Отправлено: 25.03.2015 07:43
Считаю что эффективнее тренить отдельно. День на подтягивания, день на отжимания. </quote>
Почему? Сможет ли новичок дать нужный объем нагрузки на отдельно взятую группу мышц?
Отправлено: 24.03.2015 18:46
Круговые тренировки тренируют и силовые качества, и выносливость. А вы, насколько помню, с циклическими нагрузками знакомы, поэтому мое мнение - для вас классическая система подходов.
Отправлено: 24.03.2015 14:41
Вам - подряд, другим - может быть по другому.
каждый подход выполняется до отказа</quote>
Все таки решили попробовать себя на прочность по серьезному?
Отправлено: 24.03.2015 12:30
Почитал комменты - мысль следующая: сомневаюсь, что у кого-то будут проблем с недосыпанием, сонливостью, тяжелым пробуждением, если он (она) будет еженочно (очень важный момент!) спать не менее 8 часов. У многих даже такой базовый момент не соблюден (лично у меня, нет-нет, да и получаются на неделе "короткие" ночи по 6-7 часов, которые потом суммируются в хроническую усталость)
Отправлено: 24.03.2015 12:17
Заметила в этой стодневке, что жду тренировки с удовольствием и нетерпением! даже несмотря на усталость и занятость! надеюсь, такая тенденция сохранится!
в прошлой стодневке было несколько иначе, иногда приходилось себя заставлять..</quote>
Эндорфины бушуют? 😃
Отправлено: 24.03.2015 12:12
Огрудко, сам так приседаешь?</quote>
Делаю становую на одной с 20кг, приседаю на одной пока без веса, мне и так хватает. Я подсказал, что можно делать, имея такой как у вас инвентарь
Напиши свою программу и меню? И фотку с пляжа.</quote>
Зачем вам моя программа? Она решает мои задачи и учитывает мои ограничения. А что вам даст моя фотография?
Надо клепать стойки и штангу,а не отговорки искать</quote>
Не, ну так то я согласен, что зал вполне можно найти, чтобы тренировка стоила около 1$, в месяц - до 20$. Это явно не сумма, которую стоит экономить на своем здоровье/силе/красоте.
Колену смерть да и равновесие держать не получиться</quote>
Почему смерть? С равновесием конечно сложновато, естественно с гантелями такое делать нужно, а не со штангой.
Отправлено: 24.03.2015 09:53

How important it is to have enough sleep to get good results? Believe me it's really THAT important! Imagine a mobile phone which is working all day long, with all those additional stuff like WIFI, GPS, Internet and so on. Even with cutting edge technologies nowadays such phones would have enough battery only for like 12 hours. What happens when? You have to put it on a base overnight to recharge. This is quite similiar to whatever happens in your everyday life to you (not just to your phone)!. So if you would not have enough rest and recharge your batteries, you would not be able to use your abilities on 100%!

Sleep is a key component of your rest, this is why, ideally, you should always get enough sleep. Why? Because when you are sleeping, your body is producing high amount of growth hormone, testosterone and neurotransmitters. Also lack of sleep leads to the production of cortisol (stress hormone) which accelerates the catabolistic processes. In other words - sleep is good, no sleep is bad!

Here are 4 simple advices for whose who have problems with sleep:

1) Nurture the habit to go to sleep at the same time everyday. It may be difficult at first, but as the time passes the power of habit itself will make you easily go to sleep.
2) The very beginning of sleeping is characterizing with decreasing activity of body, so you can make it easier to fell asleep if you will behave more calmly, you can take a bath or listen to some relaxing music before going to bed.
3) So called "fast" carbohydrates (we have talked about them on the second week) also have "sleepy" effect on you (which is clearly felt right after lunch), so a small meal before going to bed would be good.
4) Don't watch TV or sit in front of PC before going to bed, because the streak images are stimulating your visual nerve and, respectively, your brain, making it harder to fall asleep.

Is there any more useful information about sleep? Sure it is, so we will update this info post with new things, and we will also appreciate your comments and questions!

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut</url>
В теме: Day 24. Sleep
Отправлено: 24.03.2015 09:46
Посоветуй какой клетчатки</quote>
Овощи и зелень же.

