Отправлено: 01.04.2015 10:54
Я думаю, что больше всех удивился, я. Понял, что шутка только на сообщении про 10 рублей за пост 😃 Самое веселое, что действительно вчера съездил к теще и объелся домашней выпечкой - сижу и думаю: "кто спалил? жена? но она не сидит здесь на форуме. брат? но он не был вчера у тещи" 😃
Отправлено: 01.04.2015 07:20
1) Не вредно
2) Можно
Желтки можно убирать, только если уж совсем выбиваетесь по жирам/калорийности и других способов как снизить их количество/калорийность вы не видите.
Отправлено: 01.04.2015 07:18
Но, блин, куда еще больше то?</quote>
А я недавно (всего 3 года назад), мог без проблем 2600 в себя за 1 раз запихнуть и по ощущениям было бы всего лишь "слегка переел". Следующий прием пищи был бы при этом по графику без всяких изменений. Организм наш такой удивительный - ко всему привыкнуть может.
Отправлено: 01.04.2015 07:17
Не было плюшек! Покажи видео! В смысле плюшки конечно были, но видео у вас нету, это точно!
Отправлено: 01.04.2015 07:15
Вы думали найти откровение?
Отправлено: 31.03.2015 21:08
Всем привет. Вчера присоединился к вам. Занимаюсь дома вечером после работы. Показалось слишком легко, но посмотрим как будет дальше.
Удачи и желаю дойти до конца программы
Отправлено: 31.03.2015 21:06
Возможно, только при достижении такого %% жира в организме... Ну может промахнулся в расчетах на 5 кг... Не обязательно бб, на турнике и брусьях при должном подходе это возможно. Тем более это идеальные так сказать параметры....</quote>
Да нет, помоему вы там тупо не пролазите по массе в такие размеры. 77кг с вашим ростом это во первых в талии - не 91, а скорее 81. А во-вторых более скромные объемы по всем мышцам. Или такие объемы, но вес не 77, а 87, тогда возможно возможно.
Отправлено: 31.03.2015 16:54
Вам с такими запросами в бб 😃 И вообще не уверен, что такое возможно при весе 77 кг.
Отправлено: 31.03.2015 13:54
Про это завтра
Отправлено: 31.03.2015 07:10
Силовые - это про 1ПМ всегда. Значения будут расти конечно, но опосредствованно.
Отправлено: 31.03.2015 07:08
Попробуйте добавить в круг австралийские подтягивания, возможно разными хватами, в медленном темпе для выравнивания баланса между левой и правой сторонами. Делайте упор на симметричность движений. Если есть доступ к гантелям - добавьте на несколько недель тягу гантели в наклоне и поочередные подъемы на бицепс. Если обнаружите в этих односторонних упражнениях дисбаланс в силе левой и правой сторон, работайте в односторонних упражнениях до его устранения.
Отправлено: 31.03.2015 07:04
Хотел спросить можно ли в каждом круге выполнять разные подтягивания или по программе только классические?</quote>
До продвинутого блока выполняете классические, а там уже дадим полет фантазии 😃
Отправлено: 30.03.2015 21:39

The fourth week of our “100 Days WorkOut” educational program is coming to an end, and during this week we have several times touched the question of rational and effective using of time. What would you do if you had more free time than you have now? Perhaps, it is not that 24 hours a day are not enough for living, but it is that you use them in an inefficient way? I believe that today’s info-post will make you look at your time in a completely different way 😉

Before we start, I have to remind you that today you will do the stretching exercises and train your flexibility instead of doing the circuits, I hope no one forgot about it.

!!! This day counts, regardless of whether you've been exercising or resting today !!!

Leonardo da Vinci had 24 hours a day, Nikola Tesla had 24 hours a day and Thomas Edison had 24 hours a day too! But that didn’t stop them from doing all those incredible things they had made. Thus, the question is not actually about how much time you have, but about how you spend this time and what you spend it on.

All written below may sound a bit pathosly, but the fact remains true, these three steps really work and will let you become more productive!

Step one: Create your vision

BBefore starting a journey, you need to have a clear view of your destination point. It’s not even that aimless wandering is quite merry and romantic, but it’s that aimless wandering won’t help you to reach the desirable goal. In real life it’s all the same, if you want to reach any goals (I’m speaking generally, not only in terms of health and appearance) you, obviously, should set these goals first.

