Lord Vital: Everything Is Beastmode (2015) Documentary

Director: Ugis Rozenbahs
Video Credits: Ugis Rozenbahs
Year: 2015
Genre: Documentary, Biography, Reality-TV
Place: New York, Brooklyn
IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4554396/

Contact me: ugits2@gmail.com

Plot: First time you have a chance looking inside history of calisthenics legends Lord Vital aka Beast. Everything Is Beastmode (Workout team) founder and also known as rapper V12 Vital. Personal life, music, stories, different opinions, suggestions, workouts, unseen footage, Truth.

Lord Vital
Triple Love
Ugis Rozenbahs

Sponsored: Madbarz.com
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18.05.2017 15:22
Очень интересное видео!
18.05.2017 16:34
Ага. Странно, что его не было на сайте.
Только очень длинное )))