Vadim Oleynik - Born: 1994. Street Workout, Calisthenics Master, Online trainer. Nationality: Ukraine. Location: Warsaw – Poland
★ Vadim Oleynik ‘s Story ★
I started with MMA. I was doing MMA with 10 years and one day during a competition fight I injured my head and my fighting career was over. I was going to the hospital for one and half months following the incident. The doctor told me I would never be able to fight again. After this accident I started with basic exercises like pull-ups, dips and pushups. I started Street Workout when I was 15 years old. At the time I really didn’t know what Street Workout was all about. I was only thinking about getting a perfect looking body, endurance and strength.
Now, street Workout is for me the real street life. I can practice everywhere I want. I do not have a trainer and my success is directly related to all my hard work. At the start of my street workout practice, a guy had told me that my techniques and moves were bad and that they were not really helping me. The first street workout video that I saw was after two years of doing street workout. It was the video called “Barilla vs. Hanibal” and Zef Zakavelli. After those two videos I began working on my endurance. Today I am doing only endurance trainings. It sounds crazy for some people but today my biggest motivation is myself. Because I recognized that I am inspiring and motivating other people through my moves. But the bigger part of my motivation is when I can travel all over the world to meet new people, new friends and to see new tricks on bars. My family likes what I do and is supporting me in any way. My father told me at the age of 6 to do pull-ups. He was saying it’s good for me. So the little Vadim began doing pull-ups since that moment. I come from Ukraine – Odessa. My home is in Kiev – Ukraine, but I moved for some time to Poland – Warsaw where I study and worked at an athletic center.

Vadim Oleynik ‘s Achvievements:
3rd place – Pull and Push Paris 2014
4th place – World championship Moscow
Judge – Estonian Championship 2013
2nd place – Ventspils Baltic Championship 2013
2nd place – World Championship Ryga 2013
4th place – World Cup Norway 2013
5th and 6th place – Moscow Final 2013

► Sport Motivation:
► Street Workout, Calisthenics:
► Bodybuilding & Fitness:
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