Как ноги воркаутеры качают? У меня больше 40кг нет, да и неудобно больше без стоек закидывать за шею.</quote>

А прикиньте приседание на одной с весом 40кг? Вообще сказка будет
Отправлено: 23.03.2015 23:03
хз, что-то не видно
Отправлено: 23.03.2015 16:11
Тьху ты, вы как ни разу на славянских днях рождений не были, там и килограммы влазят, и все живые 😃
Отправлено: 23.03.2015 11:07
Какая интереснейшая темка, почему я сюда раньше не заглядывал?
По сабжу - "Ветхий Завет", "Блоковая периодизация" Иссурин В.Б.
Отправлено: 23.03.2015 07:50

No matter how much time can you find per day to train, but you always must find enough time to rest! Because good rest is a key to success 😉


I don't think that it is necessary to once again remind you the importance of rest itself, so I will say a few words regarding resting after working out. May be for some people this would be big news, but in reality when you do train you do hurt your body, you destroy it instead of making it better. A good training sessions creates a stressful situation for your body, so it will have to mobilize it forces and find a way to overcome it.

Talking about muscles in particular, when you give them a bigger load than they have adapted, you create a demand for them to grow. Though they only grow AFTER training when you give them time to grow. But if you wont give yourself enough rest then each next training session will make you weaker, than you were even before!

Rest during rest days can be divided into two main categories: active rest and passive rest.

Active rest. If you are quite active during your everyday life, then I'm more than confident that you already have enough active rest between your training days. If you go to play football with your friends, or go hiking or somekind like that - it's all can be described as active rest. The main difference between active rest and strength training is that you dont load your muscles to their limits. You are active, you are moving, but your body has adopted to such level of training load so it's not perceived as stress.

Passive rest. Everything that can't be related to active rest falls into this category. Watching a movie in cinema, reading a book, going for a walk with a friend and so on. It may be rather difficult for people who only begin working out to stay in a given regime, beause they are constantly thinking about training and getting results as soon as possible, not giving enough time to rest. By the way you can spend your rest time on very useful activities which are not related to sport at all 😉

Answering the questions which type of rest should be more preferable, I can say that it's all very individual and depends on a bunch of factors which makes your life. You can find a lot of information on the net about the precise time your muscles have to rest between trainings, about the precise time you have to train, how many sets and reps you have to do and that you can't train everyday and so on. But I always give out one advice - listen to your body! During our "100 Days WorkOut" program one of our main goals is to teach you to listen to your body and understand what it is trying to tell you. Because no one in this world would know you better than yourself! And all this information on the internet, at its best, is average

Also I would like to remind you that our "100 Days WorkOut" program is designed the way that you would sucessfully recover in 24 hours between training sessions. This is achieved because we don't do reps till failure. There would be a lot of info-posts during ADVANCED block about different training principles and techniques, which require more time to rest, but any way, it's all individual 😉

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
В теме: Day 23. Rest
Отправлено: 23.03.2015 07:49


Another 7 days of our program are left behind and, by tradition, a short review of the info-post for these days:

Day 15. Proper breathing
Day 16. Learning of pull-ups from scratch
Day 17. Calluses from pull-up bar
Day 18. Injuries
Day 19. Sickness
Day 20. How to resume trainings after a layoff
Day 21. 10 000 hours

Now let's get back to today's topic!

Today we are going to talk about two basic principles, without which it’s almost impossible to succeed. These two principles are Quality and Persistence. Let’s consider each of them in detail 😉


Be always focused on performance quality, not on quantity! As the proverb says "Don't count the rep, make every rep count!"

When you’re doing an exercise, you have to focus on the process. There’s no need to think about how many reps or how many circuits are left. Moreover you don’t have to think what you’ll do after workout and what else should be done today. When you train – you train! Consider this as a process of meditation and give it a due attention! This approach will not only increase the efficiency and reduce the risk of being injured, but it will also bring you a peace of mind, because you’ll be able to use your trainings as a way to leave the problems and duties of the contemporary world for some time, and dive into your own world of self-perfection, where you’re getting better every day.

