Отправлено: 21.03.2015 15:57


Today is the last day of our training week, so I'm going to share with you one very interesting thought that has crossed my mind lately. It is said that you have to repeat an action for 21 days straight in order to develop a habit. Believe me or not, but fitness, training, clean eating and healthy lifestyle are slowly becoming a part of your everyday life!

Also I would like to remind you that today is a rest day, which we suggested you to dedicate to flexibility training and stretching.

!!! This day counts as a program day whereve you have trained today, stretched today or rested today !!!

Now, let's get to the topic of todays post! WorkOut is something much more than just working out with bodyweight exercises on street playgrounds. It's a lifestyle, and we want to make you familiar with it and it's philosophy. This is why we will use last day of each training week covering different interesting topics. Today we will talk about the rule of 10 000 hours!

According to the studies of Anders Erickson (sociologist) it take one about 10 000 hours of practice to master the skill to the world class level. While his studies were conducted on musicians (at first on violinists, then on pianists), but he makes a conclusion that the very same rule works, actually, in any other human area of activity. There is no difference, either we talk about music (most popular example is Beatles) or intellectual games (Fisher) or business (Bill Gates). 10 000 hours of practice and success, almost, guaranteed.

Despite the fact that we can doubt this rule (especially the exact number of 10 000 hours), but our common sense says that there is something right in it. The more time you spend on something, the better you become (especially if you understand what you are doing and not simply repeating after someone). And WorkOut is not an exclusion from this rule.

It takes a certain amount of time to learn from the scratch how to perform even basic exercises, such as pull-ups, push-ups and squats. This is why our program is build around circuit training approach and we ask you to focus your efforts on learning right technique. You have to learn the gammas before you could start playing music, rythms, dynamics, and so on.

While there is a certain barrier in overall quantity which you have to pass, it is also important to remember that our body has a limit of minimum and maximum number of training volume per day. If you train too little, the body doesn't get enought information. If you train too much, the body would be overtrained and too tired to concentrate on training. We have designed <url="http://workout.su/100dw">"100 Days WorkOut"</url> program according to this principle, so you could train everyday and not get overtrained. By the way, a small note to those who think that the starting 5-10-10-10 routine is not giving enough training load. Whose who will make it to the end of the program will do around 3500 pull-ups, 7500 squats and 6500 push-ups. Pretty tought, right? And pretty enough to master the right technique of this basic moves, ofcause, if you follow all our advices and watched your quality carefully!

Sadly, but I have to say this, too many people are rushing when it comes to training, and WorkOut and calisthenics is no exclusion. People try to learn elements and tricks before they have build the basics. And the only result they get from that is injuries. So, we suggest you not to rush. You are going to spend the rest of your life training and selfperfecting yourself, so a couple of months or even a couple of years don't matter in this case, if you really like what you are doing.

Probably, from the point of view of mastering the technique of the basic moves, it would be more effective to spend all 100 days doing the very same circles. But we also understand that this is not only physical training, but mental training as well. And bringing differencies to training routines leads to the decrease of mental load and makes training sessions more fun and interesting (especially for beginners). This is why we will continue to emphasize the value of clean technique, but we will bring some modifications to the programm later, making it more difficult and more interesting.

That's all for today, and, as I have already said, you may give yourself a rest or spend this day stretching, it's up to you 😉

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
В теме: Day 21. 10 000 hours
Отправлено: 21.03.2015 15:53

Last two days we have dedicated to <url="http://workout.su/forum_thread/5686">injuries</url> and <url="http://workout.su/forum_thread/5687">sickness</url>, so today I am going to talk about the right way to get back on a track after a break.

The most important thing to remember when geting back on a track after a break is that you come back weaker (!) when you were before the break. This is obvious, but a lot of people forget about this and don't take this into account.

While you would like to get to your past results as soon as possible, it is not the best strategy to go. You should rather get humble with your current results and take it as a starting point. Don't get locked in the past instead of moving forward? By the way, did you know that injuries people get while they return to training are one of the most widespread type of injuries? And I'm more than sure that none of you want to get another break because of new injurie when you have just get back on track from previous one just because of your own impatience.

