Отправлено: 14.03.2018 11:02
По питанию - все очень сложно.</quote>
Да ладно. Что там сложного то? 😃
Отправлено: 14.03.2018 09:06
Пытаться считать потраченные калории - бесполезное занятие. Считать нужно потребление, смотреть результат и в зависимости от него вносить необходимые корректировки.
Отправлено: 14.03.2018 07:38
На пяти кругах уменьши количество повторов и дальше уже смотри как пойдёт.
В теме: По 100 дневке
Отправлено: 14.03.2018 07:00
Да легко можно посчитать. Взял печень, взвешал, забил в формулу, посчитал. Сердце, почки также. Делов то 😁
Отправлено: 14.03.2018 04:22
Рома, какой творог? У тебя в одной яичнице их больше сотни уже! 😁
Отправлено: 13.03.2018 16:18
Ну уже вполне неплохо)
Отправлено: 13.03.2018 07:43
Если игнорировать дискомфорт в суставах, то далеко не уйдешь.
Отправлено: 13.03.2018 05:16
<quote name=Tolle post="432809">
Лучше уж просто записывать, сколько грамм еды за день схавал.</quote>
Если каждый день питаться одним и тем же, то норм схема.
Отправлено: 13.03.2018 04:35
А вот тут всё более подробно и ближе к нашей теме, в том числе про дефицит креатина и бета-аланина.

In general, vegan diets tend to be lower in Calories, protein, fat, vitamin B12, n-3 fats, calcium and iodine than omnivorous diets, whilst concurrently being higher in carbohydrates, fibre, micronutrients, phytochemicals and antioxidants. Achieving a high energy intake is difficult in some instances, owing to plant-based foods promoting satiety. Issues with the digestibility and absorption of nutrients such as protein, calcium, iron and zinc might be an issue too, meaning that athletes might need to consume higher amounts of these foods compared to omnivores and other vegetarians. However, through the strategic selection and management of food choices, and with special attention being paid to the achievement of energy, macro and micronutrient recommendations, along with appropriate supplementation, a vegan diet can achieve the needs of most athletes satisfactorily. Supplementation with creatine and β-alanine might offer augmented performance-enhancing effects in vegans, who experience low pre-existing levels of these substances, and further research is needed to investigate the performance-enhancing effects of these substances in vegan populations. For some, a vegan diet is the manifestation of important ethical beliefs, and requires diligence to sustain [5–7]. It is a central tenet of this article that similar conscientiousness needs be paid to achieving dietary sufficiency, otherwise health and performance could suffer over the long term if an individual’s nutrition is not managed appropriately.

Отправлено: 13.03.2018 04:26
Единственное, что по сути сказал - если чувствуешь дискомфорт - значит делаешь что-то не правильно.
Отправлено: 13.03.2018 04:08
In summary there is evidence that a vegetarian diet protects against cardio-vascular disease, particularly heart disease, and there may be some health benefits related to diabetes and colon cancer. Evidence is lacking, however, for any benefits related to other cancers, other conditions, or mortality rates. Whether the benefits are related to not consuming meat/meat products or having a higher consumption of whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables is not clear. In addition, the fact that vegetarians generally have lower BMIs, lower blood pressure, lower alcohol intake, smoke less, have higher levels of physical activity and have higher socioeconomic levels confounds the issue. The take home message is that there may be health benefits to being a vegetarian, but these may be due mostly to eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol consumption and not smoking.

Отправлено: 13.03.2018 04:08
Protein. Research shows that lacto-ovo vegetarians generally get the recommended daily amount of protein, which is easily obtained from dairy products and eggs. (Women need about 0.4 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. Because the protein in vegetables is somewhat different from animal protein, vegans may need 0.45 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day.) There are many plant sources that can help vegans meet their protein needs, including peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, seeds, nuts, soy products, and whole grains (for example, wheat, oats, barley, and brown rice). Vegetarians used to be told that they had to combine "complementary" plant proteins (rice with beans, for example) at every meal to get all the amino acids contained in meat protein. Now, health experts say that such rigid planning is unnecessary. According to the American Dietetic Association, eating a wide variety of protein sources every day is sufficient.

Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is found only in animal products, but those products include dairy foods and eggs, so most vegetarians get all they need. If you avoid animal products altogether, you should eat foods fortified with vitamin B12 (certain soy and rice beverages and breakfast cereals) or take a vitamin B12 supplement to avoid a deficiency, which can cause neurological problems and pernicious anemia.

Iron. Studies show that in Western countries, vegetarians tend to get the same amount of iron as meat eaters. But the iron in meat (especially red meat) is more readily absorbed than the kind found in plant foods, known as non-heme iron. The absorption of non-heme iron is enhanced by vitamin C and other acids found in fruits and vegetables, but it may be inhibited by the phytic acid in whole grains, beans, lentils, seeds, and nuts.

Zinc. Phytic acid in whole grains, seeds, beans, and legumes also reduces zinc absorption, but vegetarians in Western countries do not appear to be zinc-deficient.

Omega-3 fatty acids. Diets that include no fish or eggs are low in EPA and DHA. Our bodies can convert ALA in plant foods to EPA and DHA, but not very efficiently. Vegans can get DHA from algae supplements, which increase blood levels of DHA as well as EPA (by a process called retroversion). DHA-fortified breakfast bars and soy milk are also available. Official dietary guidelines recommend 1.10 grams per day of ALA for women, but vegetarians who consume little or no EPA and DHA should probably get more than that. Good ALA sources include flaxseed, walnuts, canola oil, and soy.

Отправлено: 12.03.2018 18:43
Как вегетарианский рацион, так и рацион, содержащий мясо, имеют ряд преимуществ и недостатков - вот бы их как-то собрать в кучу и расписать.
Отправлено: 12.03.2018 18:42
Такая холиварная тема, а инфы...