It would be great to record video of you performing the exercises, as it may give you a view from a different angle and let you objectively estimate your technique and mistakes you've been doing. Sometimes we are totally unaware about them until someone points out!

Don’t get upset, if your technique isn’t perfect or there are some gaps in it in the beginning (well, for example, your pelvis is weighed down during the push-ups). If you’re just starting your trainings, these kinds of shortcomings can happen simply due to the muscles, which are not accustomed to this exercise. On the other hand, if you’re not a beginner, the shortcomings can be caused by doing of the exercise with the wrong technique for a long time, and getting you accustomed to do it that way.

There is, still, a huge difference between understanding what you are doing and simply repeating, but we will talk about this subject in the upcoming info-posts. Now we shall proceed to the second important principle.


I don’t want to upset anyone, but only a regular training can help you to achieve something. To illustrate this idea, let’s imagine that your desirable result is a brick house. It is unlikely that you would be able to build a whole house from the ground in one day, but if you still try, you’re much more likely to rupture yourself rather than succeed in it. But if you’ll be working on the construction of your house day by day, brick by brick, then, over the time, you will build it. Your training sessions are those bricks that you use to get the desirable results, therefore, if you won’t train regularly, the house won’t build itself, and there will be no result.

Besides, it’s impossible to understand a lot of the technique nuances deeply, if the exercises are not done regularly! Conversely, the more you train, the better you know your body, know how it works and you can gradually correct the shortcomings in technique by focusing on a particular moments, you’ll learn to feel and involve certain groups of muscles, which you didn’t notice before. Sooner or later (depending on your zeal 😉 you will succeeded and get the result that you dreamed of. And it will happen just because you gradually, step by step, made it towards your aim and getting obstacles out of your way.

A few words in the conclusion

There are moments, when it’s difficult to concentrate on exercise performance and this simply means that it is not the best time to train. There are days, when you absolutely don’t have time to train, but it only means that you’ll lay another brick tomorrow. In the long term these small breaks doesn’t matter. Sahara Desert doesn’t become less of Sahara Desert even if it’s raining sometimes. Because all other time it’s not raining! So, if you train regularly and keep an eye on a performance quality of your exercises, it’ll be all right and your goals will be reached!

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 22.03.2015 15:52
Мои цели - стать сильнее и выносливее, выработать привычку, развиваться, быть здоровой)</quote>
Кто ставит такие цели, помните, что нужно ставить понятные достижимые цели, краткосрочную, средне-, и долгосрочную перспективы.

Т.е. стать сильнее может подразумевать сделать выход на две (это будет длинная цель), для чего желательно научиться подтягиваться за 1 подход 15 раз и отжиматься от перекладины 20 раз (средняя цель), для этого нужно на этой неделе прибавить +1 к подтягиваниям на максимум (короткая цель), для чего на этой тренировке увеличить подтягивания +4 раза по сравнению с предыдущей тренировкой (цель на тренировку).
Т.е. - если стать красивее, то в чем это должно выражаться, сантиметры, килограммы, % жира, влезть в размер одежды, получить звание, сняться в рекламе и т.д.
Стать сильнее - в чем сильнее, сколько килограм, сколько раз, при каких условиях.
Стать здоровее - какие медицинские показатели должны улучшиться, каике свойства организма повыситься.
Отправлено: 21.03.2015 20:42
Я всё это понаписывал что бы услышать твоё авторитетное мнение, так как из всех писателей на форуме именно твое мысли бъют как пули на повал, а ты меня по сути отфутболил.
Может как-нибудь, когда появится вдохновение, закинь своей каши сюда?</quote>
Вот я и говорю, чтобы не следовать бессистемно советам, не улавливая общей картины, нужно пойти одним из 2 путей:
1) разбираться во всем самому, много читать, смотреть, пробовать
2) найти тренера, который будет думать за вас

Мое мнение ни фига не авторитетное потому, что сам еще во всем только пытаюсь разобраться и не сказал бы, что достиг особых успехов за 2 года хотя бы в каком-нибудь из поприщ (питание, периодизация, физиология, анатомия и т.д.). Могу только подсказать, какие источники смотреть, чтобы поменьше натыкаться на всякий мусор из глянцевых журналов.