When you get back from a break there is one main rule you should follow - the lesser - the better! It is better to give slightly less training load and slightly more time to recover, but be injurie and overtrain proof. As for me, I usually start from 25% of training load I had before the break, and, depending on my health, I increase it during the following weeks. At first to 50%, then to 75% and then to 100%, so I get to the same point where I was. How much time it will take? Well, it depends on the length of the break and it's reasons.

One case is when you had a really though week and it was really hard to find a time for training, while you were absolutely healthy and so one. Another case is when you get cold and was laying in a bad for several days with high temperature. Third case is if you get muscle strain or any other injurie. Here also can't be any universal recommendations, but if something hurts for more than a week, you should get your self to a doctor to discover the reasons. If you want to keep training after being injuried, you should better talk to sport doctors, because they are specialized in getting people back in training as fast as possible.

In any case, when you get back to train after a break, you should shift the focus from the training itself to warm-up and cool down. When you train regularly, your body remains in an "active" state, but then you give it a break your body loses that state and it takes time to bring it back. Don't forget about it.

Talking about our very program 100 Days WorkOut, I would recomend you to get back with the starting amount of circles (2-4) and lesser amount of reps. This is general recomendation, so I will tell you the logic that lies behind it, so you could make decisions on your own.

Our training program proposes such training load volumes so you would be able to recover during the 24 hours between training sessions. This is it's advantages because it allows you to train everyday and quite fast get back to the point where you made a break. On the other hand our program is based around 4 basic movements, which are combined in a circuit training styl, giving you maximum results perfomed exactly that way. So when you get back to training after a break I would recomend you to perform all needed number of circles with all exercises in each circle but with smaller amount of repetitions. You will do all exercise (so your whole body will be working), but you will have more time to rest between circles and you will be able to do more overall volume than if you tried to do your max but in smaller number of circles. May be I'm a little bit conservative about this questing, but so I am.

Regarding exact number of repetitions - I won't give any advices. One of the goals of our program is to teach you how to understan your own body and interact with it, and this can be done only by trial and errors.

I hope that I managed to answer the question and I want to wish well to everyone participating in our program, because we have a long way to go 😉

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 21.03.2015 15:47

There's one unspoken truth: . Yesterday I started a conversation on a very unconvinient topic (that, in fact, will eventually touch each and every one of us): injuries. So I've decided to cover this theme once more, as all of us are not invincible (and speaking of what, what should we do for real if everything we want are impressive training results?).

Every sickness is a stress for our entire body. Those times it gathers all the resources for solving the problem and escaping these troubles involving minimal harnessing consequences.

But the fact that isn't as obvious to some individuals as it could be is that in that state you MUST NOT train! Your body is already under stress and it spends energy to recover itself. So when you are ill and there's still a decision in your mind to train nevertheless, it's simply as if you are saying your body "yo dude, I don't think there's enough of pressure for you, here, take another portion". You are creating additional stress which is more likely to make the qhole situation worse and not better! Another question - what for are you doing this? For results? There will be no results if you make your condition worse after this one training session and it will take you a month more to recover. Or do you think that your results will be better after a month without training than after a couple of weeks off?

I know at least two more reasons which forces people to start training during sickness.

First reason - addiction to training. I don't want to tell you all that information about endorphines and dophamines and hormones and ect, but when you just in the very beginning of your training way, every training session is a real high for you. And with every sessions a need for this high is created in your body too. So you have to remember that you are going out to workout, not to get high! You are training to get results, not just to enjoy the process. I don't think that your ultimate goal is to train 100 days out of 100 Days WorkOut program. Your goal is to become better, become healthier, stronger and sexier! So remember this - everytime you train during sickness, you make a step in the opposite direction! Think it over.

Second reason - ego. Your ego tells you "man, I gave my word to train, so I have to train no matter what". Sounds familiar, right? But you are falling into the same mind trap once again! Because you are thinking about going to train because you gave your word, not becuase you want to get results! Why? Because results don't come during sickness, so there is no point in training when you are sick!