It’s better to start targeting from general things to precise ones. Therefore, the simplest way to start is to close your eyes and to try to imagine yourself in the next few years. The time horizon may vary, but the most common is from 1 to 10 years. Try to make your vision as much accurate and detailed as possible. Now take a blank sheet of paper and write down on it all you’ve just imagined.

Very good, now you have not only your current reality, but also an idea of what you want to reach after some period of time. All you should do is to pave the way from the present moment to the desirable one, that is to say, to determine the tasks, which you will have to accomplish in order to achieve the goals 😉

Step two: Get rid of garbage

In fact, the first step not only helps you to compile a list of tasks, which will allow you to achieve the desirable result, but also provides another powerful tool! Now you can always question yourself ‒ “Does what I’m doing now get me closer to my goals or not?”

It’s a very simple question, but it will allow you to focus on reaching your goals and reduce the time spent in vain!

Someone once asked the sculptor Michelangelo how he created such magnificent works. “It's very simple,” replied Michelangelo. ”When I look at a block of marble, I see the sculpture inside. All I have to do then is to remove the outer covering.”

Step three: Do the things

After you have only useful things remained (or the vast majority, at least, we are not robots and we need to relax from time to time), it seems that now it’s time to do these things! But there is one thing you should do before this.

Split all your things into 4 groups, classifying them by importance and urgency. That is you’ll have the important and urgent things, important and non-urgent, unimportant and urgent, and, unimportant and non-urgent. Let’s take study and exams as an example. During an academic year the final exam is an important thing, but non-urgent. However, as the session time is getting closer, the final exam becomes more important and more urgent (especially, if you haven’t spent even an hour to prepare for it!). Thus, all your attention should be focused on things from the first two categories and the more things you do from the second category, the fewer things will appear in the second one (if you have the info-posts written in advance, you won’t have to write them in the evening). You should also try hard to decide matters and tasks from the third category, and minimize all that falls into the fourth one.

Actually, these three steps are pretty simple or even banal, but at one time they helped me with my self-organization and that’s why I’ve decided to share this with you. Hope they will help you too (and, perhaps, solve the problem of finding the time for training) and if you know any other useful time-management ‘hints’, write them in comments!

The parable of the time

Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every evening deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course!

Each of us has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow". You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness, and success.

The clock is running. Make the most of today.

To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a grade.
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth to a pre-mature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed the train.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just avoided an accident.
To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special; special enough to spend your time on them.
And remember that time waits for no one. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.

Understand the value of the moment. The time doesn’t wait for anyone. What happened yesterday is already a history. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow! Appreciate your time and use it to advantage!

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 30.03.2015 21:39

It is said that there is no limit to perfection, but I think that a lot of our participants question themselves how to define if they have already reached their optimal result or not yet. To answer this question I would like to give you a little walk to an economics theory..

One of the first things you get to know studying Mircoeconomics is Marginal Costs. To make it simple it is the costs which are created by producing one additional unit of goods. According to economics theory it is logical to continue growing the production until Marginal Costs become equal to Price of the goods (per unit). If production costs (including marginal costs) are lower than Price then we get profit, if they are equal, then we are conquering the market (without profit) and if they are higher than Price, then we are losing money! The very important moment you have to pay attention is that Marginal Costs, at first, decreases, then they stabilizes, then start to grow and then to grow rapidly. Let's have a look at the graph:

When we were talking about dieting as a lifestyle, we have already told you that your appearance is a consequence of a lifestyle you are living. Your lifestyle is a sum of different actions and decisions you make throught on a daliy basis. We sleep, we eat, we go to work, we eat again, we train, we go to sleep, repeat. But if you want to look good and be healthy, then you have to think about what you eat and how you train. You cant eat junk food and watch TV while running on a treadmill and hope to get good results!

I'm pushing you to the next idea. Let's imagine all people as a continuum. On the one side there are people who don't care about their health at all. They know nothing about clean food, they don't spend a single moment training and they look accordingly, some better, some worse. On the other side we will have bodybuilders and fitness models which amuze us with their physiques from the covers of magazines and internet articles. Their day is written down to minutes, what to eat, when to train etc, they spend a lot of money on different supplements (sometimes illegal), and this gives them RESULTS. But they dedicate all their life getting this results. Well, all other people fit somewhere between this two sides, and you and me too.

One of the goals of our 100 Days WorkOut program is to show people how to become stronger, healthier and sexier only because of regular bodyweight training and clean eating habits. No fancy fitness clubs, no personal trainers, no supplements, no strict dieting. We also have published results people get from WorkOut (and they are NOT professinal athletes or fitness models). And this results are achievable for everyone (or almost everyone 😉!

