Отправлено: 02.02.2015 11:39
Судя по вашим переводам, вы себя недооцениваете, имею в виду школьный уровень, даже не хочу вспоминать, какой уровень английского обычно бывает после школы...
Тоже думал про словарь спортивных терминов, но мне кажется, оный уже должен существовать, надо будет поискать в интернете, наверняка у лингво, или еще каких языковых лабораторий может что-то быть. Погляжу.
Что касается модерирования 100-дневки и знания базовой терминологии, - будем надеятся, что англоязычные участники смогут нам тоже помочь с переводом некоторых выражений и терминов, хотя, в идеале, лучше бы сразу использовать правильную терминологию... но, думаю, это не вполне реально на все 100%.
В теме: Day 4. Squats
Отправлено: 01.02.2015 23:33
Олег, маленький вопрос можно? Вижу по тексту слово "lead-in", в контексте подводящих упражнений. Перерыл словари по этой теме, неоднократно натыкался на такой вариант (хотел использовать у себя в переводе), но он, по моему скромному мнению, какой-то неправильный. Он ближе к русскому слову "вводный", а не подводящий. И в какой-то англоязычной статье наткнулся на выражение "precursor exercise", которое мне очень понравилось.

Словарь Лингво говорит:
precursor LingvoUniversal (En-Ru)
сущ.; книжн.
а) предшественник; предтеча, предвестник
б) (the Precursor) рел. Предтеча, Иоанн Креститель
а) физ. предвестник
б) хим. предшественник

Что-то в этом есть? Может будем использовать в будущем?
В теме: Day 4. Squats
Отправлено: 01.02.2015 23:04

For many people, including me, WorkOut began after watching unusual push-ups, demonstrated by Bartendaz team:

To be honest, I was also very impressed by them, but to be able to do those tricky things, you have to learn the basic push-ups before. And that is what today’s info-post is all about!


Push-ups is a basic compound exercise, done on the floor (or any other surface, not necessarily hard one). The main muscles involved are pectoral and triceps. Indirectly loaded muscles are anterior part of deltoid, forearms, small hands muscles, lower back muscles, abs and quadriceps.

Key Moments

- The bigger the range of motion of a movement, the more muscles are involved during it, therefore try to push-up till you touch the floor with your nose or chest
- When you do a push-up, keep your arms, back, stomach and legs muscles strained, your body should form a straight line and keep it during the entire movement
- To get maximum results you should lower slowly and lift fast
- You should do the push-ups using the strength of your pectoral and arms muscles, no other way
- Breathe in while moving downwards, breathe out while moving upwards

Exercise Overview

In spite oftheir efficiency, push-ups are one of the safest exercises in workout! Nevertheless you should implement the following rules of a proper technique:

- A movement should be carried out using the natural trajectory
- Do not bend backwards or arch your back, do not bend at your waist, imagine the straight line going through the back of your head, between the shoulder-blades till your buttocks, this straight line should be kept all the time
- Do no jerks, no sharp movements or waves
- Do not crane your neck or squeeze your chin down, you should look straight ahead
- In case of any unpleasant feelings stop doing an exercise and try another variant

The exercise itself could be divided into 4 parts:

1. Get in the starting position with your hands apart slightly wider than shoulder width
2. Tense the whole body, try to form a straight line from the back of your heat till your heels
3. Bend your elbows, lower down your body till you touch the floor with your nose or chest
4. Unbend your elbows using only arms and chest muscles (no swings!) and get back to the start position.

Alternations (easier variants)

If you’re not strong enough yet to do standard floor push-ups, you may use the following variants as the precursor exercises:

When your own strength is not enough to do the standard push-ups, then knee push-ups is your new best friend! They let you feel your chest muscles working and let you learn how to bend your elbows right way, .


Hands position. If you’re a beginner, I would recommend you to choose a comfortable position for your hands at the distance of your shoulder width (+/-) and to drill just those kinds of push-ups during the BASIC block. ADVANCED block will give you an information on how to involve different muscles and their bundles by using the various hands positions (narrower/wider), but at the current stage the most important thing for you is to learn a proper technique!

Feet position. The wider the distance between your feet, the easier you can do the push-ups and vice-versa. You may also try to put one foot on another 😉

Depth. Although, as it was said above, the most effective push-ups are the deep ones, somebody may feel a discomfort when the elbow angle is sharper than 90 degrees. But that is all right, you may continue to do the exercise the way you find comfortable and gradually increase an amplitude of movement, thus preparing your elbow and shoulder joints.

Wrists. Some people may experience pain, when they start doing push-ups. It’s all right, it's natural and it is caused by wrist stiffness, especially if you don’t have experience in floor push-ups. I would recommend to choose a maximum comfortable palms position, strengthen your wrists gradually and try to get accustomed to it. There is also an option to substitute floor push-ups with knuckle push-ups (or to use push-up bars) and simultaneously develop the wrist flexibility with the proper stretching exercises.

