you cant do something or things are too complicated for you or you are not ready for something, this makes you weak. Now im not speaking about some mysterious theory about positive thinking when universe rewards your positive thoughts. The universe could not care less about you. If you have doubts, look at these pictures.

Seriously, universe works on its own way and I doubt that it cares about your positive or negative thinking. But as I said before, your thoughts can make you weak or strong. This is real fact and its bound connected with self-fulfilling prophecies. I’ll explain it with next video

You can learn about this in Wikipedia (also see <url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmalion_effect">Rosenthal effect</url>) But lets go back to our topic.

Our behavior is related to our perception of our own (our perception depends strongly on what other think about us). If we live in “healthy” environment, feeling love, care and support then we will be more confident. If environment is “hostile”, we lose our confidence gradually. Noteworthy, that we react due to our perception of this hostility, but not from hostile action itself. Harmless joke from your colleague can slump you in deep dejection, make more irritable. In some time you can even quit. Instead other, more confident will laugh on this joke and live happily ever after. Same situation can lead to different situations depending on our perception and behavior.

This was one side of the coin. Lets take a look on another one. Many young men hesitate to communicate with pretty girls. We wont search for reasons of this, but notice that they have already decided (!) they are not deserve for such girl. Of course, these men will act miserably. Have you ever been in such place or situation when you are out of sorts? If you were, you remember how you tried to act accordingly to your feelings .

Our brain is amazing thing. It can do not only negatives, but positive things too. I can show you great list of different characters, who reached success believing it with full heart (for example Ron Weasley and fake potion of luck in “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince). But instead, remember some moments of your life when you felt that everything will be ok. And it really was, right?

But this is stick with two ends. Our thoughts affect on our actions. Likewise our actions affect our thoughts. When you are in low spirits - don’t despond, smile instead and see things in new light. Just try it. I believe your business will go up. Smile often, it’s useful skill.

I receive a lot of similiar letters from the visitors of my site. They say they are in bad shape, so wont go to make some street workout, instead train at home for some time. Unfortunately only few of them visit open workouts… That’s why I will tell you my own story.

I remember clearly my first steps in workout. It happened that I was only member in our team with no physical practice. Other guys practiced parckour and trained hard, but I played computer and tradable card games (and got some success in it). So I started form the very beginning (couple of pull-ups, no dips at all, etc.). But unlike others I was going to the spot and making my workout routines with everyone. The main point is to keep a healthy lifestyle, train with interesting people, share experience and have a good time. By the way, do you know that collective trainings are more affective then individual?

The first step Is the most difficult. You begin your new path, take a leap in the dark, guess what waits you ahead. But trust me your journey is worth to make this step!
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 21:11

I wont beat about the bush because today we have awesome topic to discuss!
As Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

Believe me or not, but every time you think or say that you cant do something or things are too complicated for you or you are not ready for something, this makes you weak. Now im not speaking about some mysterious theory about positive thinking when universe rewards your positive thoughts. The universe could not care less about you. If you have doubts, look at these pictures.

Seriously, universe works on its own way and I doubt that it cares about your positive or negative thinking. But as I said before, your thoughts can make you weak or strong. This is real fact and its bound connected with self-fulfilling prophecies. I’ll explain it with next video

You can learn about this in Wikipedia (also see <url="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pygmalion_effect">Rosenthal effect</url>) But lets go back to our topic.

Our behavior is related to our perception of our own (our perception depends strongly on what other think about us). If we live in “healthy” environment, feeling love, care and support then we will be more confident. If environment is “hostile”, we lose our confidence gradually. Noteworthy, that we react due to our perception of this hostility, but not from hostile action itself. Harmless joke from your colleague can slump you in deep dejection, make more irritable. In some time you can even quit. Instead other, more confident will laugh on this joke and live happily ever after. Same situation can lead to different situations depending on our perception and behavior.

This was one side of the coin. Lets take a look on another one. Many young men hesitate to communicate with pretty girls. We wont search for reasons of this, but notice that they have already decided (!) they are not deserve for such girl. Of course, these men will act miserably. Have you ever been in such place or situation when you are out of sorts? If you were, you remember how you tried to act accordingly to your feelings .

Our brain is amazing thing. It can do not only negatives, but positive things too. I can show you great list of different characters, who reached success believing it with full heart (for example Ron Weasley and fake potion of luck in “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince). But instead, remember some moments of your life when you felt that everything will be ok. And it really was, right?

But this is stick with two ends. Our thoughts affect on our actions. Likewise our actions affect our thoughts. When you are in low spirits - don’t despond, smile instead and see things in new light. Just try it. I believe your business will go up. Smile often, it’s useful skill.

I receive a lot of similiar letters from the visitors of my site. They say they are in bad shape, so wont go to make some street workout, instead train at home for some time. Unfortunately only few of them visit open workouts… That’s why I will tell you my own story.

I remember clearly my first steps in workout. It happened that I was only member in our team with no physical practice. Other guys practiced parckour and trained hard, but I played computer and tradable card games (and got some success in it). So I started form the very beginning (couple of pull-ups, no dips at all, etc.). But unlike others I was going to the spot and making my workout routines with everyone. The main point is to keep a healthy lifestyle, train with interesting people, share experience and have a good time. By the way, do you know that collective trainings are more affective then individual?

The first step Is the most difficult. You begin your new path, take a leap in the dark, guess what waits you ahead. But trust me your journey is worth to make this step!

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 20:30
Талант для этого иметь надо - складно писать. А мы только критиковать обучились </quote>
Тут вы уж правы. Талантов, которые пишут весело и задорно, но при этом не упрощают и сохраняют точность формулировок действительно на рунет, раз-два и обчелся.
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 20:26
ну не знаю, может повезло, что не было! там этот инфо-пост ваще был чумовой!!!
с гвоздями и гробами...в самое "кардио" (или в само) </quote>
Тот пост тоже был вырван из контекста. Автор того поста удивлялась, что тренируясь не-помню-сколько-но-много-часов-в-день не имела достаточно спортивного поджарого тела. Вообще каждый может легко устроить свою правильную программу с блекджеком и шлюхами куртизанками, но мне например лень 😛 и это ж сколько потрудиться для этого надо 😃
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 20:21
Постарайтесь дотянуть до продвинутого блока, там интересней будет
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 18:33
Кстати помнится мне еще в прошлом запуске поднималась шумиха по поводу низкого качества инфо-постов и как раз таки тоже про кардио возмущались товарищи марафонцы. Я попросил посодействовать, написать статьи, улучшить 100-дневку, но все на что хватило запала - еще раз пофукать инфо-пост в этом запуске (да, ребятки, и это таки камень в ваш огород 😛)
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 18:30
нет, это только мифы какие-то неправильные.
Окей, что вы вкладываете в понятие "миф"?
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 18:29
Даешь больше информативности в инфопостах!</quote>
Милости просим, но не так подробно как в вашем дневнике
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 16:53
А вообще по комментам - не понятно, почему господа циклики сделали вывод, что здесь ведется антипропаганда кардиотренировок?
Отправлено: 16.04.2015 16:49
При работе с большими весами ССС не развивается, пульсы там не высокие, 100-120 ударов, работы мало, отдых большой.</quote>
Пульс при работе с 1 ПМ тоже прыгает сильно.