So, if you are sick, you are sick. No training sessions, no additional stress to your body, only calmness and recovering! By the way, when you will recover and get back on a track, don't forget to start slowly returning to your previous level. But we will cover this topic more in tomorrow's info-post. So that's all for today! Good luck and take care 😉

<url="http://workout.su/100dw">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
В теме: Day 19. Sickness
Отправлено: 21.03.2015 15:45
Читайте литературу, у вас большууууущая каша в голове.
Отправлено: 21.03.2015 07:36
Маловато белка в рационе, с общей калорийностью не столь понятно.
Упражнения в основном бесполезные для набора массы (на пресс, предплечья, дельты)
Отправлено: 20.03.2015 19:40
Так порадовали!</quote>
Отправлено: 20.03.2015 14:34
Ну как всегда - а куда движемся?
Отправлено: 20.03.2015 14:32
Я говорю именно о белково-углеводном окне, про которое говорят, что 20-30 минут и потом "все пропало". Как раз таки поддержание полноценности рациона и сбалансированности его макронутриентам на протяжении длительного времени более важно для результата, чем
подскажите какие продукты подходят для приема сразу после тренировки когда открыты какие-то там зоны?
И те же яйца стоит съесть до и после трени или без разницы? Что с молоком?</quote>
Отправлено: 20.03.2015 12:08
1. Какого типа отжимания больше нагружают нижние мышцы груди???
2. Какого типа верхней части?</quote>

Нижние пучки - отжимания от брусьев

Верхние пучки - когда ноги выше головы (но не в стойке на руках)
Отправлено: 20.03.2015 07:21
Вот вы глазастые! Да, пока 3, но в будущем, 4, а затем и 5. Инфо-посты мигрируют по дням 100-дневки, а внутри правки мы не всегда подмечаем, поэтому и возникают такие ляпусы по тексту.
Отправлено: 20.03.2015 07:19
Как Антон и другие гуру умудряються держать локти близко к корпусу да ещё и руки на его уровне могу только догадываться, все не так но худо-бедно главное выполняю - подтягиваюсь.</quote>
Так за счет мышц спины руки и удерживаются в плоскости тела, для того и тренируем.
Отправлено: 20.03.2015 07:18
тролли такие тролли</quote>
Надеюсь вы поняли, что не стоит слишком беспокоиться о составе еды до/после тренировки, всяких там белково/углеводных окон.
Отправлено: 20.03.2015 07:11
FAQ по похудению</quote>
Там не все обязательно к исполнению, но если воспринимать информацию как советы и от чего-то отталкиваться, то сойдет
Отправлено: 20.03.2015 07:09
Потому что один и тот же продукт названный иным словом вдруг имеет совершенно (на треть) разный ГИ.</quote>

О светоч знаний, единственный разумный человек, покинувший нас, дураков и вещающий нам теперь из-за океана. Расскажите нам пожалуйста, о, гуру, как <url="http://www.glycemicindex.com/foodSearch.php">картошка, приготовленная разными способами</url> может иметь разный ГИ. Потому что не только мы, неразумные холопы ничего не смыслим в науках, но также бросаем тень на (о, ужас) англоязычные базы данных. Чего категорически быть не может. Ибо кто такие мы, несчастные сектанты, и кто заокеанские ученые, в общество которых вы умчались и покинули нас, горемычных. А письмен заграничных мы не знаем, буквы между собой путаем, потому переводы выходят крамольные. Без вашей мудрости основы секты нашей подорвутся и горе падет на нас от наших закулисных спонсоров.

З.Ы. Зрите в корень, а не цепляйтесь за цифры. Один и тот же продукт, нарезанный по разному (!) имеет разный ГИ, проваренный разное количество времени имеет разный ГИ. Что не меняет сути - наличия усредненного ГИ по данному продукту. Вот такие мы кролики, да
Отправлено: 19.03.2015 22:14
п.с. доктор в травмпункте сказал месяц ходить в бандаже, а потом 3 месяца спортом заниматься тоже в бандаже. я так и поступил (хотя у меня даже больше месяца прошло, как я начал чтото немного делать в спорте). доктор обычный, не спортивный всмысле.</quote>
Лучше врача, который вас осмотрел лично, вам тут на форуме точно никто не посоветует.