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Day WorkOut – Contents</url>
В теме: Day 5. Floor push-ups
Отправлено: 01.02.2015 16:23

Second week of our educational program is over and along with that we have also finished the compulsory part of the BASIC block. 36 interesting and useful info-posts of more general character are waiting for you in the next days and meanwhile I suggest to make a summary of the past 7 days:

Day 8. Calorie balance
Day 9. Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates (Part I)
Day 10. Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates (Part II)
Day 11. Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates (Part III)
Day 12 Glycemic index
Day 13 “Tags”: ready-to-use food plan
Day 14 Diet as a lifestyle

Now let’s get back to the point. The first thing I’d like to tell you about is proper breathing during the exercises. Surely, we had already touched this issue in our info-posts on pull-ups, push-ups and squats, but in our experience, it should have been presented in a separate info-post, so you can properly digest the information, so to say.

Proper breathing

I suppose, everyone knows that you have to breathe properly during a workout. Unfortunately, a lot of people, and especially beginners, instantly forget about it during their training and start to breathe randomly or even hold their breath during the exercise stress (and it’s not good). At the same time, just proper breathing, which is synchronized with the exercise process, can let you significantly increase efficiency and improve the results of your training.

Here are the common rules of breathing during the exercises:

[1] take a breath before the start of an exercise (and each repetition during it);
[2] exhale during positive phase of an exercise;
[3] inhale during negative phase of an exercise;

Example: Pull-ups. Come to a bar and put your hands on it. Take a breath. Start to contract your muscles (by pulling your body up) and at the same time start to exhale. Ideally, at the top point all air should be exhaled. Then start to straighten your hands and inhale the air, while lowering your body down. At the bottom point inhale the volume of air needed.

It’s hard for me to say something about the depth of breathing, but it should be comfortable and, obviously, it depends on tempo of execution (there will be an info-post on this issue too). I mean, the faster the tempo, the less volume of air you can breathe in/breathe out (just to have time to do an exercise) and vice-versa.

By the way, a few words about recommendation on breathing through the nose. There are 2 main reasons for that:

- This method allows you to heat inhaled air, so lowering the risk of overcooling – and at the same time the warm air is kept inside (what is important for the cold time of year).
- Also nasal mucosa and tiny hairs filters the air to sieve out the dust and microbes;

At the same time, if you’re exhaling with your mouth, it can help you to let the air out faster.

Also, it should be noted that proper breathing depends on type of an exercise that you do.

Strength exercises, which we do in our 100-day workout program.

It’s recommended to make an exhale at the time of the maximum muscular effort and inhale, while the muscle effort is the least.

Always remember that the breath holding is prohibited. The thing is during an inhale the intra-abdominal and arterial pressure increases as well as physical load on the cardio-vascular system. Obviously, an additional load from a performing exercise would be unnecessary. Moreover, it’s easier to concentrate an effort during an exhalation. Therefore, if you start to notice that you’re holding your breath, this means that the current exercise is too difficult for you and you have to decrease exercise intensity.

Stretching exercises. This group contains all different kinds of bending exercises, rotations, swings, hands and legs circling movements, basically all exercises that are usually included into warming-up. It also includes the exercises for flexibility development.

Relaxation (stretching) of muscles should be done during an exhalation, while returning to start position should be done during inhalation respectively.

Cyclic exercises. Walking, running, bicycling, swimming etc. All these exercises can be classified as aerobic.

In such exercises it’s very important to catch a rhythm of breathe, which would correspond to the movements and try to follow it. Irregular, with pauses, or on the contrary, hurried breathing can break the rhythm of running, cause the problems with coordination and doesn’t provide the proper lung ventilation.

<url="http://workout.su/100DW">100 Days WorkOut - Contents</url>
Отправлено: 24.01.2015 02:29
Не только не БАЯН, но от души респектую за ссылку! Добавим их базу сразу в обновленную версию сайта! </quote>
Отлично! Думаю, это поможет многим, т.к. здесь несколько больше воркаутеров, чем на сайте у правительства 😉

Если нужны наклейки для площадок - ты всегда можешь их получить (бесплатно!) в магазине WORKOUT на Соколе - http://workoutshop.ru/content/82-roznichnyy-magazin-vorkaut-moskva</quote>
Здорово, спасибо! Я как раз на Балтийской 15 работаю, - совсем рядом 😃 Заглядывал уже в этот магазин месяц назад примерно... дорога проторена 😉
Отправлено: 24.01.2015 01:20
Всем салют! Решил, что мое первое сообщение на форуме должно быть полезным, посему не стану рассусоливать о том, что сейчас прохожу 100-дневку "вне сезона", а перейду к делу.

Набрел на одну интересную подборку площадок для воркаута в Москве и, судя по текущей карте на сайте c 340 площадками на момент написания поста (поправьте, если неправильно углядел), многие не учтены.

В подборке по ссылке ниже их 879, ко многим есть фото, координаты GPS и другая информация, правда, не берусь гарантировать что все до единой до сих пор стоят на месте, т.к. актуальность базы указана как 22.08.2014 (кстати, ее можно скачать прямо с сайта в форматах xlsx, csv и docx)

В базе есть 3 площадки в моем районе, которые не указаны на карте сайта workout.su, а значит, наверняка, существуют и другие площадки, которые могут быть интересны заинтересованному кругу лиц😉

Короче, Склихасовский заканчивает нудить и дает ссылку на "Портал Открытых Данных Правительства Москвы", где в разделе "Физическая культура и спорт" лежит эта база. Называют это наши городские власти "тренажерные городки (воркауты)":


P.S. Надеюсь не боян, поиском по сайту похожего поста не нашел (плохо искал?), расширенный поиск Google также ничего не дал.