Zef vs Irvin front levers. This front lever routine is something Zef and myself have been trying to do for a long time. Needless to say I need to work on my front levers. This was an epic meet up and the advanced calisthenics routine by the bar barians is not a joke. We actually did several routines this on this day. From pull ups, muscle ups, push ups and so much more. The high volume routines certainly give you a run for your money no matter how advanced you think you are. Just another one of those zef workouts that blow your mind by the amount of endurance. This is the essence of street workout. You want to really see how awesome people are? Look no further. A couple of the guys managed to bang out 100 pushups after performing the pull up routine, which is not an easy task.

Featuring: Myself (Irvin Felix John), Zef, DOC (TeamWingate), Shredda (Master Shredda), Bam Baam, Snooop, Young Beast, Kofi,

Check me out on Social Media:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tfj_ceo/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IrvinSupraJohn
Website: http://www.thefitnessjournals.com/

Music by : https://www.youtube.com/user/Kyran14
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