The whole question is how much time and energy you are ready to dedicate to this process. Ofcause, the more you do, the better your results will be, but you need to understand that you will have to make sacrifices on this way. After finishing our 100 Days WorkOut program you will reach a decent level and you will get a habit of regular training. If you will be satisfied, then all you will have to do is to keep that level. But if you will want to go futher, then you will have to do more! More strictly approach to diet, more training, less resting etc. And the greater the result you want to achieve, the more effors you will need. Should I mention that this efforts will bring you less and less results (marginal results I mean)?

So it's up to you to decide whether you have reached your optimal result or you are still working on it 😉

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 30.03.2015 21:38

In order to reach your goals in any chosen activity, you need to do just 4 things:

- Define your goals
- Make a plan
- Start working
- Control your progress

We marked our goals, made a plan, and work everyday, moving forward to our goals. So, today we will speak about controlling progress.

Why is it so important?

If you set a goal (build muscles, loose fat, make more reps), then you need to know how close you get to it. Besides, it’s useful to know which methods and protocols work better for you and which do not. Of course you can train instinctively, but if you are a newbie to workout and physical conditioning, I would recommend you start a diary. You will notate some sort of data in it. There are 3 main methods to control your progress.

Weight control

The most simple and popular method is to control your weight. Unfortunately, a lot of people misunderstand it or do not treat results properly.

We have already spoken about diets in the second week of our training program, but today I want you to remember one thing – weight on the scales is only a number, and it can be far, far away from your real results. Compare 2 pictures above . These 2 men have equal weight – 260 pounds but they don’t look the same! Now you can ask yourself what is important for you, numbers or result?

Measuring circumferences

Another popular method to control you progress is measuring circumferences of different parts of your body. Most often they are chest, waist, hips, biceps and shoulders. In order to monitor fat percentage, the most significant thing is waist measuring. You can find a lot of data to define “ideal ratios” for your body in the internet.

This method is far more objective to control your progress. I set quotes for ideal ratio for one reason. Every man and woman is unique, but also everyone has their own idea/concept of ideal. I am sure you already have a vision of your own perfect body, right? And of course you want to get this perfect body through hard training. But can you name what numbers/indices your body must have to get perfect? I don’t think you can.

Measuring circumferences is a good way to control your progress, but in the long-term you need some graphic representation. Oh yeah, one more thing. Don’t measure yourself very often, it is enough to do it once a month.

Making photos and video

And now we get to my favorite method to control progress. Why is it my favorite? Because in my humble opinion this method is the fairest (of course you need to relax and don’t contract your muscles and make photos in the same light conditions every time, otherwise, you will fool yourself).

The best way is to make photo using a tripod in the same place and lighting conditions with different stances. In this way you, will get objective pictures of yourself and see the progress of your training, instead of running a risk of some lucky shadow on your chest.

If you are able to record a video, this will be a great option! You can record yourself posing different stances (that is where you can do like bodybuilders), or doing exercises or anything that may help you to evaluate your progress.

Strength conditioning

The last method in our list is to check your progress through the count of reps and weights. Of course street workout is not one of those disciplines where reps are the main goal (in our case reps are the result of our training but not the main goal).But, anyway, you can use counts to control your progress.

If you made 10 reps clearly some time ago, and now can do 20 reps, then it is obvious that you’ve got stronger. If you couldn’t make a pull-up some time ago and now you can, then it is obvious that you’ve got stronger. If you made 10 bodyweight pull-ups some time ago, and you make 10 pull-ups with a 30-pound dumbbell, then it is obvious that you’ve got stronger.

In a short period of time you can notice that your strength doesn’t change or grows not as fast as you want it to. That’s why I remind you to NEVER set reps as your primary goal. For example, you do 10 pull-ups and set a goal to do 35 reps of them. You work hard, eat well and reach 33 reps of pull-ups? But can’t do 2 more. Are you a loser? Don’t you have any pride for the path you have gone from 10 to 33? So, keep working and while getting stronger your reps will grow too. If you have enough patience and motivation you will see results.

Of course reps and new tricks are not so simple as you can think about them. They show not only your growing strength, but also your adaptation to current workout routine. Remember that.


There is a saying telling us: “If you begin to workout, than after 12 weeks you notice first changes, after 24 weeks your friend will notice changes, after 48 weeks the whole world will see your changes!” I think this saying is not very far away from the truth. So, try not to hurry and control your progress every month or two.